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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-121501 · Issue 183603

Enhanced security for SQL exceptions errors

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

In order to avoid a potential security vulnerability, the error messages generated by database exceptions have been made consistent for DB2 and Oracle and do not display SQL information in the log.

SR-121535 · Issue 188591

Autocomplete response tuned to resolve latency

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When the autocomplete list was displayed, a delay was seen between the focus highlight and the mouse pointer when using Google Chrome or Microsoft Internet Explorer 11. The highlight style is applied using CSS hover selector and the style is applied by the browser, so any delay is dependent on overall performance of the application in the browser, however the system has been optimized for performance and some memory leaks were tightened, and the overall application should display a noticeable improvement in response time.

SR-121588 · Issue 181232

Updated PDF conversion for latest versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When using the Out-Of-The-Box Flow Action called "ConvertAttachmentToPDF", no error was generated at runtime but the new file attached to the case was not correctly converted. The root cause was the HTML rule called "ActionConvertAttachmentToPDF" which contained JavaScript code that was not fully compatible with the newest releases of the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser. This has been changed.

SR-121588 · Issue 176641

Updated PDF conversion for latest versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When using the Out-Of-The-Box Flow Action called "ConvertAttachmentToPDF", no error was generated at runtime but the new file attached to the case was not correctly converted. The root cause was the HTML rule called "ActionConvertAttachmentToPDF" which contained JavaScript code that was not fully compatible with the newest releases of the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser. This has been changed.

SR-121623 · Issue 186850

Added WS-addressing UI check

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

Connect SOAP calls were failing sporadically with a Message Addressing Property error while calling external services even when WS-Addressing was off. This happened when the WS setting was modified: the addressing module is engaged with first call of connector, and there was no cache clearing if the option was turned off for subsequent calls. Code has been added to check the addressing handler status and process it appropriately.

SR-121632 · Issue 183997

RefreshOnConflicts changed for better locking

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

During work flow processing, using the Out-Of-The-Box "Refresh" action and then submitting the current assignment removed the ability to submit the following assignment and an error was generated: "You have lost the ability to make this change because a change elsewhere has taken precedence over the change you made here. Please click on the assignment again to continue." If there are back-to-back assignments and the 'Refresh on Other' action is clicked first, when the second assignment is submitted this lost locking error is displayed. To resolve this, the RefreshOnConflicts activity has been changed to invoke ProcessAssignment on newAssignPage instead of WorkPage so that the locking mechanism will function as expected.

SR-121641 · Issue 183063

Performance improved for analysis of complex activities

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

Forward chaining is an algorithm executed between activity steps which analyzes and aggregates property value changes and executes Rule-Declare-Expressions rules (and other forward chaining rules like Rule-Declare-OnChange and Rule-Declare-Constraints). While well suited for many use cases and permutations, forward chaining was not performing well in some cases with heavy use of context-free forward chaining like using Reference Properties inside page lists or page groups.To resolve this, the algorithm's release and acquire methods have been tuned for improved performance.

SR-121641 · Issue 182839

Performance improved for analysis of complex activities

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

Forward chaining is an algorithm executed between activity steps which analyzes and aggregates property value changes and executes Rule-Declare-Expressions rules (and other forward chaining rules like Rule-Declare-OnChange and Rule-Declare-Constraints). While well suited for many use cases and permutations, forward chaining was not performing well in some cases with heavy use of context-free forward chaining like using Reference Properties inside page lists or page groups.To resolve this, the algorithm's release and acquire methods have been tuned for improved performance.

SR-121686 · Issue 183607

Email Listener timeout tuned for EAR deployments

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When the email listener encountered an error in installations with EAR deployments, it stopped processing emails until the listener was restarted manually. This was caused by the Timer variable being static in EAR deployments with no logic available to reset it, so it continued to grow over time and could result in sleep times of days. Logic has now been added to reset the timer. The default sleep time has also been set to increase 30 seconds each time an error is encountered to a max of 90 seconds (sleep times are 5 , 30 , 60, 90 seconds) at which point it will reset.

SR-121709 · Issue 179068

New default directory setting added to DDL generation

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

If the DDL for a new PRPC installation was generated without using the optional parameter for the file location, the file was created in the root directory. To avoid this, a default gen_dir setting (./schema/generated) has been added to to handle cases when the parameter has not been set.

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