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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D20791 · Issue 489022

Support added for section completion of nested page list/groups in DX API

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3

When using DX API and submitting a screen from the front end which was in an embedded section, "Pega_API_001" errors appeared. An enhancement has now been added to support completing the fields in an embedded section by updating the system to handle nested page lists/groups and updates to "newRow" for nested page lists/groups.

SR-D20950 · Issue 489654

Removed unnecessary commit from case creation with exception

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3

If a case had an exception when it was being created using the case creation API, it was sent to the problem flow functionality which performed a commit (All defer items) in the same interaction after it it performed a commit with error handling. This resulted in an Exception 3273 message. To resolve this, the unnecessary commit has been removed.

SR-D22601 · Issue 499897

Fixed PEGA0069 alerts with Weblogic

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3

When Pega platform was deployed in a Weblogic application server, Alert PEGA0069 was not generated due to the cookie parser failing to parse what was found to be an incorrect Pega-Perf cookie value. The Pega-Perf cookie value has been corrected by removing quote characters surrounding it.

SR-D8790 · Issue 487285

Corrected thread cleanup logic for doUIAction in WorkCover

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3

When accessing a case from the worklist or opening the case from worklist and refreshing the case by pressing F5, clicking Approve resulted in a java.lang.NullPointerException error. Investigation showed that the "pyWorkCover" page that the section was running on was being removed in the top navigation portal / SDM portal as part of the thread cleanup logic in doUIAction. This has been corrected.

SR-D9482 · Issue 484740

Small delay added to autocomplete control

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3

When using an autocomplete control with minimum character search set to 4, every keystroke after 4 characters triggered a REST request to populate the control. This had a negative impact on performance. In order to smooth the request process, the timing logic has been updated to allow for a very small delay on the immediate event handler.

SR-D21332 · Issue 494516

Handling added for exceptions related to IE11 grid cleanup

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3

Numerous exceptions generated from IE11 related to pzPega_ui_grid were traced to a browser difference in timing logic related to grid cleanup. This has been resolved by adding a check to determine whether the grid is inside a defer-loaded section.

SR-D21618 · Issue 492937

Stories Word doc includes uploaded images

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3

When trying to generate a Word document for the user stories by going to the Options menu and using the 'Document' option, there were images within the user story description that were not rendered in the Word document. Investigation showed that images would show up in the Word document if the images were dragged and dropped or copied and pasted into the description field instead of using the image uploader button. This was because the image was stored in a separate folder when the upload button was used and only a link to the attachment location was added to the description vs using copy/paste or drag and drop directly stored the attachment content in the description. An enhancement has been added to handle the upload use case so the images will appear in the Word document.

SR-D21776 · Issue 493778

Corrected freshness check for async cache

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3

A node level data page with time based refresh strategy was getting refreshed before the time out and many Pega0045 alerts were observed. Investigation showed the Load-DataPage activity step was causing the data page to be requeued and reloaded even if the earlier asynchronously loaded data page was fresh. This was due to a timing issue with the multiple asynchronous load of a data page where the freshness check for the already loaded instance was done before queuing the data page load, causing the check to fail. To resolve this, the freshness check will be performed on the instance which is present in the asynchronous cache if the instance in synchronous cache is stale.

SR-D21493 · Issue 490304

Corrected revision management with decision data rules

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3

When a new version of a decision data rule was created in dev studio and new propositions were imported or existing ones modified, the typical behavior was for the system to also automatically create a new version of the "pyEditElement" section even if the form was not changed. If this is done from revision management, the revision automatically creates a branch in the overlay application. If the revision contains a decision data rule, the branch contains an instance of the decision data rule and also an instance of the pyeditelement section, but when the revision was submitted, the generated package only contained the decision data rule and skipped the pyeditelement rule. This was traced to the pyEditElement section of the decision data rule not getting packaged because the package flag was not set to the section, and has been resolved by fixing the withdraw and reject scenarios by modifying the package flag in pyRemoveDDRules activity.

SR-D21569 · Issue 491703

PUT and WHEN support added for REST

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3

Data layer rules in Pega were not getting generated through the Wizard- ‘Create Rest Integration’ when invoking the Rest service though the PUT method. This has been resolved by adding support for PUT and DELETE in pypresentdatapageoptions.

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