Aggregating and browsing Visual Business Director data set
Valid from Pega Version 7.4
Visual Business Director (VBD) data set has been enhanced to support the Aggregate and Browse operations. Aggregating aids testing your data in Pega® Visual Business Director. Browsing the content of the Visual Business Director data set provides transparency and helps to troubleshoot issues that are related to Pega Visual Business Director. You can use the new operations from the DataSet-Execute method or by clicking Actions > Run in the Visual Business Director data set form.
For more information see Creating a Visual Business Director data set record and Configuring the DataSet-Execute method for Visual Business Director.
Increased display area in mobile apps
Valid from Pega Version 8.3
Mobile apps now support hiding the top and bottom bars when the user scrolls down. When the user scrolls up, the bars appear again. This enhancement improves the mobile user experience by presenting more data on the screen, for example, a longer list of items.
For more information, see Advanced layout options.
Create custom criteria for proposition filters by using the condition builder
Valid from Pega Version 8.3
Proposition filters now use the condition builder to define the criteria that a proposition or group of propositions must match in order to be offered to a customer. The condition builder provides a simple, flexible tool for selecting and grouping the entry criteria.
For more information, see Create custom criteria for Proposition Filter rules with the condition builder (8.3).
Pagination for repeating dynamic layouts
Valid from Pega Version 8.3
Repeating dynamic layouts now support pagination, so that you can display extensive sets of data in smaller portions. Additionally, you can add custom icons or messages to inform users whether more data is available.
For more information, see "Pagination" in Configuration options for layouts.
Email supports Microsoft Graph
Valid from Pega Version 8.4
Email integration with Microsoft Office 365 now supports Microsoft Graph. By using Microsoft Graph, you can process inbound email more securely and avoid using less secure protocols, such as IMAP and POP3.
For more information, see Creating an email account.
Additional multistep forms in Cosmos UI
Valid from Pega Version 8.5
The Cosmos design system now supports horizontal, vertical, and standard multistep forms. Multistep forms help you break a single assignment that captures many fields into multiple focused and concise screens. By providing a greater variety of formatting options, this enhancement gives developers more flexibility in UI design.
For more information, see Adding a multistep form to a stage.
Offline support for Cosmos-based mobile apps
Valid from Pega Version 8.5
Mobile apps that are based on the Cosmos design system now support offline mode. Previously, offline-enabled apps had to rely on the classic look. Now, you can use the low-code Cosmos solutions to design apps that operate reliably regardless of the connection status.
For more information, see Designing apps for offline mode.
Explore the relationships between data types with the Data Visualizer
Valid from Pega Version 7.1.7
The Data Visualizer, new in Pega 7.1.7, provides a graphical display of the relationships among your application's data types and class types. The map view can help clarify how your application's data works together. When you hover the mouse pointer over an entity in the display, the Data Visualizer highlights the entities with which that entity has a direct relationship.
For more information, see About the Data Visualizer.
WriteHistory parameter has been removed from Link-Objects method
Valid from Pega Version Pega Platform
The WriteHistory check box has been removed as a parameter to the Link-Objects method on the Activity form. Users who are upgrading from versions prior to Pega 7.2 do not have to take any action because history details rely on the "linked from" object and this option stored results in the "linked to" object.
To correctly capture a link event in the history of an object, call the History-Add method.
Generate an application profile document
Valid from Pega Version 7.2
In Pega Express, you can now generate an application profile document to share information about your project with stakeholders. An application profile document contains business-related information that is associated with the implementation of a project, such as sizing estimates.
For more information, see Generating an application profile document and Enhancements to the Direct Capture of Objectives.