Multiple notifications are delivered for the same Pulse post
Valid from Pega Version 7.3
When a user posts a Pulse comment, the users who subscribe to the activity feed might receive more than one notification if the posted comment triggers several notification rules.
For example, when a user posts a comment on a case that he or she follows, any response to the comment can result in the following notifications:
- Notification when a new comment is posted on the followed case (triggers the pyAddPulsePost notification definition)
- Notification when a comment is a response to the user’s original post (triggers the pyAddPulsePost notification definition)
- Notification when the user is mentioned in the comment (triggers the pyAddUserMentionedPost notification definition)
Pulse Extension points are deprecated
Valid from Pega Version 7.3
Beginning with Pega® Platform 7.3, Pulse uses the notifications feature to send notifications. As a result, Pulse extension points for email body, subject, and recipient list have been deprecated. Preferences set for Pulse notifications in earlier versions are no longer valid.
Use the alternatives listed in the following table to configure your Pulse message and notification preferences.
Deprecated extension point | Alternative extension point | Corresponding notification rule |
pyInstantPulseNotification (Correspondence) | pyAddPulsePost (Correspondence) | pyAddPulsePost |
pyReplyPulseNotification (Correspondence) | pyAddPulsePost (Correspondence) | pyAddPulsePost |
pyMentionsPulseNotification (Correspondence) | pyAddUserMentionedPost (Correspondence) | pyAddUserMentionedPost |
pyMentionsInNonCaseContext (Correspondence) | pyAddUserMentionedPost (Correspondence) | pyAddUserMentionedPost |
pyNewPulsePostSubject (Field Value) | pyAddPulsePostEmailSubject (Field Value) | pyAddPulsePost |
pyNewPulseFilePostSubject (Field Value) | pyAddPulsePostEmailSubject (Field Value) | pyAddPulsePost |
pyNewPulseReplySubject (Field Value) | pyAddPulsePostEmailSubject (Field Value) | pyAddPulsePost |
pyMentionedUserSubject (Field Value) | pyAddUserMentionedPostEmailSubject (Field Value) | pyAddUserMentionedPost |
pyMentionedFollowerSubject (Field Value) | pyAddUserMentionedPostEmailSubject (Field Value) | pyAddUserMentionedPost |
pyMentionedFollowerWithFilePostSubject (Field Value) | pyAddUserMentionedPostEmailSubject (Field Value) | pyAddUserMentionedPost |
pyGetListOfEmailReceivers (Activity) | D_pxGetCaseFollowers (Data page) | pyAddPulsePost |
To continue using the deprecated extension points, override the pyInvokepxNotify when rule and set it to return false.
For more information, see Management of user notification preferences.
Define partitioning of stream data sets
Valid from Pega Version 7.3
You can define partition keys for Data Set rules of type Stream to group similar properties and to process Data Flow rules that contain stream data sets more efficiently across multiple Data flow service nodes. Use this feature only for testing in non-production application environments.
Associate project management work items with application features
Valid from Pega Version 7.3
You can associate project management work items that you create in Agile Workbench with features in your application stack. Work items include bugs, user stories, and feedback. Associating a work item with a feature improves traceability in your application.
For more information, see Associating a project management work item with a feature.
Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) policies for APIs and REST services
Valid from Pega Version 7.3
You can now use cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) policies to control how external systems and websites (origins) are permitted to access resources such as APIs and services within your applications. For example, Pega® Platform uses CORS policies to restrict which Pega Robotic client applications can connect to your Pega applications, and to limit which mobile apps can call Pega mobile services. Using CORS policies results in reduced cost and implementation times, while providing increased security when other systems or websites interact with your application.
For more information, see Creating a cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) policy and Mapping an endpoint to a cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) policy.
New delivery method for Pega Survey
Valid from Pega Version 7.3
The functionality of Pega Survey is now provided by a standard ruleset in the Pega® Platform. This new delivery method keeps your survey capabilities in sync with the latest features and speeds up development because you no longer need to install or maintain a separate archive.
You must purchase a separate license to use survey capabilities in your application.
For more information about surveys, see the Pega Survey product page.
Surveys are not compatible with prior versions of the UI Kit
Valid from Pega Version 7.3
Now that survey functionality is available in the Pega-Survey ruleset, some rules are no longer compatible with prior versions of the UI Kit. To ensure that your surveys are rendered correctly, update your Application form to include version 09.01 of the UI Kit.
If you cannot change the version of the UI Kit, you can override the Work-.pyCaseActionArea section in your application and update it to use the same configuration as the section in version 09.01 of the UI Kit.
Surveys do not display navigation links
Valid from Pega Version 7.3
The navigation links, or bread crumbs, in a survey are not displayed when you configure a survey to run as a screen flow. To resolve this issue, override the Work-.pyCaseActionArea section in your application, and then update that section to include the Work-.ProcessSteps_ScreenFlow section.
Deprecated survey APIs
Valid from Pega Version 7.3
APIs that were available in the PegaSurvey ruleset have been superseded by Pega® Platform APIs. Although older APIs continue to function in this release, it is recommended that you update your flows and flow actions to use the new APIs because they provide the latest survey capabilities, and deprecated features are not supported.
The following table maps deprecated APIs to their replacement APIs.
Deprecated API | New API | Description |
Work-.QuestionShape | Work-.pzQuestionShape | A flow that displays one simple question. |
Work-.QuestionShapeScr | Work-.pzQuestionShapeScr | A screen flow that displays one simple question. |
Work-.SurveyDriver | Work-.pxSurveyDriver | A flow that displays questions in a survey, which can be simple or complex. You can control whether the questions are displayed on one or multiple screens. |
Work-.SurveySection | Work-.pxSurveySection | A section that displays questions in a survey. You can reference this section from a user action, such as a flow action or connector flow action, in a flow. |
Adding a conversation to a case type
Valid from Pega Version 7.3
You can add a conversation that uses a messaging or voice application (for example, Facebook Messenger) as a channel for adding information to a case. You configure the messaging workflow as part of the case life cycle. At run time, a user working in the selected application sees (or hears) a series of questions that ask the user to enter information.
For more information about adding a conversation in Designer Studio, see Adding a conversation to a case type.
For more information about adding a conversation in Pega® Express, see Adding a conversation to a case type.