SR-D16427 · Issue 497220
Multi-nodes rebuild LibraryMetadata to ensure all Rule-Utility-Functions are present on change
Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1
When performing a complete Application import into a clean installation, references to certain Rule-Utility-Functions went unresolved during the initial assembly. Investigation showed that after introducing a new Rule-Utility-Library or Rule-Utility-Function on one node in a cluster and then generating that, the other nodes in the cluster did not have the correct LibraryMetaDataCache for that Rule-Utility-Library. Therefore assemblies on those other nodes could be bad and throw a runtime UnresolvedAssemblyError. This has been resolved by modifying the way the Library subsystem processes the node changes events for Library Generation to ensure that each node completely rebuilds the LibraryMetadata for that Rule-Utility-Library so it contains all the Rule-Utility-Functions.
SR-D32441 · Issue 502572
Multi-nodes rebuild LibraryMetadata to ensure all Rule-Utility-Functions are present on change
Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1
When performing a complete Application import into a clean installation, references to certain Rule-Utility-Functions went unresolved during the initial assembly. Investigation showed that after introducing a new Rule-Utility-Library or Rule-Utility-Function on one node in a cluster and then generating that, the other nodes in the cluster did not have the correct LibraryMetaDataCache for that Rule-Utility-Library. Therefore assemblies on those other nodes could be bad and throw a runtime UnresolvedAssemblyError. This has been resolved by modifying the way the Library subsystem processes the node changes events for Library Generation to ensure that each node completely rebuilds the LibraryMetadata for that Rule-Utility-Library so it contains all the Rule-Utility-Functions.
SR-D22113 · Issue 498312
Multi-nodes rebuild LibraryMetadata to ensure all Rule-Utility-Functions are present on change
Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1
When performing a complete Application import into a clean installation, references to certain Rule-Utility-Functions went unresolved during the initial assembly. Investigation showed that after introducing a new Rule-Utility-Library or Rule-Utility-Function on one node in a cluster and then generating that, the other nodes in the cluster did not have the correct LibraryMetaDataCache for that Rule-Utility-Library. Therefore assemblies on those other nodes could be bad and throw a runtime UnresolvedAssemblyError. This has been resolved by modifying the way the Library subsystem processes the node changes events for Library Generation to ensure that each node completely rebuilds the LibraryMetadata for that Rule-Utility-Library so it contains all the Rule-Utility-Functions.
SR-D23239 · Issue 499591
Support added for multi-operator SAML logins
Resolved in Pega Version 8.4
When a SAML user logged in by Single Sign-On (SAML), the system processed the login to portal as a different operator if there was a function on the Attribute field under Operator identification in the SAML authentication service. In this scenario, using an expression for operator provisioning did not work because all SAML login sessions resolved to same first operator due to parseAndEvaluateExpression() in ignoring new expression arguments if the expression page already existed. To support the use of multiple operator logins in this format, the system has been updated to clone a new expression page for every session and update it with the correct expression arguments.
SR-D32655 · Issue 510345
Enhancement added to hold Change Tracker values until UI is loaded
Resolved in Pega Version 8.4
Sporadically, an agent attempting to answer a queued call within 10 seconds received a loading screen. By the time the load completed, the next agent had already taken the call. This is a scenario where based on a change, the agent was trying to refresh something on the UI (a section or harness) which was not yet loaded/present on the UI. To address this use case, an enhancement has been added to hold the change tracked values and handle them once the UI is loaded. The new function pega.ui.ChangeTracker.prototype.handlePendingCTChanges in pzpega_ui_changetracker.js is used to handle the pending CT changes. A hook has been added in the pzpega_ui_doc_lifecycle js file to invoke the above function once the UI is loaded.
SR-D18879 · Issue 500643
Logic update made to PrepareColors to resolve calculation ambiguity
Resolved in Pega Version 8.4
When a Report Definition was summarized, the executed report showed a graph for multiple categories but generated the error "No data to display" if given a single category. This was traced to an ambiguity in the Java syntax of the Rule-Utility-Function pzPrepareColors that led to a NegativeArraySizeException on a customer's environment. To resolve this, parentheses have been placed around a ternary operator to ensure the correct order of operations.
SR-D19299 · Issue 511324
Support added for calling Export to Excel directly from RD
Resolved in Pega Version 8.4
When using Export to Excel directly from a report definition, a date column specified using pxDatetime was shown as applied date format in the resulting Excel file. The column was formatted as expected if the export was called from an activity. This was traced to the recent refactoring of Export to Excel: it was not expected that it would be called directly, but rather that it would be invoked from a report viewer ruleform. In order to support this direct use, step calls have been added to the pzRDExportWrapper activity to call pzMergeAutoGen before the engine call. This step will merge the pyModes pages from pxDateTime control.
SR-D21527 · Issue 491739
Hidden filters will not be shown on the resulting report
Resolved in Pega Version 8.4
After setting up a Report Definition to be visible in report browser with all filters hidden, editing and saving the report resulted in the filter values being visible on the report. This has been resolved by modifying pzResolveCopyFilters activity so that If the filter view option is "Read only, allow no changes" and "Filter not visible in Viewer", it will skip copying the filter values on to the report definition page.
SR-D22319 · Issue 493660
Corrected Flex UI Alignment issues in Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
Resolved in Pega Version 8.4
In Microsoft Internet Explorer 11, a UI rendering issue was observed when Report Definition uses many columns. This was traced to Flex not being fully supported in Microsoft Internet Explorer 11, causing the flexResize function inside pzpega_ui_doc_lifecycle to not perform well when calculating harness width based on content. While there was a workaround of using the flag "pega.u.d.DISABLE_FLEX_RESIZE" to indicate the system should not execute that function, the issue has been resolved by setting table layout to auto.
SR-D22548 · Issue 502077
Handling added for special characters in Report Category name
Resolved in Pega Version 8.4
When a Report Category was created with a special character such as ' ( , ) (ex "ABC's Reports"), the special character was not correctly shown at the Category Selection in Report Widget of the Dashboard Configuration. This was traced to the category names being sanitized against XSS attacks twice, once by the dropdown itself, and once by the activity pzRBCategoriesPostProcess, which is shared between this dropdown and the report browser. To resolve this, the system will make a simplified copy of pzRBCategoriesPostProcess for the report widget's use case and continue to use that as the post processing activity for D_pzReportWidgetCategories.