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Naming pattern changed for file data sets

Valid from Pega Version 8.6.3

File data sets are used to import from and export data to a file repository. In case of data export, prior to version 8.6.3, the first file exported had the same file name that was provided by the user in the data set, and any subsequent file exported to the repository had a unique identifier appended to it. Starting in Pega Platform version 8.6.3, each file has a unique identifier, automatically generated based on the data flow node, thread ID, and timestamp.

Upgrade impact

If your process to consume output files expects files with a specific name, it may not be able to process the resulting files correctly.

What steps are required to update the application to be compatible with this change?

If you have configured the process before updating to Pega Platform version 8.6.3, but the exported files are no longer recognized by downstream processing logic after the upgrade, ensure that the downstream tool is configured to recognize the files by a pattern rather than the full name. For example, when referring to files exported to the repository, use the * character to indicate a pattern instead of using the full file name. For example, use Export*.csv to refer to the files.

New dynamic setting to manage validation of hidden fields

Valid from Pega Version 8.6.4

Pega Platform™ version 8.6.4 introduces a new DSS setting for Theme Cosmos and other section-based applications. The validateHiddenField setting controls whether the application validates fields that you hide through visibility rules. By default, validateHiddenField is set to true, which means that the application fields are validated for completeness even if they are not displayed in the form. You can also switch off this functionality by changing the setting value to false

For more information, see Managing field validation in hidden sections.


Descendant class instances now included in reports

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

The Report on descendant class instances option on the Data Access tab of the Report Definition rule has a new option to now include data from all descendant classes of the report's primary class. If descendant classes are mapped to multiple class tables, the generated SQL query performs UNIONs to include this data. Previously, only a single class was included in the report.

You can select a subset of descendant classes to include or exclude by adding a filter condition on pxObjClass.

Existing reports retain the older behavior for this option after an upgrade or update. To use the new option, you must set it for each existing report. New reports created in Designer Studio and out-of-the-box Pega 7 Platform template reports from which new reports are created in the Report Browser (pyDefaultReport and pyDefaultSummaryReport) default to the new option. If you have created custom template reports for some application classes, you must change them to enable the new option in reports that are created in the Report Browser for these classes.

See Reporting on data in multiple class tables.

Report Definition query filters can search embedded properties

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

Filter conditions on Report Definition rules that query the Elasticsearch indexes can now reference embedded properties. Previously, filter conditions could reference only the top-level properties of a class. To reference an embedded property within a filter condition, specify indexes for embedded page lists and page groups, for example, Customers(1).Addresses(1).City = Boston OR Customers(1).Addresses(1).State = MA.

These indexes are ignored in the generated query, and so can potentially match any value in a page list or group. However, filter conditions that reference multiple embedded properties in the same page list or page group, as displayed above, might not be satisfied on the same page.

Enhanced date circumstancing option

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

The date range and as-of date circumstancing features have been merged into a single feature called date circumstancing. Accordingly, the new Property and Date circumstancing option provides more flexibility when you circumstance a rule. For more information, see Specializing a rule.

Renaming a system creates the required data requestors

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

When you rename a system, either from the System Name landing page or by updating the prconfig.xml file, any missing data requestors are automatically created by the Pega 7 Platform. The Data Admin System Setting is also created, if it is missing.

Case Manager option for searching only attachments

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

Case Manager search now has an option to search only case attachments. When you search attachments, a new column in the search results displays a paperclip icon with the number of attachments that match the search string. You can click the number to display a list of matching attachments for the selected case.

Configure Elasticsearch index nodes to ensure availability of index files

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

You can now configure Elasticsearch index host nodes in a Pega cluster outside of the Search landing page. This change ensures that search index files are always available by eliminating the need for manual configuration on the Search landing page. Use the new<index_directory> command-line setting during JVM startup to indicate that this node is an index host node and to specify the directory where the index files will be hosted.

In addition, offline Elasticsearch index nodes can now be removed by using a new prpcUtils command-line option. For more information, see Managing Elasticsearch index host nodes outside of the Search landing page.

New Schema Tools and Query Inspector landing pages for Pega Cloud

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

Two landing pages have been added for advanced database administration tasks for Pega Cloud customers who use a Pega-hosted instance. These landing pages minimize the operations that need to be performed outside of the Pega 7 Platform. They are available only for customers who use a Postgres database.

From the new Schema Tools landing page, you can view PegaRULES and PegaDATA database schemas, increase the size of a column, add a composite or function index, update database statistics for a table, and defragment a table.

From the new Query Inspector landing page, you can enter an SQL query and generate an explain plan.

To use these landing pages, you must have the new PegaRULES:DatabaseAdministrator role. You access the landing pages by clicking Designer Studio > System > Database > Schema Tools or by clicking Designer Studio > System > Database > Query Inspector. The individual features that you can access are determined by the privileges that are assigned to you.

For more information, see Schema Tools and Query Inspector landing pages for tuning and maintaining databases in the Pega Cloud.

Custom properties can be passed to an Oracle database

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

You can pass a customizable set of property values to an Oracle database when a connection is established so that an SQL statement can be run. This feature provides the ability to implement object-level security for data access from a Pega 7 Platform application by defining Virtual Private Databases (VPDs) on class tables that reference the information passed. For example, you could pass in an operator's branch office into the context of every query run against the Oracle database to ensure that the operator has access only to data that is applicable to the operator's branch.

This feature is available only for Oracle databases and for a Data-Admin-DB-Name instance that is not PegaRULES or PegaDATA, and has the same connection metadata (JNDI, URL) as PegaData.

See Passing custom properties to an Oracle database.

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