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Capture real-time feedback with Agile Workbench

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

Project stakeholders can use the new Agile Workbench tool to capture real-time feedback directly in an application, which can increase the efficiency of application development. You capture feedback by creating a user story, bug, or feedback item, and these work items can include video recordings of screens, annotated screen captures, file attachments, or URLs. In Designer Studio, you can configure Agile Workbench to integrate with Pega® Agile Studio so that bugs and user stories are synchronized between the two systems.

For more information, see:

Performance enhancements to the Strategy rule

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

Strategy designers can create globally optimized strategies to increase the performance of existing strategies. Globally optimized strategies reduce computation time and memory consumption when you run large-scale batch data flows and simulations. Improvements to the Strategy rule performance are the result of decreased run time and quality changes to the code generation model.

For more information, see Introduction of globally optimized strategies.

Create application guides that direct users through tasks

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

Use the new Application Guide rule to create a guide that directs users through a set of tasks. A task can provide instructions to the user and include links to a landing page, wizard, URL, rule, or data record. After you add an application guide to a portal, users can open the guide from the Resources menu.

For more information, see Creating an application guide.

No support for Android versions earlier than 4.4 on mobile devices

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

Pega® Platform dynamic layouts by default now use Flexbox-based rendering. As a result, mobile devices running on Android versions earlier than 4.4 are not supported in Pega Platform. Such devices cannot render correctly with Flexbox because the Pega Mobile Client includes the default stock browser on the Android operating system.

Edit sections across Pega Express and Designer Studio

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

Sections created in Pega® Express can be edited in Designer Studio, saved, and then reopened in Pega Express. This allows developers to create more complex, feature-rich sections and make them accessible to Pega Express users. In the section rule, you can convert template-based sections to full sections that no longer use a template.

For more information, see Harness and Section forms - Adding a section.

Multiple notifications are delivered for the same Pulse post

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

When a user posts a Pulse comment, the users who subscribe to the activity feed might receive more than one notification if the posted comment triggers several notification rules.

For example, when a user posts a comment on a case that he or she follows, any response to the comment can result in the following notifications:

  • Notification when a new comment is posted on the followed case (triggers the pyAddPulsePost notification definition)
  • Notification when a comment is a response to the user’s original post (triggers the pyAddPulsePost notification definition)
  • Notification when the user is mentioned in the comment (triggers the pyAddUserMentionedPost notification definition)

Pulse Extension points are deprecated

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

Beginning with Pega® Platform 7.3, Pulse uses the notifications feature to send notifications. As a result, Pulse extension points for email body, subject, and recipient list have been deprecated. Preferences set for Pulse notifications in earlier versions are no longer valid.

Use the alternatives listed in the following table to configure your Pulse message and notification preferences.

Deprecated extension pointAlternative extension pointCorresponding notification rule
pyInstantPulseNotification (Correspondence)pyAddPulsePost (Correspondence)pyAddPulsePost
pyReplyPulseNotification (Correspondence)pyAddPulsePost (Correspondence)pyAddPulsePost
pyMentionsPulseNotification (Correspondence)pyAddUserMentionedPost (Correspondence)pyAddUserMentionedPost
pyMentionsInNonCaseContext (Correspondence)pyAddUserMentionedPost (Correspondence)pyAddUserMentionedPost
pyNewPulsePostSubject (Field Value)pyAddPulsePostEmailSubject (Field Value)pyAddPulsePost
pyNewPulseFilePostSubject (Field Value)pyAddPulsePostEmailSubject (Field Value)pyAddPulsePost
pyNewPulseReplySubject (Field Value)pyAddPulsePostEmailSubject (Field Value)pyAddPulsePost
pyMentionedUserSubject (Field Value)pyAddUserMentionedPostEmailSubject (Field Value)pyAddUserMentionedPost
pyMentionedFollowerSubject (Field Value)pyAddUserMentionedPostEmailSubject (Field Value)pyAddUserMentionedPost
pyMentionedFollowerWithFilePostSubject (Field Value)pyAddUserMentionedPostEmailSubject (Field Value)pyAddUserMentionedPost
pyGetListOfEmailReceivers (Activity)D_pxGetCaseFollowers (Data page)pyAddPulsePost

To continue using the deprecated extension points, override the pyInvokepxNotify when rule and set it to return false.

For more information, see Management of user notification preferences.

Define partitioning of stream data sets

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

You can define partition keys for Data Set rules of type Stream to group similar properties and to process Data Flow rules that contain stream data sets more efficiently across multiple Data flow service nodes. Use this feature only for testing in non-production application environments.

For more information, see Partition keys in Stream Data Set rules.

Associate project management work items with application features

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

You can associate project management work items that you create in Agile Workbench with features in your application stack. Work items include bugs, user stories, and feedback. Associating a work item with a feature improves traceability in your application.

For more information, see Associating a project management work item with a feature.

Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) policies for APIs and REST services

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

You can now use cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) policies to control how external systems and websites (origins) are permitted to access resources such as APIs and services within your applications. For example, Pega® Platform uses CORS policies to restrict which Pega Robotic client applications can connect to your Pega applications, and to limit which mobile apps can call Pega mobile services. Using CORS policies results in reduced cost and implementation times, while providing increased security when other systems or websites interact with your application.

For more information, see Creating a cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) policy and Mapping an endpoint to a cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) policy.

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