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This documentation is for non-current versions of Pega Platform. For current release notes, go here.

Deploy revisions directly in target environments

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

As a revision manager, you can now directly deploy or migrate completed revisions to multiple Pega 7 Platform environments that were configured as targets by the system architect. The revision management process is faster because you do not need to package a revision as a JAR file, and then manually import that file to the Pega 7 Platform. Additionally, this solution gives business users more control over application rulesets and enables them to act more independently.

For more information, see Direct deployment of revisions.

Flexbox support for all default layouts

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

To improve scalability, Pega Platform supports flexbox-based layouts by default in all its screen and column layouts and layout groups. You can convert existing layouts to flexbox-based layouts by selecting the Optimized code option on the Presentation tab of the layout.

For more information, see Screen Layout Properties.

Edit sections in Pega Express at run time

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

You can enable editing of sections that were created by a template. Run-time editing allows Pega Express business users to identify and edit sections that contain content. You mark sections as editable by selecting the Allow section to be edited at runtime check box on the Settings tab of the section. For more information, see Run-time editing of sections in Pega Express.

Data encryption across search nodes

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

You can now encrypt communication among search nodes. Encryption secures the data that is transferred across nodes so that it cannot be accessed by unauthorized hosts. Encryption is enabled by default for new installations and upgrades from Pega® 7.1.6 or earlier to Pega 7.3. Encryption is not enabled by default for upgrades from Pega 7.1.7 or later to Pega 7.3. You can enable and disable search encryption from the Search landing page or by using the indexing/distributed/enable_inter_node_encryption Dynamic System Setting.

For more information, see Enabling and disabling encryption for communication among search nodes.

Record Editor and data import enhancements

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

The Record Editor and Import wizard for data types have been enhanced to make the import process faster and easier to use. You can now perform the following tasks.

  • Configure the Record Editor to use full-text search, which makes searching faster.
  • Configure the location of the data import error file. For example, you can set the location to a shared location so that users can access the file from any node in a multinode system.
  • Pass the keys of the records that were added, updated, or matched directly to custom postprocessing without additional database I/O.
  • Search and filter records and export only the results instead of all records.
  • Stop an import that is in progress.

External keystore support in Pega Platform

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

Pega® Platform now provides the ability to source certificates and encryption keys from external keystores. You use the Keystore rule to specify alternatives to the platform's database to source certificates and keys. You can choose to use a data page, a URL, or an external file in one of the following standard formats: JKS, JWK, PKCS12, KEYTAB, or KEY. Keystore information is stored in cache memory only. It is not stored on the clipboard nor is it directly accessible to the application logic.

For more information, see Creating a Keystore data instance.

Decision Analytics portal replaces Predictive Analytics Director portal

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

The Decision Analytics portal replaces the Predictive Analytics Director (PAD) portal, the Text Analytics landing page, and the Adaptive Models Reporting landing page. In this new work area for predictive analytics and text analytics, the business scientist can control the full model life cycle by building predictive models, importing PMML models, building sentiment analysis and text classification models, creating and monitoring adaptive models, and updating any existing models.

For more information, see Overview of the Decision Analytics work area.

Create application guides that direct users through tasks

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

Use the new Application Guide rule to create a guide that directs users through a set of tasks. A task can provide instructions to the user and include links to a landing page, wizard, URL, rule, or data record. After you add an application guide to a portal, users can open the guide from the Resources menu.

For more information, see Creating an application guide.

Failed Robotic Assignments work queue type changed to Standard

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

The default Failed Robotic Assignments work queue type is now Standard. In previous releases, the default type was Robotic. For usage information, see Configuring a work queue for robotic automation.

Upgrade impact

After upgrading to Pega Platform 8.5 and later, you cannot save case types in which you configure the Queue for robot smart shape to route new assignments to the Failed Robotic Assignments work queue. Existing assignments that you routed to the Failed Robotic Assignments work queue are not affected.

How do I update my application to be compatible with this change?

As a best practice, do not use the Failed Robotic Assignments work queue in your custom implementations. Instead, configure the Queue for robot smart shape to route new assignments to a Robotic work queue. When possible, update existing case types to use the robotic work queues that you created in your application.

Savable data pages support loading pages individually from a page list

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

You can now load individual pages in a page list from single object data pages to your case and data types. This functionality allows you to save autopopulated properties with the Load each page individually option using a flow action, save data page smart shape, or the activity method.

For more information, see Saving data in a data page as part of a flow.

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