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WebSphere log error with Java 8 for Enterprise JavaBeans

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.8

For environments that are deployed by using Java 8 on IBM WebSphere Application Server version through the last 8.5.5.x fix pack, the log might report that a class was not found when the application server attempts to start Enterprise JavaBeans. If Java EE functionality is not needed, no further action is required. However, to use Enterprise JavaBeans, see WebSphere log error with Java 8 for Enterprise JavaBeans.

Apply logic to data import fields

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

When importing data from an external system, you can translate data fields into values that can be read by Pega® Platform. From the Import wizard, you can do the following actions:

  • Apply a decision tree or decision table to the data that is imported for a field.
  • Use imported data for a field to look up a value in another record. For example, you can look up the key of a record that uses an external identifier to populate a foreign key field.
  • Create templates that contain business logic, which eliminates the need to handle data transformations manually during preprocessing.

For more information, see Transforming data during import.

Expose properties in Decision Data Store

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

You can now expose properties in Cassandra-based Decision Data Store data sets. With this solution, you can update single properties in extended customer analytic records (XCAR) without having to update the full customer record.

For more information, see XCAR in Decision Data Store.

The Scratch Pad tool is no longer available

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

The Scratch Pad tool is no longer available. To add properties to a report from an end user portal, use the Data Explorer. The Data Explorer provides an efficient way to find a property or calculation to include as a column in a report.

For more information, see Data Explorer.

Add new commands in the Facebook channel preview console

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

Now you can not only edit existing commands in the preview console for a Facebook channel but also add new command responses and associate them with intents. For example, you can add a new response command in the preview console in a case in which you entered a command and no response was found for the generated intent. This functionality gives you more control over the Facebook channel configuration and makes the preview console easier to use.

For more information, see Simulating a chatbot conversation.

Enhancements to bulk editing options for unversioned propositions

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

Bulk editing options for unversioned propositions have been enhanced to allow the use of Excel for editing. You can export and import unversioned propositions into Excel by using the Import wizard. Additionally, data types replace decision tables as the new storage format for unversioned propositions.

For more information, see Data type management and Proposition management enhancements.

Enhancements to PegaUnit test cases and test suites

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

Several enhancements have been made to PegaUnit test cases and test suites.

  • You can now use advanced filters on the Automated Testing landing page and when you add test cases to a test suite to search for information.
  • After you run a test case on the Edit Test Case form or a test suite on the Edit Test Suite form, the header now displays the expected and actual run-time values.
  • You must now specify at least one assertion before you can save a test case.
  • You can now compare a property to multiple values so that the assertion passes if any property meets the defined criteria.
  • You can now use the is greater than and is less than comparators for date and date-time properties.

For more information about PegaUnit testing, see PegaUnit testing.

Execute Tests service now supports application name as a parameter

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

You can now use the application name and version as a parameter when running the Execute Tests service (REST API). When you build an application on Pega® Platform in a continuous delivery pipeline, you can use the Execute Tests service to validate the quality of the build by running PegaUnit test cases that are configured for the application.

For more information about the service, see Running PegaUnit test cases and test suites with the Execute Tests service in Pega 7.3.1.

Monitor application health on the Application Quality landing page

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

On the Application Quality landing page, you can view various quality-related data in one place so that you can monitor the quality of your application and correct any issues. The Application Quality landing page contains a summary of guardrails compliance, PegaUnit test coverage, and results of PegaUnit tests.

For more information, see Application Quality landing page.

View PegaUnit test reports

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

The Reports tab on the Automated Testing landing page contains tables and charts that display the percentage of rules on which PegaUnit test cases are configured, and the results of PegaUnit test execution. By looking at the data on this tab, you can see which tests failed and investigate them.

For more information, see Viewing PegaUnit reports.

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