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Simulation of data pages and third-party connections

Valid from Pega Version 8.4

When configuring your unit test case environment, you can now set up simulated data for connector and data page rules, instead of connecting to external sources.

By simulating such data calls, you are not dependent on any third-party server when running your tests.

This feature supports the following rules:

  • Data page
  • Connect-Cassandra
  • Connect-CMIS
  • Connect-dotNet
  • Connect-EJB
  • Connect-HBase
  • Connect-HTTP
  • Connect-Java
  • Connect-JMS
  • Connect-MQ
  • Connect-REST
  • Connect-SAP
  • Connect-SAPJCo
  • Connect-SOAP

For more information about simulating third-party connections, see Simulating data pages and third-party connections.

New branch quality dashboard

Valid from Pega Version 8.4

Pega Platform™ 8.4 introduces a new branch quality dashboard that shows the following metrics:

  • The branch’s guardrail compliance score and the number of guardrail violations
  • The percentage and number of unit tests that passed for the branch
  • The percentage and number of rules that the tests cover
  • Potential merge conflicts that can be addressed directly from the branch quality dashboard

For more information about the new branch quality dashboard, see Viewing branch quality and branch contents.

Autopopulated properties support savable data pages

Valid from Pega Version 8.4

To more easily source data, you can now save an autopopulated property that references a savable data page. For properties that you autopopulate by copy, save plans now execute on the copy, instead of on the data page. These enhancements reduce implementation time and make the applications that you build more manageable.

Improved reliability of Visual Business Director

Valid from Pega Version 8.4

Improvements to the reliability of Visual Business Director (VBD) eliminate the impact of temporary access loss to the VBD cluster. The improvements include the ability to continue writing data to a VBD dataset while the corresponding server node is unavailable, enhancements to single-case data flows that write data to VBD, and a reduction in the VBD cache size.

For more information, see Eliminate the impact of temporary access loss to the VBD cluster (8.4).

Support for the Unified Messaging channel

Valid from Pega Version 8.4

You can now create a Unified Messaging channel so that users can interact with a Pega Platform™ application by chatting in Pega Intelligent Virtual Assistant™ (IVA), for example, through Apple Business Chat, Facebook Messenger, Twitter, or a web chat window. The Unified Messaging channel is quick to develop and uses an integrated customer service platform to provide a completely new user experience. You can optionally also integrate a Unified Messaging channel with the Pega Unified Messaging Desktop™ customer service agent solution.

For more information, see Develop an IVA channel to chat across multiple social messaging platforms, Unified Messaging channel overview, and Creating a Unified Messaging channel.

Rules can no longer access Pega internal Java packages

Valid from Pega Version 8.4

You can no longer create rules that access Java packages that reference internal APIs (syntax com.pega.platform.*.internal*). This change does not affect rules that access Pega public API packages.

If you encounter issues when running existing rules that reference internal Pega APIs, contact Pega Support.

Upgrade impact

After an upgrade to 8.4 and later, clients can no longer save new or modified rules that access Pega internal APIs; existing rules that reference internal APIs can still be run but cannot be modified. 

What steps are required to update the application to be compatible with this change?

Following a software upgrade to 8.4 or later, clients can refactor existing rules into guardrail compliant rules. To find rules to refactor, run the validation tool from designer studio (Application > Tools > Validation) to identify what rules fail validation; failed rules that include the message "Test compilation failed : Illegal internal class reference : com.pega.internal.XYZ" can updated to reference appropriate APIs.

Unified Messaging Desktop integration with Pega Platform

Valid from Pega Version 8.4

You can now use the Pega Unified Messaging Desktop™ customer service solution with a Pega Platform™ application so that customer service representatives (CSRs) and other users, such as managers, can respond to user requests more quickly and in a more consistent manner. With integrated Pega Unified Messaging Desktop, CSRs can escalate user requests from Pega Intelligent Virtual Assistants™ (IVAs) by using case processing and artificial intelligence alongside Pega Customer Service™

For more information, see Develop a single IVA channel to chat across different messaging platforms.

Strategies are now available as a condition type in proposition filters

Valid from Pega Version 8.4

When designing proposition filters, you can now include strategy outcomes as a condition to be evaluated. Select a strategy and specify the component that you want to use as output to include more advanced decisioning in your proposition filters.

For more information, see Enrich your Proposition Filter rules with conditions based on strategy results.

Custom application URL alias in the application definition

Valid from Pega Version 8.4

Create application URL aliases that support your ability to launch multiple Pega applications simultaneously in a single browser. This feature makes it easier for clients and your customers to log into multiple applications using the same browser and access them simultaneously. You configure your application URL alias in the application definition. For details, see Adding an application URL alias.

For more information, see Simplify access with an Application URL alias (8.4)

Upgrade impact

After an upgrade to Pega Platform™ 8.4 and later, review to determine if and how you must update your application rules to reflect the current URL aliasing format. As part of these application rule updates, Pega also updated the URL format and value components of the clipboard property, pxRequestor.pxReqServletNameReal, which you can use to discover a servlet name. If your application uses this property to discover a servlet name, update the pxRequestor.pxReqServlet property in the application rule to use the new, required URL and value formats.

For details steps, see the section, Upgrading from Pega 8.3 or earlier: Guidelines for any required changes in your application URL aliasing, in the appropriate Pega Platform Upgrade Guide available at Deploy Pega Platform

What steps should the customer take to update their application?

After upgrading, you must update your JMeter test scripts. For detailed steps, see Updating JMeter test scripts after migrating to Pega 8.4.

Client-server deployment of Hazelcast

Valid from Pega Version 8.4

Pega Platform now supports the client-server model for the Hazelcast service, which provides cluster communication and distributes Pega Platform features across nodes. This optional deployment model introduces independent scalability for both servers and clients in Pega Platform, improving stability for deployments that use a large number of nodes.

The Hazelcast client-server model is intended for select environments running Pega Platform 8.4 across a large number of nodes and should be deployed only when directed by Global Client Support.

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