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This documentation is for non-current versions of Pega Platform. For current release notes, go here.

Nesting dynamic containers not supported

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.1

Do not include a section containing a dynamic container inside of another dynamic container. This configuration may cause performance issues resulting in unexpected behavior at runtime, and is not supported.

All tabs are accessible on delegated rule forms

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.1

Delegates can now access all tabs in a delegated rule form.

You can continue to customize the development experience for delegated users, such as line managers, who may not require the full set of rule form options. For example, you can prevent users from adding new nodes on the Decision Tree form or using the expression builder on the Map Value form. All users, including delegated users, can remove these restrictions if they hold a rule-editing privilege.

For more details on this process and a list of commonly delegated rules, see How to delegate a rule.

Using Kerberos authentication with your database

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.1

Pega 7 supports Kerberos functionality. Kerberos is a computer network authentication protocol which allows nodes communicating over a non-secure network to prove their identity to one another in a secure manner. 


To use Kerberos for authentication, you must use the command line to install or upgrade Pega 7.


To use Kerberos authentication:

1.  Change the file.

a.  In the “Uncomment this property section” of the file, uncomment the property.  Based on your security infrastructure, different properties may be required as parameters to this property; provide the needed properties as semicolon-delimited name/value pairs:;prop2=val2;prop3=val3;

Example:  For an installation on a MSSQL database server from a Windows client machine (where both machines belong to the same Windows domain), using the Microsoft JDBC driver, the property may be set as follows:;


b.  Comment out all the username and password properties where they occur in the file, so that they appear as follows:

# pega.jdbc.username db username
# pega.jdbc.password db password

[lines removed here]

# pega.jdbc.username=ADMIN
# pega.jdbc.password=ADMIN


2.  Set up your database to enable Kerberos functionality.  This may include additional vendor-specific JDBC driver configuration, or other setup procedures.  Check the documentation from your database vendor to determine what Kerberos setup is needed for your database.


3.  Run the command line installation or upgrade by following the instructions found in the Pega 7 Deployment guides.

Run cleanup.bat/sh script only before upgrading

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.1

Prior to upgrading the rulebase, you can optionally run the cleanup.bat/sh script to remove older rules from the database.

Run this script before you upgrade your rulebase, or the script may delete needed rulesets. For more information about running the cleanup.bat/sh script, refer to the Upgrade Guide specific to your release version.

When using Oracle, left outer joins in reports may return incorrect results

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.1

When using  Pega 7 with Oracle , reports that use left outer joins may return incorrect results.

This is an Oracle known issue.  To resolve this behavior, upgrade to Oracle, apply the Oracle patch 16726638 by requesting it directly from Oracle, or, for Microsoft Windows installations, apply Windows Bundle patch or later.

For more information in this behavior, see:

Support for rule rebasing

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

You can now rebase the rules on your development server with the most recently committed rules from a centralized system of record (SOR). For example, after rules are merged on the SOR, you can rebase your development application to refresh your application with the merged rules. Development teams working in two separate development environments can share their changes, keep their local rulebases synchronized, and reduce the probability of conflicts with other development teams.

For more information, see Rule rebasing.

Support for Apache Cassandra

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

The Pega® Platform can now read data from and write data to an Apache Cassandra database. Apache Cassandra is a NoSQL database that you can use when a NoSQL database better meets your scalability and processing requirements.

For a list of supported and unsupported features, see Apache Cassandra support.

Apply logic to data import fields

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

When importing data from an external system, you can translate data fields into values that can be read by Pega® Platform. From the Import wizard, you can do the following actions:

  • Apply a decision tree or decision table to the data that is imported for a field.
  • Use imported data for a field to look up a value in another record. For example, you can look up the key of a record that uses an external identifier to populate a foreign key field.
  • Create templates that contain business logic, which eliminates the need to handle data transformations manually during preprocessing.

For more information, see Transforming data during import.

Expose properties in Decision Data Store

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

You can now expose properties in Cassandra-based Decision Data Store data sets. With this solution, you can update single properties in extended customer analytic records (XCAR) without having to update the full customer record.

For more information, see XCAR in Decision Data Store.

The Scratch Pad tool is no longer available

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

The Scratch Pad tool is no longer available. To add properties to a report from an end user portal, use the Data Explorer. The Data Explorer provides an efficient way to find a property or calculation to include as a column in a report.

For more information, see Data Explorer.

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