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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D28060 · Issue 498751

XSS filtering added to App Studio

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

The pzDisplaySpaceFeedTitle control which is used to display the audit feed in Pega App Studio has been updated with XSS filtering.

SR-D28293 · Issue 498235

Pega Survey answer values support special characters

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

When using a Complex radio control (RadioButtonComplexQuestionSurvey), a selected option that used answer values containing special characters was cleared on refresh. This was traced to a mismatch between strAnswer and strValue in the control logic, and has been corrected.

SR-D28965 · Issue 501858

Repository document deletion modified for better cleanup

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

When using documents functionality, creating and uploading a document properly stored it, but deleting the document did not remove the associated files from storage. Whenever a document is created that has a file, instances Of Link-Attachment and Data-WorkAttach-File are also created. Previously, when the document was deleted, the associated instances and actual file were not deleted from the repositories but rather marked as Resolved-Withdrawn and hidden at the UI level. The system has now been updated so that when a document is deleted, the document attachment will also be deleted from all places like list, Tile, and document View, and reference instances like Link-Attachment and Data-WorkAttach-File instance will also be removed along with the actual file from the repository.

SR-D30428 · Issue 503425

Added handling for deprecated UI Kit in Pulse OpenURLInWindow

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

After upgrade, clicking on a link in a Pulse comment opened a new window with an error message indicating no content was returned. Investigation showed that if an older deprecated version of the UI kit was used, 'Open URL in window' was configured as Run Script function. The more recent versions use an OpenURLInWindow action. To resolve this, the script has been updated to use an action and pass the correct parameters.

SR-D32107 · Issue 503173

jQuery library updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

As part of security enhancement features, the jQuery library has been upgraded. The following rulesets have been updated: pzJquerymentionsInput_custom , pzpega_process_engine , pzpega_ui_addressmap , pzpega_ui_doc_domUtils

SR-D33052 · Issue 502063

Blank space removed in email reply

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

An issue with blank space being added between the CSR icon and the email content for the first customer mail has been resolved by setting the window width to 100%.

SR-D33930 · Issue 507972

Check added to pyWorkPage before context page replacement

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

When given an assignment configured with Save and Next buttons where the on-click of the Next button triggered FinishAssignment and the case type used Optimistic locking, the workobject lock was not acquired and an error was thrown when clicking Save and then the Next button. Investigation showed that the lock was not acquired because the pyCaseUpdateInfo page was not available in the work object under pyWorkPage. This was traced to the 'When' condition used to display the delete icon on a pulse post. This When condition needs to be evaluated on the context page (in this case, the work page), but when multiple posts are present on the WorkObject) the pyWorkPage was being replaced with a fresh copy from the DB and any updates on the current work page were lost. To resolve this, the behavior has been changed from always creating a context page to only creating the context page if one does not already exist on the Thread.

SR-D35434 · Issue 504588

Added subprocess cleanup for hasPreviousTask loop

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

The mobile app hung on a specific scenario where there were no displayable shapes in the flow path (all decision shapes) and the pyFlowPath became empty but wasn't removed from the pxFlow page. This was traced to environmental loops present in the application, and this has been resolved by ensuring that while going back, completed subprocesses are completely removed from the pxFlow on pyworkpage.

SR-D37033 · Issue 511461

Filter popup misalignment on grid corrected

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

After clicking on a grid filter, the filter popup had two scrollbars for adjustment and did not stay on the grid while scrolling the screen. This has been fixed by modifying the CSS style of overflow, which was previously using one that was meant for tablets and which affected position calculation for overlays in touchable laptops.

SR-D37117 · Issue 511358

Update Survey Work Objects' utility differentiates between survey and other objects

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

Running the Update Survey work object utility calls the “pxUpgradeSurveyProperties” datatransform, which has a 'when' rule to call the function “@pzSurveyUpgradeSetProperty” to replace the Questionnaire page in the first step. This function was failing with a logged exception when it was passed a string instead of the page it was expecting. This issue occurred when the WO did not have survey data structure, and was due to the Survey Utility being intended to upgrade only Pega Survey class instances. In order to allow for more flexibility, the Survey Upgrade Utility has now been enhanced to differentiate between survey and other objects to resolve the exceptions.

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