INC-188678 · Issue 672977
CheckFlowDependencies query performance improved
Resolved in Pega Version 8.7
In order to improve performance on very large tables, the pxCheckFlowDependencies activity has been modified. Previously, checking whether a dependency exists retrieved all columns. The updated query will instead return a count.
INC-189622 · Issue 682098
Cleaned up references to deprecated property type
Resolved in Pega Version 8.7
While using the Pega API to update a case from one application to another, an error was generated indicating the system was unable to find a property definition of “caseTypeClass” in pyAddableWorkList of the workpage. All properties in the clipboard pages of the work page are validated during this update: in this case, the check was for the caseTypeClass property, which is no longer used but which was on the clipboard page. To resolve this error, all remaining references to property casetypeclass have been removed.
INC-190819 · Issue 681999
Wrapper added to set correct bulk transfer context
Resolved in Pega Version 8.7
Bulk transfer was not working as expected when transferring an assignment from a flow defined in data class. Investigation showed the bulk transfer UI was getting picked from work- class while the post processing was running under data class context: this has been resolved by creating a wrapper activity in baseclass to call the post processing activity Work- .
INC-191645 · Issue 679536
Updated FieldLevelAuditing logic for page comparison
Resolved in Pega Version 8.7
Optimistic locking was resulting in orphan assignments and the error "Error: Flow Not At Task, Error: Flow Removed". In addition, Get Next Work was causing duplicate Field Level Auditing records. This was traced to a missed use case in the logic used in pxFieldLevelAuditing where previousPage and PrimaryPage are compared to see whether they are equal or not, and has been resolved by adding one more condition to mark previousPage as null when the update date time or commit date time are not updated as part of processing.
INC-192979 · Issue 677696
Case creation and Save As performance improvements
Resolved in Pega Version 8.7
Performance improvements have been made to the getApplicationRuleSetList() function to avoid unnecessary and repetitive database calls.
INC-194429 · Issue 682882
Updated FieldLevelAuditing logic for page comparison
Resolved in Pega Version 8.7
Optimistic locking was resulting in orphan assignments and the error "Error: Flow Not At Task, Error: Flow Removed". In addition, Get Next Work was causing duplicate Field Level Auditing records. This was traced to a missed use case in the logic used in pxFieldLevelAuditing where previousPage and PrimaryPage are compared to see whether they are equal or not, and has been resolved by adding one more condition to mark previousPage as null when the update date time or commit date time are not updated as part of processing.
INC-194981 · Issue 681369
Validation error message corrected for delegated SLA rule
Resolved in Pega Version 8.7
When delegating any SLA rule to a Business user like the Manager Access group, editing it from the Case Manager portal did not give an option to configure seconds in that available text field (label hh:mm) even though the validation error stated that the time needed to be in hh:mm:ss format. The pzDelegatedSLAGoal, pzDelegatedSLADeadline and pzDelegatedSLAPassedDeadline sections do not include seconds field, which is a difference from Designer Studio (hh:mm:ss). For this update, the validation error message has been corrected to indicate only hh:mm is used while delegating the SLA rule. An enhancement is planned in a future version to support the hh:mm:ss format for this use.
INC-198514 · Issue 688852
CheckFlowDependencies query performance improved
Resolved in Pega Version 8.7
In order to improve performance on very large tables, the pxCheckFlowDependencies activity has been modified. Previously, checking whether a dependency exists retrieved all columns. The updated query will instead return a count.
INC-147654 · Issue 642189
Updates to displaying embedded images in cases
Resolved in Pega Version 8.7
Sending an email with an embedded image to the email ID associated with the email listener successfully created the interaction case, but the embedded image was not displayed when the case was opened from the work-basket. A rule-not found exception was seen in the tracer for pyGetImageDisplay, the rule responsible for displaying the images in the ET pane. Investigation showed that when URLObfuscation was turned on, the decryption of the URL was not successful because "&" had been encoded to '& amp;'. This has been resolved by calling the activity pyGetImageForDisplay using URLMapping instead. An additional issue was seen with displaying images in the email interaction pane where the additional empty new lines moved the image outside the intended place. This was traced to a customization for the reply area which used the pyHighlightedMessage property and converted newlines to br tags even in HTML mode. To resolve this, pyHighlightedMessage has ben modified to convert newlines to br tags only if the mode is plain text.
INC-154254 · Issue 674945
Correct Email Bot training text highlighted
Resolved in Pega Version 8.7
When a piece of text was selected and tagged against an entity while training the Email Bot, the entity selection was misplaced and partially covered the actual text selected. The incorrect selection was then carried forward to the training data spreadsheet. To resolve this, rule changes have been made that will update HTML entities to HTML encoded forms.