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Open cases in a mobile app with push notifications sent from Pega 7 Platform applications

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.1

Push notification smart shapes in a workflow of a Pega 7 Platform application can now send push notifications that open a case in a custom mobile app. Users working in the field can use this feature to instantly access priority assignments instead of having to search for changes manually.

For more information, see Configuring the Push Notification shape.

Improved security for clipboard pages

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.1

To prevent data leakage and inconsistency, the Pega 7 Platform does not allow properties on a clipboard page to refer to properties on pages with a lower scope. For example, an autopopulate property on a node type clipboard page cannot source data from a data page with scope “requestor” or “thread.”

For more information, see Page scope types for data and declare pages.

Child case queries can be slow after upgrade

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.1

After upgrading, performance might be slow when you run queries on child cases for work tables that existed prior to the upgrade. This issue is often indicated by PEGA0005 (query time exceeded limit) alerts that can be correlated to these queries in the logs. To resolve the issue, add a database index to each of your work tables by using a multicolumn index on the pxCoverInsKey, pxObjClass, and pyStatusWork columns.

For more information, see Performance improvements for child case queries.

Attribute-based access control model

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.1

Attribute-based access control (ABAC) is a security authorization model in which access rights are determined through the use of policies and attributes. A policy decision engine in ABAC evaluates digital policies against available data (attributes) to permit or deny access to the requested resource. For example, you can now determine access rights to cases by examining security attribute values assigned to the user and the case.

For more information, see Attribute-based access control.

Store and source content in Box

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.1

You can now attach content from Box while working on a case in your application. You can attach files directly to your case or include them in a Pulse message. You can also store all the case and Pulse attachments in your application in Box. To enable content sourcing and storage in Box, configure the Content sourcing and Content storage sections on the Integration & security tab of your application rule.

For more information, see Storing and sourcing content in Box.

Enhanced entity extraction with the CRF method

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.1

The Free Text Model rule now uses the Conditional Random Field (CRF) method for named entity extraction. The CRF method improves the accuracy of entity extraction by using sequence tagging and by reducing the number of false positives that were generated in the process of extracting named entities from the text. In addition, you can define your own custom entities and import them into the Pega 7 Platform as entity extraction rules that contain Rule-based Text Annotation (Ruta) scripts.

For more information, see Improved Free Text Model rule type.

Adjust case urgency in Case Designer

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.1

You can now provide an urgency when configuring the goal and deadline for a case type in Case Designer. By increasing the urgency of a case that has an expired service-level agreement, you can call attention to unresolved work in your application.

For more information, see Setting goals and deadlines for a case type.

Escalation actions removed from case-wide goals and deadlines

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.1

The option to define an escalation action for a case-wide goal and deadline has been removed from Case Designer because the standard actions, Notify assignee and Notify manager, apply to assignments, not cases. You can still define escalation actions for goals and deadlines that apply to an assignment.

For more information, see Defining an escalation action for an assignment.

Support for Twitter data recovery

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.1

You can configure a Twitter data set to use the new playback option to recover tweets that the system could not retrieve during a period of time in which tweets were unavailable, such as during a data flow failure. You can specify the time period for which you want to retrieve Twitter data and enter the maximum number of tweets that you want to retrieve.

For more information, see Improved Free Text Model rule type.

Flexbox layout mode for dynamic layouts

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.1

The flexbox layout mode is available for dynamic layouts and is now the default layout mode for newly created dynamic layouts. In a flexbox layout, sections contained within the layout can grow or shrink to fit the available space, providing a more efficient way to distribute space between items in a container. Existing dynamic layouts can be converted to the flexbox layout mode. You can configure the layout mode on the Presentation tab of the Dynamic Layout property panel.

For more information, see Dynamic Layout Properties — Presentation tab.

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