Multistatus case dependencies replace custom implementations
Valid from Pega Version 7.3
You can now quickly define a case dependency that supports variations of a resolved status, such as Resolved-Completed and Resolved-Rejected. Because the definition of a resolved case now includes all status values that start with the word “Resolved,” you can replace custom logic in your application with a Wait shape that you configure in a flow.
For more information about defining a case dependency, see:
- Pega Platform - Pausing a process in a case
- Pega Express - Pausing a process in a case
Improved interactions for email and Pulse
Valid from Pega Version 7.3
You can now continue a discussion that was initiated by email when you post a message to Pulse or reply to an email message. By providing a consistent thread of discussion in a case, you can keep stakeholders informed while allowing them to use the communication channel of their preference.
For more information about the communication interchange that occurs when you initiate a discussion, see:
- Pega Express 7.3 - Email instantiation
- Pega Platform 7.3 - Email instantiation
Service REST monitoring
Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1
You can now monitor response and request data for REST services and view the results in Pega® Platform. The ability to monitor REST services is useful for debugging your application during development, for example, when a request fails. It is not recommended that you monitor REST services in production environments because monitoring might affect performance and depending on the number of incoming service requests, there is a chance that over a period of time, the invocation history might get large enough so that you run out of database space. You can configure monitoring globally for all of your REST services by using the service/EnableglobalMonitoring Dynamic System Setting with owning ruleset Pega-IntegrationEngine, or by using the service package and service rule forms.
For more information, see Service REST monitoring.
Enhanced Wait shape
Valid from Pega Version 8.4
Pega Platform™ now supports the enhanced Wait shape that configures the case to wait for the resolution of all child cases instead of only the child cases of a specific type. When you set up the Wait shape to stop a case until it reaches a certain status, you can decide whether the shape considers statuses from a whole case life cycle, or only the statuses after the wait begins. The enhanced Wait shape provides you with greater control over resolution of your cases.
For more information, see Pausing and resuming processes in cases in Dev Studio, Pausing and resuming processes in cases in App Studio.
Case notification enhancements
Valid from Pega Version 8.4
Pega Platform™ now supports creating case notifications directly in Case Designer in App Studio and Dev Studio, so that you do not need to create a notification rule first and then provide the rule name in a case. You can speed up and simplify case creation by specifying recipients for each notification, without the need to create a data page for the recipients. Push notifications and email subjects can now also include properties, for example, a case ID or a goal and deadline.
For more information, see Sending event notifications from cases in Dev Studio, Sending event notifications from cases in App Studio.
Configuration sets to support no-code run time changes
Valid from Pega Version 8.6
App Studio now provides the option to create configuration sets that define application behavior, which application administrators can adjust at run time, in a no-code way. For example, you can define a configuration that defines the maximum loan amount to offer a Gold account customer to $10,000. If the bank changes the maximum amount, the application administrator can easily change the loan amount at run time, without performing any design-time actions. Configuration sets minimize the need for custom rule overrides, and help you deliver applications that are convenient to maintain and upgrade.
For more information, see:
Configuring geolocation tracking at the case level
Valid from Pega Version 8.1
You can now enable geolocation tracking at a case level to track users of an offline-enabled custom mobile app. By tracking users who are working on a case, you can monitor or supervise them while they are using the custom mobile app and when the app is running in the background. You can also track users when the device is not connected to the server. Recorded locations are synchronized with the server and stored in a database that is available through a data page. When Pega Platform™ receives location data, the new Map control can display multiple user tracks and markers that represent other data, for example, job locations that are assigned to users.
For more information, see Tracking mobile end users with the Map control and Adding the map control.
Improvements to the Email channel configuration and content analysis
Valid from Pega Version 8.2
To make the Intelligent Virtual Assistant™ (IVA) for Email more useful and easier to manage, you can track all the Email channel configuration changes that you or other operators make. The system now also detects defined entities and topics, not only in the contents of the email messages and its attached files, but also in the email subject field which improves the responsiveness of IVA to emails. You can map same text that appears in an email triage case to different entities. In previous versions of Pega Platform, only the email body was analyzed but with subject analysis, now the entire email is analyzed for topics and entities, including its salutation and signature.
For more information, see Tracking configuration changes in the Email channel and Enabling the analysis of subject field content during email triage.
More visibility of your production level
Valid from Pega Version 8.2
You can now see the production level of your environment in a new gadget that is available in all Pega Platform™ workspaces. To ensure that you immediately recognize your current environment, you can give it a unique name that is displayed when you click the gadget. In addition to specifying your production level and environment name on the System form in Dev Studio, you can now specify those values on the page in Admin Studio.
For more information on Admin Studio, see Modifying your environment name and production level.
For more information on Dev Studio, see Specifying the production level.
Enabling historical compliance score data
Valid from Pega Version 7.1.9
Project stakeholders can now track the compliance score for an application over time to better understand and manage ongoing development adherence to Pega 7 Platform guardrails. The compliance score history can be displayed on a line graph on the Compliance Score tab of the Application Guardrails landing page. The data is collected daily and displayed in weekly increments, up to four weeks prior to the current date.
For more information, see Guardrails compliance score, Enabling compliance score history, and Compliance score trend reporting.