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Signature Capture control

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.6

The Signature Capture control allows you to capture a user's signature when using either a desktop application or a mobile app accessed from the Pega 7 mobile application. Once a user has input a signature, it is added to the work item as an image attachment.

Access the Signature Capture control from the Advanced dropdown in Designer Studio.

See How to use the Signature Capture control.

Address Map control

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.6

The Address Map control creates an instance of Google Maps in an application at runtime that can be used in both desktop applications and mobile apps that use the Pega 7 mobile application.

This control allows users to interact with multiple points on a map and see location details, and can display directions and distance between a current position and a specified address.

Access the Address Map control from the Advanced dropdown in Designer Studio.

See How to use the Address Map control.

Enable business users to own parts of an enterprise application

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.6

Decision Manager functionality allows business users to own parts of an enterprise application within the boundaries defined by IT. PegaDM includes the Pega-DecisionManager ruleset that supports this functionality.

System architects define the boundaries for business users in the Decision Manager portal using revision management and proposition authorization facilities in Designer Studio. Access control is provided through custom roles, which system architects can create based on granular privileges. The Decision Manager portal provides business users with a controlled environment for the workflow, and the activities necessary to address the objectives of a revision.

Mobile Settings tab in Designer Studio

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.6

The Mobile Settings tab in Designer Studio is used when wrapping a mobile application (app) to create a hybrid mobile app. Building an app using this process customizes the app's user interface displayed to users who access the app via the Pega 7 mobile app, available as a free download in the Apple iTunes and Google Play app stores.

Mobile apps that are designed to be accessed using the Pega 7 app require Pega Mobile 4.1.1 to be installed when designing the app.

This tab also provides fields for managing mobile app distribution, including using a QR Code to quickly access an application's URL and 

See How to build and brand a hybrid mobile application.

Data schema error on z/OS split schema upgrades from versions before Pega 7.1.8

Valid from Pega Version 4.1

When upgrading to a split schema on Pega 7.x with IBM DB2 for z/OS, you see an error during the data schema upgrade when the system tries to drop the PRPC_Updatescache procedure. Because triggers on rules tables use PRPC_Updatescache, you must use the ZOSDisableTriggerScripts to disable these triggers before you update the data schema.

  1. Follow the instructions in the Pega 7 Platform Upgrade Guide to upgrade the rules schema, but stop immediately before you upgrade the data schema with the upgrade.bat or script. The Pega 7 Platform Upgrade Guide is on the Support > Deployment Guides page.
  2. Copy the contents of the <distribution>\ResourceKit\ZOSDisableTriggerScripts directory into the <distribution>\scripts\ directory.
  3. Run fixZosTriggers.bat or with the following arguments:
    --action preupgrade
    --dataschema <data schema name>
    --oldrulesschema <old rules schema name. If you are upgrading from a single-schema system, this is the data schema name.>
    --newrulesschema <new rules schema name>
    --automaticddl <Optional. Set to true to automatically apply the disable trigger SQL scripts.>

    For example:
    fixZosTriggers --action preupgrade --dataschema pegadata --oldrulesschema pegarules --newrulesschema newrules --automaticddl false

  4. If you did not set --automaticddl to true in the previous step, run the <distribution>\schema/disable.sql script to manually disable the trigger SQL scripts.
  5. Run the data schema upgrade as described in the Pega 7 Platform Upgrade Guide.

PRServlet not required in PRPC URLs

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.6

PRServlet is no longer required in a URL when accessing PRPC. A URL typically written like this:[QueryString]

Can instead be written like this:[QueryString]

This change is effective only for PRPC 7.1.6 and newer versions. Older versions of PRPC still require using PRServlet in a URL.

Custom shortcuts for mobile apps

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.6

When using a mobile web browser to access your mobile app, you can create a shortcut to a specific URL by selecting "add to home screen" from your web browser's menu when on the page. The shortcut icon displays showing the Pega 7 mobile app icon by default, but the icon can be customized in Designer Studio. When you tap the icon, the mobile device's default web browser opens directly to the saved URL. 

See Using the Pega 7 mobile app.

Restructured Process & Rules landing pages

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.6

The Designer Studio > Process & Rules > Tools landing page menu has been restructured for better navigation and access:

  • The Find Rules by Custom Field wizard now launches as a tab in Designer Studio.
  • A new Find Rules menu item consolidates previous wizards. It launches a single landing page with different search criteria options:

Convert cases to case types using the Configure for Reuse feature

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.6

An operator can use the Configure for Reuse feature available on the ad hoc dashboard and on the ad hoc user forms to convert an ad hoc case into a case type that can be reused throughout the organization.


An operator must belong to an access group references the standard pyPega-ProcessEngine:CaseDesigner role, which contains the privilege pyCaseInstitutionalize.

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