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Automatic creation of large data pages from Report Definitions

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.2

Offline-enabled mobile apps now use Report Definitions to automate filtering logic for controls that are based on large data pages. You no longer have to use custom JavaScript functions (custom populators) to create large data pages.

For more information, see How to use large data pages to store large reference data in offline mobile apps.

Rule creation and simulations of changes in a change request in the Decision Manager portal

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.2

Two major enhancements to revision management give Decision Manager portal users more control over change requests. Revision managers and strategy designers can now create rule instances as part of a regular change request. They also can run data flows to do simulations of changes that are introduced by the change request.

For more information, see Rule creation and simulations of changes in a change request in the Decision Manager portal.

Data transform support in offline-enabled applications

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.2

You can now use data transforms in offline-enabled applications to reduce the need to write your own custom JavaScript functions. Data transforms are automatically packaged for offline use when they are configured on flow connectors, as preprocessing or postprocessing data transforms on a flow action, or on refresh actions or data transform actions on controls in a section. You also can run a data transform in offline mode by using a Run Script action or a custom JavaScript function, provided you add the data transform definition to the rule of offline-supported data transforms.

For more information, see Data transform support in offline mode.

Language detection option in Text Analyzer

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.2

On the Text Analyzer form, you can identify the language of incoming records based on their language metadata tag by selecting the Language detected by publisher option. This option applies only to Text Analyzer rules that process Twitter records. By combining this option with the advanced language filtering criteria of Twitter data sets, you can filter out unnecessary data and analyze only the Twitter records that are relevant to your business objective.

For more information, see Configuring advanced filter conditions for Twitter data and Configuring language settings.

Options for filtering data in Twitter data sets

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.2

Twitter data sets have more options for filtering tweets. On the Advanced options tab of the Edit Data Set form, you can configure your Twitter data set to not analyze tweets if they contain specific keywords or if the tweets are made by specific authors. You can also select the languages to analyze based on the language metadata tag of the incoming tweets (tweets in other languages are ignored). By configuring the filtering criteria, you can ignore data that is not relevant to your text analysis and retrieve only the records that you need.

For more information, see Configuring advanced filter conditions for Twitter data.

New dynamic setting to manage validation of hidden fields

Valid from Pega Version 8.6.4

Pega Platform™ version 8.6.4 introduces a new DSS setting for Theme Cosmos and other section-based applications. The validateHiddenField setting controls whether the application validates fields that you hide through visibility rules. By default, validateHiddenField is set to true, which means that the application fields are validated for completeness even if they are not displayed in the form. You can also switch off this functionality by changing the setting value to false

For more information, see Managing field validation in hidden sections.


New Mobile Apps form for defining and building mobile apps

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.2

You now create and build mobile apps in Pega Express from the Mobile Apps form. The new console is a control center for mobile apps where you can gather applications, services, components, and settings in one place to fully customize your apps. You can create and build one instance of a custom mobile app and define multiple native mobile apps that can use the Pega Mobile SDK. To push notifications to an Android or to an iOS device, you must define an SDK mobile app in Pega Express with a certificate set that has push notifications enabled.

For more information, see Configuring a custom mobile app and Configuring push notifications for an SDK app.

Push real-time notifications to your clients

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.2

You can now set up a real-time notification system based on the publish/subscribe (pub/sub) messaging pattern where a node in the cluster can push notifications to your browser clients. Nodes publish notifications to a channel that can broadcast to all the subscribed browser clients.

You can create a notification channel from the Notification channels landing page and subscribe to the channel by selecting the On Load action, which is available under action sets.

For more information, see Real-time applications and push notifications in the Pega 7 Platform.

New Mobile Apps form for defining and building mobile apps

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.2

You now create and build mobile apps from the Mobile Apps form instead of from the Mobile tab of the Application rule form. The new console is a control center for mobile apps where you can gather applications, services, components, and settings in one place to fully customize your apps in the Pega 7 Platform. You can create and build one instance of a custom mobile app and define multiple native mobile apps that can use the Pega Mobile SDK. To push notifications to an Android or to an iOS device, you must define an SDK mobile app in the Pega 7 Platform with a certificate set that has push notifications enabled.

For more information, see Configuring a custom mobile app and Configuring push notifications for an SDK app.

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