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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D61199 · Issue 533478

Support expanded for postgres versions and logging improved

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

While trying to import data into the Data Type Tables using a CSV file and selecting the 'Add or Update' option, an error appeared and the import failed. Using 'Add or Delete' worked as expected. This was traced to the import of data failing for postgres version 10.x because UseMerge for postgres did not use merge if the version of Postgres was not 9. Support has now been added for versions of Postgres higher than 9 in SQLGeneratorPostgres.useMerge(), and logging has been enhanced to improve triaging issues such as this.

SR-D61706 · Issue 524956

PropertySet will iterate over chageList map copy to resolve CME

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

An empty menu was seen intermittently when handling incoming email, and a ConcurrentModificationException error was logged. Investigation showed that a step scope changeList map used in the handleChaining method was sometimes modified by another process while the first one was iterating over it. To resolve this, PropertySet will receive copies of the change list map from clipboard pages instead of the original map.

SR-D61971 · Issue 529607

Search Landing Page handling added for email addresses containing hyphens

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

When an e-mail addresse containing a hyphen was entered for the Automated Search Alert functionality, the validation error "Please Enter Valid Email Address(s)" appeared. For example, [email protected] was not accepted. To resolve this, the regexp function used for the email validator has been updated.

SR-D62755 · Issue 522828

Enhanced diagnostic logging for Email Listener failures

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

In order to better diagnose issues where the email listener entered a disabled state as soon as it was started, a catch block has been added to enhance logging the reason of failure.

SR-D62840 · Issue 534124

Updated HashMap logic for better concurrent thread handling

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

The Pega execution engine was getting stuck at com.pega.eclipse.util.collections.HashtableOfIntValues.get for many thread within thread dumps. Investigation showed that when the key was not present in keytable, a thread would be stuck in an endless 'while' loop related to mapping. To resolve this, the data structure that is used for ruleset mapping from HashtableOfIntValues to Concurrent HashMap has been modified to better handle concurrent threads, and the handling for get and put has been updated.

SR-D63234 · Issue 529099

Blobless class handling updated in BIX extract

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

When performing a BIX extract to database, null values were seen for some columns when there were values present in the clipboard and the report definition. Analysis showed that an Extract Rule defined on a Blobless class with a property having a length greater than 30 would return a null value even when the source table's corresponding columns do not have null values. This was due to BIX using an internal Report Definition which would truncate the column alias if the length of the column was greater than 30: when the extract then tried to find the actual property name in the result page, it did not find it and returned a null value. To resolve this, if the class is Blobless, the system will iterate over the property and check whether it is truncated or not. If it it truncated, the truncated name will be used when looking for the property in the result page instead of using the unmatching actual property name. This will ensure the correct value populated in the result page will be used.

SR-D63255 · Issue 531383

Updated sender email address validation to handle long domains

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

In some cases, attempting to create a case via an email was failing and the cases were being routed to the broken queue. The error "IndeterminateConditionalException: Unable to load data page D_TrackAutoResponse. Required parameters : SenderEmailAddress. cannot be blank" appeared. This was traced to regex having a validation on the length of a domain name which caused a lengthy 'from' address to be trimmed. To resolve this, the regex has been modified to validate the email address as per RFC5322.

SR-D63579 · Issue 527999

Enhancements added for using AWS file repositories

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

Enhancements have been added to improve the use of AWS file storage: - Logging for AWS SDK connection metrics can be activated on a per-repository basis, either through the ruleform or through the DSS `storage/class/:/enableMetrics`. - INFO logging can be enabled on PegaAWSSDKMetricReporter to periodically output averages of recorded metrics for all registered S3 repositories with metric collection enabled, or INFO logging can be enabled on PegaAWSRequestMetricCollector to output recorded metrics on every client call for all registered S3 repositories with metric collection enabled. - The interval at which PegaAWSSDKMetricReporter logs metrics at can be configured with the DASS `storage/AWSSDK/metricReportingInterval`. This DASS is a system-wide setting, and not a per-repository setting. The default reporting interval is 90 seconds, and metric collection is disabled on all repositories by default.

SR-D63677 · Issue 529267

Null check added for ObjClass filter value

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

When a report definition was run with "Starts with" as a filter condition and "Use null if empty" was not checked, the message "An error occurred during resolving the report definition - null java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException" was logged. This did not appear if the filter condition was "is equal" and "Use null if empty" was checked. To resolve this, the system will check for a null or empty value on pxObjClass filter values before processing it for class descendants.

SR-D63774 · Issue 540506

Resolved .PDF extension preview issue

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

Previewing a PDF that had the extension capitalized as ".PDF" did not load, but one with the extension ".pdf" worked. This has been corrected by modifying pxUploadFile and pzUploadFileToADocument to convert the filetype extension to lowercase to prevent possible preview problems.

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