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MBeans deprecated in favor of Pega API

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

The use of MBeans for cluster management has been deprecated, although MBeans will continue to function for legacy deployments. The recommended best practice for automating system management is to use the Pega API. For more information, see Pega API.

Upgrading to the secure threading mechanism for email bots

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

In Pega Platform™ version 8.6, Pega Email Bot™ includes a more secure threading mechanism to help track emails from customers and other stakeholders in separate threads for an email triage case.

Upgrade impact

If you upgrade from Pega Platform version 8.5 or earlier, in which you configured an Email channel, perform the following steps to ensure that your system uses the new secure threading mechanism:

  • Update the service email rule that the system uses to send an email reply as the initial acknowledgment.
  • Update the email reply template in the data transform rule that the system uses when a customer service representative (CSR) sends the reply.

For more information about creating an initial acknowledgment email and email reply template, see Creating outbound email templates. For more information about the secure threading mechanism, see Use a secure threading mechanism in emails.

What steps are required to update the application to be compatible with this change?

For the initial acknowledgment email used by your email bot, update the service method for your email listener rule. On the Response tab for this service email rule, expand the Message contents section. In the Message data section, you specify the rule that defines the structure of the content of the email body. In Pega Platform version 8.6, you use for this purpose the pyEmailAcknowledgement correspondence rule that takes into account the selected built-in template. This template includes the security code tag that the system uses for the secure threading mechanism. If your application uses a different rule in the Message data section, update this definition to match one of the built-in correspondence template rules, for example, EmailAckTemplate_Clear.

The pySetEmailBotReplyTemplate data transform rule sets the name of the email correspondence rule that the system uses as the email reply template. If you do not want to use the default approach using the Classic, Cobalt, or Clear outbound email template themes, override this data transform rule to set the email correspondence rule name for the Param.ReplyTemplate target in the Source column field.

For more information about how to update the service email rule and the data transform rule to ensure that your system uses the secure threading mechanism, see Upgrading to the threading mechanism available in the 8.6 version.

Data schema error on z/OS split schema upgrades from versions before Pega 7.1.8

Valid from Pega Version 4.1

When upgrading to a split schema on Pega 7.x with IBM DB2 for z/OS, you see an error during the data schema upgrade when the system tries to drop the PRPC_Updatescache procedure. Because triggers on rules tables use PRPC_Updatescache, you must use the ZOSDisableTriggerScripts to disable these triggers before you update the data schema.

  1. Follow the instructions in the Pega 7 Platform Upgrade Guide to upgrade the rules schema, but stop immediately before you upgrade the data schema with the upgrade.bat or script. The Pega 7 Platform Upgrade Guide is on the Support > Deployment Guides page.
  2. Copy the contents of the <distribution>\ResourceKit\ZOSDisableTriggerScripts directory into the <distribution>\scripts\ directory.
  3. Run fixZosTriggers.bat or with the following arguments:
    --action preupgrade
    --dataschema <data schema name>
    --oldrulesschema <old rules schema name. If you are upgrading from a single-schema system, this is the data schema name.>
    --newrulesschema <new rules schema name>
    --automaticddl <Optional. Set to true to automatically apply the disable trigger SQL scripts.>

    For example:
    fixZosTriggers --action preupgrade --dataschema pegadata --oldrulesschema pegarules --newrulesschema newrules --automaticddl false

  4. If you did not set --automaticddl to true in the previous step, run the <distribution>\schema/disable.sql script to manually disable the trigger SQL scripts.
  5. Run the data schema upgrade as described in the Pega 7 Platform Upgrade Guide.

Internal rules in search results and explorers

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

Using old: is no longer supported in search. You can include internal rules in search results and make them available in the Application and Records explorers. Include internal rules in search results either by adding the PegaDevelopmentruleset to your application or by clicking the Enable diagnostic features option in your operator preferences.

Ability to include all properties in search results

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

You can now include all properties in a class in search results so that they can be used in report filtering. When the Enable search results for all properties option is selected on the Custom Search Properties rule form, all top level and embedded page scalar properties for the class are indexed and returned in search results, and all embedded page list, page group, value list, and value group properties for the class are indexed but not returned in search results. Selecting this option might affect performance.

In addition, by default, properties defined in the Data-Tag-RelevantRecord instance for a class are indexed and returned in search results and do not need to be explicitly configured.

You must reindex search after selecting or clearing Enable search results for all properties and after changing the properties that are defined in the Data-Tag-RelevantRecord instance.

For more information, see Specifying custom search properties.

SAML single sign-on is easier to configure

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

Implementing SAML single sign-on (SSO) login authentication in your application is now less complex. You can now configure most requirements that used custom activities or Java code in previous releases from the Authentication services form.

For more information, see Creating an authentication service.

Support for controlling binary file upload in Pega Mobile Client

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

The Client Store API of Pega® Mobile Client has been modified so that you can suspend and resume the process of uploading binary files to the server. You can also check the state of the file uploading process. As a result, custom mobile app users can process their work items without having to wait for the synchronization process to finish.

For more information, see Pega Mobile Client API methods for controlling binary data upload and Client Store API.

Support for large binary data item storage in Pega Mobile Client and offline case attachments in Pega Platform

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

Pega® Mobile Client can now store and synchronize large binary data items and their corresponding actions from the action queue on Android and iOS devices. As a result, custom mobile app users can view, attach, and delete data files, whether the device is online or offline. For this function to work, you must enable offline case attachment support, which allows your custom mobile apps to synchronize case attachments between the Pega Platform and the mobile device.

For more information, see Enabling offline case attachments support and Client Store API.

Extract data from Pega Cloud to an on-premises database

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

You can now use Pega® Business Intelligence Exchange (BIX) to extract data from Pega Cloud to an on-premises relational database management system. Extracting data from Pega Cloud directly to an on-premises database improves efficiency by eliminating the need for file extraction and the development of a file extraction infrastructure.

For more information, see Extracting data from Pega Cloud to an on-premises database.

Section preview added for templated sections in Designer Studio

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

When you create a templated section, a preview displays on the Design tab of the Section form, showing how the section will look at run time. The section preview immediately shows the results of each design change that you make as you add, move, or delete elements, resize the section, or modify the application skin. By helping you visualize the section's runtime appearance, section preview reduces rework and saves you development time.

For more information, see Section preview shows changes in real time for templated sections.

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