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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D14521 · Issue 486529

Added support for sorting by field value instead of localized value

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

In a datapage-sourced dropdown with 'group by functionality' enabled in ascending order, the values were being sorted according to their localized value and not their field value. This was a difference between templatized and non-templatized handling, and has been resolved by adding the ability to sort the group label by field value in the templatized UI.

SR-D7381 · Issue 486565

Purge/archive locking issue corrected

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

Updates have been made to resolve a locking release issue for the pzBatchPurgeArchive activity.

SR-D15895 · Issue 486593

Strict checking inserted to better handle database keywords in string constant

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

After upgrade, a report was failing with the message "Rule Alias Function cannot reference a SQL function that performs a subquery." This was traced to the report having a function alias used in the columns which compared two strings and returned another string (constant - static value) if the condition was met. However, in two of the returned string constants there was the word "select", which is a keyword in all database languages. Even though the word "select" was a referred part of a string constant, the system treated it as a keyword and tried to perform a subquery within the Function Alias because ABAC was enabled. The report only exhibited this behavior post-upgrade because while ABAC defaulted to disabled in previous versions, it was changed to default to being enabled beginning with v8.1. To resolve this and create more robust backwards compatibility, a more strict check for subquery validation will be performed when ABAC is enabled which will parse and check whether the RAF has the standard 'select from' clause syntax of SQL.

SR-D17660 · Issue 486701

Resolved OOM error for system scan

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

In some installations, performing a system scan would cause an Out Of Memory Error. This was traced to the process used to de-serialize the catalog metadata, which caused the unzipped version of the catalog (containing data going back to v6 releases) to grow to 125 MB. To resolve this issue the system will make use of streams, but as that still requires the entire catalog object to be available, the system will also cull redundant objects from the hotfix catalog. Going forward, platform-specific catalog files will be created to minimize their size and improve efficiency.

SR-D16051 · Issue 486753

Updated retry for context registraton

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

The system was intermittently hanging after importing zipped files. Investigation showed that Batch threads were becoming stuck in AuthorizationContextManagerImpl.setSpecializations() due to a 'while' loop in setSpecializations that was seeking to register the new context. To resolve this, logic has been added which will try to register up to 10 times. If for any reason it can't register, the system will just return the unregister LAC. The check before deregister has also been enhanced and now will only deregister if the new context and the current context are different. It will not call register if the current context and the new context are the same.

SR-D15262 · Issue 486888

GetNextWork properly switches applications for 'most urgent'

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

Post upgrade, the "Get most urgent" button was unable to open a service request from another application to which the operator had access. In this case, the Operator had access to the Canada and USA applications by default, but when a service request from the Canada application context was available in the list, the Get most urgent functionality failed to switch the application context from USA to Canada in order to open the work item. Investigation showed that the GetNextWork activity was being overridden in the Pega-DecisionManager ruleset in rule resolution and that the the Pega-ProcessEngine and Pega-DecisionManager had different versions of the activity. This has been resolved by upgrading GetNextWork in the Pega-DecisionManager ruleset.

SR-D17046 · Issue 486913

DisplayHarness API updated to maintain callback context

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

Advancing forward through a flow to the middle and then clicking on the Previous button quickly and repeatedly and then clicking on the Next button caused the system to hang. Investigation showed that when asynchronous calls to the displayHarness API happen, the callback was getting overridden. To resolve this, updates have been made to the serverProxy DisplayHarness API to maintain context for the callback API.

SR-D17694 · Issue 487182

Include Rule in RTE parameters are properly saved

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

After creating a correspondence and including any rule, opening the parameters of the rule, and giving a Using page value before saving, reopening the parameters modal dialog showed the Using page value was null. No actions were performed on the Save button or the input value. Investigation showed that the rule parameters were not getting saved due to an incorrect element selector being used. This was traced to a recent change that modified the use of unique IDs for the selector, and has been resolved by setting the system to use a different selector independent of the ID.

SR-D5126 · Issue 487186

Corrected active state selector for IOS devices

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

When scrolling RDL, gray artifacts were observed which did not always disappear from the UI. This was traced to the background color being applied wrongly due to an incorrect selector for active state in the layout that resulted in the gray region being visible. To resolve this, the selector has been updated to target only non-IOS devices for active state.

SR-D8790 · Issue 487286

Corrected thread cleanup logic for doUIAction in WorkCover

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

When accessing a case from the worklist or opening the case from worklist and refreshing the case by pressing F5, clicking Approve resulted in a java.lang.NullPointerException error. Investigation showed that the "pyWorkCover" page that the section was running on was being removed in the top navigation portal / SDM portal as part of the thread cleanup logic in doUIAction. This has been corrected.

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