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This documentation is for non-current versions of Pega Platform. For current release notes, go here.

Improvements in the training data model for the Email channel

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

From the training data screen of the Email channel or while you are triaging an interaction case, you can now fix incorrect entities and add new entities that were not detected. These improvements to the data training model that has been defined for the Email channel interface help the Pega Intelligent Virtual Assistant for Email make better predictions.

For more information, see NLP model for an Email channel and Updating entities for an Email channel.

Support for character data type on local variables in activities deprecated

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

Support for the character data type for local variables in activities is deprecated. Use the string data type instead.

For more information about activities, see Activities.

When rule might not resolve against @baseclass

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

In the rare case in which a step page context is null, or the pxObjClass associated with the step page is empty, the system no longer attempts to resolve the when rule against @baseclass. As a result, you might see more rule not found errors. Check the step page context and class and ensure that they are not null or empty. In all other cases, if a when rule is not found in any other part of the class hierarchy, the system attempts to resolve it against @baseclass.

DCO Compatibility tool is deprecated

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

The DCO Compatibility tool has been deprecated. Use the Application Guardrails landing page to see the compliance score and any warnings for your application.

For more information, see Application Guardrails landing page.

Search added for case data

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

You can enable search for individual case types. When search is enabled for a case type, all text in the case data is searched, making it easy for your application users to find work items.

For information about enabling search for a case type, see Including indexed data during case search.

Ability to generate a dedicated search index for a case type

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

You can generate a dedicated search index for a case type. Using a dedicated index makes reporting faster without putting additional requirements on the database. 

For more information, see Including indexed data during case search.

Use repositories as sources for File data sets

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

You can configure remote repositories, such as Amazon S3 or JFrog Artifactory, or a local repository, as data sources for File data sets. By referencing an external repository from a File data set, you enable a parallel load from multiple CSV or JSON files, which removes the need for a relational database for transferring data to Pega Platform™ in the cloud.

For more information, see Creating a File data set record for files on repositories and Configuring a remote repository as a source for a File data set.

Log Management adds log categories

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

Pega Platform™ provides default log categories, but now you can also create custom log categories. You can associate loggers with a defined category according to your criteria and you can select the log level for all loggers in that category. The log level determines the type and severity of messages that are included in the log file. For example, you can choose to show all log messages or only the most severe.

For more information, see Log categories and Log levels for log categories.

Identify team members working on a rule

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

By using the team collaboration widget, you can see who on your development team is working on the rule that you are viewing. This widget is displayed in the section header when you are using the Case Designer, Data Designer, or Channels and interfaces configuration pages. When you update a page, a notification is sent to other collaborators stating that the content has been updated and prompting them to refresh to see the latest content.

Apache Ignite is no longer supported

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

Apache Ignite is no longer supported and has been replaced by Hazelcast Enterprise Edition 3.10 in embedded mode. If you used encryption with Apache Ignite, you can configure encryption on Hazelcast Enterprise Edition in the same way that you configured it for Apache Ignite.

For more information about encrypting nodes, see Enabling encrypted communication between nodes.

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