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Support for custom database tables in external Cassandra clusters

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

Pega Platform™ now supports a connection to external Cassandra clusters through a dedicated Database Table data set, which reduces the need for data ingestion and export. You can use custom tables that you store in your external Cassandra cluster in data flows for accessing and saving data. You can access your custom data model by mapping the model to a Pega Platform class.

For more information, see Connecting to an external Cassandra database through a Database Table data set.

Data synchronization does not resume after mobile app restart

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

If an offline-enabled mobile app that you build with Pega Infinity Mobile Client is stopped during an initial data synchronization session, the data synchronization does not resume when the mobile app is restarted. Users must not stop the mobile app before initial data synchronization finishes.

For more information about data synchronization, see Offline capability and Guidelines for creating an offline-enabled application.

Enhanced data flow performance monitoring

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

The performance alert log now provides more detailed information about the data flows in your application. You can view performance details for data flows that are currently running and data flow runs that have completed successfully. You can also view a performance summary for data flow runs that are running for too long or have failed.

For more information, see:

Text analytics models editing and versioning

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

Pega Platform™ now supports editing and updating training data for text analytics models.

Pega Platform also supports the versioning of text analytics models. When you update the model, Prediction Studio creates an updated model version. You can then switch between the model versions.

Upgrade impact

In versions of Pega Platform earlier than 8.3, the training data for text models was stored in the database. In Pega Platform version 8.3 and later, the training data for text models is stored in Pega Repository. You cannot build new models without setting the repository. After the repository is set, all text models are automatically upgraded and will work normally.

What steps are required to update the application to be compatible with this change?

After a successful upgrade, set the repository in Prediction Studio before building or updating any Natural Language Processing (NLP) models.  In Prediction Studio, click Settings > Text Model Data Repository.


For more information, see:


Ability to support advanced device features with Pega Infinity Mobile Client

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

Pega Infinity Mobile Client™ now provides a development kit that you can use to make mobile apps support advanced device features that are typically available to native applications, for example, an embedded laser scanner or a projector module, and integrate functions of external software solutions, for example, a cloud-based file storage.

For more information about enhancing mobile apps with device feature support, see the documentation for the development module in the latest Pega Infinity Mobile Client distribution package on Digital Delivery.

Text analytics models migration

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

Pega Platform™ now supports the exporting and importing of text analytics models. For example, you can export a model to a production system so that it can gather feedback data. You can then update the model with the collected feedback data to increase the model's accuracy.

Upgrade impact

In versions of Pega Platform earlier than 8.3, the training data for text models was stored in the database. In Pega Platform version 8.3 and later, the training data for text models is stored in Pega Repository. You cannot build new models without setting the repository. After the repository is set, all text models are automatically upgraded and will work normally.

What steps are required to update the application to be compatible with this change?

After a successful upgrade, set the repository in Prediction Studio before building or updating any Natural Language Processing (NLP) models.  In Prediction Studio, click Settings > Text Model Data Repository.


For more information, see:

Support for regular performance alerts

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

You can now specify how often Pega Platform™ sends you performance alerts about SLA violations in data flow runs. By default, the interval is 5 seconds for single case data flows and 5 minutes for batch and real-time data flows.

The following dynamic system settings control the alert interval:

  • Single case runs: dataflow/singlecase/alert/throttleTime
  • Batch runs: dataflow/batch/alert/throttleTime
  • Real-time runs: dataflow/realtime/alert/throttleTime

For more information, see PEGA0062 alert: Data flow execution time above threshold.

Automatic model training when mapping entities to case properties in Email Bot

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

You can now initiate automatic feedback to entity models in Pega Email Bot™, during manual mapping of email content to a case property.

To enable automatic feedback, you set the Work-Channel-Triage.pyIsRuntimeFeedback rule to true in Pega Platform™. By default this feature is disabled. Enabling this feature ensures that the email bot is more responsive by automatically copying detected entities, such as names, locations, dates, and ZIP codes, to case type properties of a case type.

For more information, see Email triage, Email channel NLP model and Enabling the NLP model training for the email channel.

Post files and links with pxPostMessage API

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.4

The pxPostMessageAPI now supports text messages, file attachments, and hyperlinks. You can programmatically update Pulse streams using this API from activities or SLA rules.

Case Management

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.4

This release has continued to focus on improving the functionality of the design environment with improvements to the Case Designer and stage configuration. Additional end user capabilities were also added to allow for processing a wider variety of cases, for those with and without stages and improved bulk processing handling.

  • Flow action processing now uses the primary page instead of the interest page when using case/stage local actions, so that embedded flows are properly populated.
  • Case-wide local actions rely on pzInternalStageFlow when there are no active, non-hidden assignments on the case. These case-wide local actions will now appear on a stage-less flow with no assignments.
  • If a (valid) error is displayed in the outline view, saving or clicking around will not delete the error - the error will remain as a reminder to the developer to solve whatever problem is being flagged.
  • May now add Cascading Approval validation and edit the parameters from the Case Designer Stage and Step page.
  • Page labelling ("Page 1 of X") appears in the history list presented in the audit tab.
  • The bulk processing feature has been enhanced.
  • The Outline View functionality was changed so that the visible page will no longer refresh each time a flow is edited.
  • The Post value was added to the instructions text field, so data isn't lost between nodes in the outline View.
  • When Assign to Operator or workbasket is included as a filter, the bulk processing gadget is supposed to get a list of assignments. The UI for the results was enhanced for assignments to include a column for instructions so that the different assignments on the same work item can be distinguished.
  • When designing a case type’s stages, it is no longer possible to skip the last stage (by using the "skip stage when" setting). When creating or editing the last stage, developers may no longer set a skip when rule; if tried, the system will display a warning and prevent that. If a Skip When rule is set up for a stage, and then all the intervening stages are deleted so that this stage becomes the last stage, the warning will display, and the Skip When rule will not be visible. If another stage is then added after that, the Skip When rule becomes visible again.
  • When one or more locked work objects are processed using the Process Selected Items button, the action will be performed on the selected work objects. If the action is successful, a green tick appears on the work object. If it is not successful, a red cross will appear.
  • When the topmost RuleSet in the RuleSet Stack is locked, customers may now open up Outline View by clicking "Configure Process Details" and make exploratory changes to experiment. Because the RuleSet is locked, these changes may not be saved, but the experiment can be tried.

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