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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-A3062 · Issue 209372

Added Unicode character error handling for JAR Import Wizard

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.9

When there are files with Unicode characters in the import directory of a Unix system, the JAR import wizard would throw an exception and not display any files. This exception has been corrected by adding error handling in the selectfile control.

SR-A3697 · Issue 210718

Resolved Revalidate and Save freeze

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.9

After upgrade, running revalidate and save on imported rules with the option "During Update Move To?" enabled, the first rule was processed but the process then stopped and generated the error "Uncaught TypeError: parentRow.all is not a function" if the Google Chrome or Mozilla browser is used. This problem was caused by old non-auto-generated controls, and has been resolved by modifying the ShowBulkUpdateList html section.

SR-A438 · Issue 210728

Global Resource Settings syntax examples documentation updated

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.9

An error was found in the documentation examples for using the Global Resource Settings; this has been updated to remove the dot in the syntax examples.

SR-A789 · Issue 205761

Enhancement added for handling DB2 BLOB sizes

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.9

BLOB schema changes were not being picked up during import due to the schema import/export process being limited in its ability to preserve the BLOB size changes being dynamically set in the db. An enhancement has been added to make meaningful use of reported blob sizes (DB2 LUW and DB2 z/OS).

SR-A1350 · Issue 205576

Added support for adding custom GuardrailWarning

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.9

A customer-created custom activity "addGuardrailWarning" with incoming parameter (WarningMessage) of type Rule-Message with the intent that whenever the new activity was called from another activity, the SmartPrompt-enabled parameter would provide a list of Rule-Message instances starting with any defined on the class of the Step Page (or the class of the calling Activity when the Step Page is blank), and then working up the inheritance hierarchy, much like the behavior provided on other activity methods such as the Data Transform parameter of the Page-New method. However, the SmartPrompt for this custom function only showed rule-messages of pyCategory "Error", or "blank" due to lack of support for this custom Guardrail Warning. In order to support this customization, the function alias pxAddGuardrailMessage has been created and this FA can be accessed by a call-function method in activity as 'Add a message to a page using [Name of the Message Rule]'.

SR-A2 · Issue 203635

Updated use and edit of the 'Search for work' rule

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.9

After upgrade, an out-of-the-box functionality to search for work items by selecting the case status and selecting a particular field to add as filter on that search was not working correctly and the search icon (which gives the list of status window dynamically) was missing. An attempt to perform a private check out of of the rule generated an error and did not allow 'save as' because it was unable to identify a property pyStringType. This issue was traced to a missing property 'pyStringType' in @baseclass, and this has been added.

SR-A279 · Issue 203592

Layouts modified to indicate ApplyTo is required for New/SaveAs declare pages

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.9

For declare pages, though pyClassName is not a key, it is still a mandatory field on form. This was causing confusion in cases such as a valuation error on a data page that had the apply-to class set as blank because there was no indication it was a required field. To clarify this use, layouts have been modified to always show ApplyTo as a mandatory field on New/SaveAs screens.

SR-A299 · Issue 204842

Filtering performed ahead of retrieving results in GetRulesets

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.9

The GetRulesets activity has a MaxRecord ResultCount of 10,000. If a site exceeded that number of rulesets in total, the report of all available unlocked rulesets would not return the correct results even if the number of unlocked rulesets did not exceed the limit. To handle complex installations, the @baseclass.GetRuleSets activity has been modified to filter the rulesets before retrieving to allow for the return of complete and accurate results.

SR-A325 · Issue 203740

Added Params to activity display before check-in

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.9

When calling an activity from another activity, parameters were not being properly retrieved in the calling activity call step unless there was a check-in that called activity. This happened when a private ruleset was not in the user's context and therefore the checked out rule was not picked up. To correct this, the open activity method has been modified to use .

SR-A4712 · Issue 211249

Repaired column header labels in Decision Table

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.9

Clicking on a column header and opening the property changer, then closing it using the X in the top-right corner of the popup caused the label to change to the label of the rightmost column. This was traced to incorrect behavior by the modal dialog where closing the window did not return the correct value from the previous launch. This has been corrected.

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