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This documentation is for non-current versions of Pega Platform. For current release notes, go here.

Automated Unit Testing is unavailable

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.1

Automated Unit Testing (AUT) is unavailable in 7.1.1 - 7.1.5.

Starting in 7.1.6, users can access AUT features from supported browser versions of IE.

Privilege required for Recent Explorer

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.1

Users with custom roles defined must add the pxUpdateRecents privilege to see work in the Recent Items Explorer. 

Deprecated end user portals

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.1

The following portals are no longer be supported:

  • SysAdmDD
  • WorkUserDD
  • WorkManagerDD

As a best practice, customize standard, supported portals rather than update your existing portals to include new features.

IE8 hangs on large imports

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.1

IE8 users may experience a hung process when running the Designer Studio > Application > Distribution > Import wizard. This issue is related to low-capacity networks and large (300+ MB) archive files.

Although the processing symbol prevents you from proceeding to the next step in the wizard, the file is still imported to the server. As a workaround, you can:

  1. Wait approximately eight minutes for the file to import.
  2. Close and restart the wizard.
  3. Click Next to skip the upload step.
  4. Select the name of your file from the list of import files.
  5. Complete the remaining steps in the wizard.

Required DB2 settings for LUW and z/OS

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.1

Installations on DB2 databases for LUW and z/OS require a minimum logging file size (4096) and a default table space page size (32K).

To set the table space page size to 32K:

  1. Stop the system.
  2. Rename one table (“TableX”) to backup (“TableXBackup”).
  3. Create a new table space that uses a 32K page size.
  4. Copy “TableXBackup” to “TableX” in the new table space.
  5. Restart the system and test to verify there are no issues.
  6. Drop the backup table (or keep it for future reference).

Additional information is available in the "Adjusting the log space size in upgraded databases" article:

No direct upgrade to multitenant setup

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.1

It is not possible to upgrade directly to a multi-tenant setup. A Pega 7 application may be exported and then imported into a multi-tenant system, with the administrator making the decision as to whether this then becomes a tenant system or a shared system.


Applications developed in versions prior to Pega 7 must be upgraded to a Pega 7 standard system, and then exported and imported into a multi-tenant system. See the Multitenancy Administration Guide for full details.

Use standard Developer portal

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.1

Customized versions of the Developer portal rely on legacy components and are not supported.

To avoid backwards compatibility issues, update your access group to point to the standard Developer portal prior to upgrade.

Top-level (named) pages may no longer be classless

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.1

Newly created top-level (named) pages may no longer be classless or have a blank pxObjClass property. This change can affect applications upgrading from versions prior to Pega 7 to the latest version, especially when:

  • Application logic relies on a blank value in the pxObjClass property.
  • An activity assumes a new top-level page is classless and explicitly sets pxObjClass in a Property-Set step.
  • A data transform assumes a new top-level page is classless and explicitly sets pxObjClass using a Set action.

To avoid application failures, remove or update any logic that expects a blank pxObjClass. Where possible, use the new engine API that finds a page by both name and class:

findPageWithException(PageName, ClassName);

Activities and data transforms continue to create a top-level page when one does not exist. The class name is now derived from the Pages and Classes tab.

Upgrade changes system name

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.1

As of Pega 7.1.7, the following renaming behavior no longer occurs.

The upgrade process renames your system to “PRPC” and modifies any custom requestor rules in your application to use this name. After the upgrade completes, you must apply these changes to revert your system:

  1. Identify all custom requestor rules (browser, batch, app, portal) with access groups that point to prior versions of PRPC.
  2. Open the relevant access groups (for example, PRPC:Unauthenticated and PRPC:Agents) and update the name and version fields to point to the current PegaRULES application.
  3. Reset your system name to its original value. You can set the Dynamic System Setting prconfig/identification/systemName/default or use the Designer Studio > System > Settings > System Name landing page.
  4. Restart the system.

Required DB2 settings

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.1

For customers using the DB2 Version 4 drivers (“db2jcc4.jar”), it is necessary to set the custom connection property useJDBC4ColumnNameAndLabelSemantics to “false”.   

For customers using DB2 with WebSphere, the useJDBC4ColumnNameAndLabelSemantics property in the DB2 data source needs to be changed from a Boolean to an Integer and set to "2". 

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