Update text analytics models instantly through an API
Valid from Pega Version 8.1
Use the pxUpdateModels API to automatically retrain text analytics models for which you gathered feedback as a result of the pxCaptureTAFeedback activity. The pxUpdateModels API provides an option to update the model with the latest feedback without having to open Prediction Studio. Instead, you can use the activity from your application, for example, through a button control.
For more information, see Feedback loop for text analytics.
New integration system resource
Valid from Pega Version 8.1
You can now define integration systems that you can use when you create data pages, integration connectors, and databases. Integration systems are associated with an icon that is displayed on the Integration Designer so that you can quickly view the systems that are used by your data types. This information is useful for assessing the effect of migrating to a new system of record and for understanding your data model.
For more information, see Creating an integration system.
Add comments to feed source messages
Valid from Pega Version 8.1
Users can now post comments on messages from feed sources in their activity feed. By adding comments to these types of messages, users can discuss topics from internal or external data sources, for example, Twitter updates on their organization. You can configure a feed source to allow comments on messages from the source.
For more information, see Adding a feed source for the activity feed.
Support for sourcing case and Pulse attachments from repositories
Valid from Pega Version 8.2
You can now source case and Pulse attachments from repositories, which provides a complete solution for attachment management. In addition, unlike other external sourcing solutions, repositories do not require OAuth 2.0 authentication, so that you can connect to repositories that use non-interactive authentication.
For more information, see Configuring external sourcing options for attachments.
Integrate text analytics with decision strategies through the Interaction API
Valid from Pega Version 8.3
The Interaction API provides more context for making next-best-action decisions by integrating text analytics with decision management components such as strategies, propositions, and interaction history. By including natural language processing in your decisioning solution through the Interaction API, you ensure that the next-best-action decisions that you make are more informed and accurate.
For more information, see Customizable Interaction API for text analytics.
Manage test ID access with an access group role
Valid from Pega Version 8.2
Test IDs for user interface components are available only to users who have the PegaRULES:TestID role added to their access group. This requirement allows administrators to limit access to test IDs to users who create or run tests. At run time, applications do not include the test ID data for users without the PegaRULES:TestID role, which reduces the amount of code that is downloaded to the client.
For more information see Managing Test ID access with an access group role
Include region headers on forms
Valid from Pega Version 8.2
When you create or modify forms, you can now include region headers for sections that are based on design templates. You can enter a title for the region, select a container format for the header, add icons, and select styles. This greater flexibility enables you to create a more intuitive user interface.
For more information about modifying a design template, see Design templates.
Make important content visible by promoting spaces
Valid from Pega Version 8.2
Now you can make highly relevant content more visible and more easily accessible with promoted spaces. Highlight promoted spaces on a separate tab in spaces to ensure that the most relevant content is quickly available and clearly organized. Promoted spaces are available for every user; however, only users with Super Admin privileges can promote a space.
For more information, see Granting Super Admin privileges.
Default filter settings for Pulse feed sources
Valid from Pega Version 8.3
Set default filters for Pulse messages, so that users see only relevant posts. Users can temporarily change these settings at run time to view messages from different feed sources, and restore the default settings by refreshing the page.
For more information, see Adding a feed source for the activity feed.
Numbered accordion for layout groups
Valid from Pega Version 8.3
Layout groups and dynamic layout groups with the accordion layout now support automatic numbering of collapsible headers. You can now build better user forms, as the numbers show the steps that users need to follow to fill out a form so that they know the process stage at every moment. Automatic numbering accommodates when conditions that are used in accordion sections.
For more information, see Creating a layout group.