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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-119963 · Issue 176108

Corrected record imports in multitenant environment

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

In the multitenant environment, reimporting an operator record using application -> import was causing an 'IntegrityConstraintViolationException' exception. This was caused by the query not being properly tenant-qualified for the environment, and has been corrected.

SR-119978 · Issue 184032

Corrected handling for properties in XML rule

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When using properties mapped on the root element of an XML SOAP rule, the attributes were mapped properly but the element value was not. In a related error, after giving ParseXML rule invocation values for Type Substitution for Parse XML, the XML was not mapped to the clipboard for the type substituted elements. There was a workaround of using DSS 'switchtooldassembler', but this has been fixed by updating parsexmlsaxrulewrapper.

SR-120018 · Issue 182167

Handling improved for additional clicks during Report Definition processing

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When a Report Definition is used on a grid with filters on some columns, it is possible to click on filter and enter some value there. If there is huge data array, it takes some time for filter to load. If there is a click somewhere else in the grid while the filter is loading, the UI became unresponsive. In order to improve performance, a check has been inserted to verify the status of an asynchronous request and handle it smoothly.

SR-120083 · Issue 179048

Expression Builder updated to suggest proper value tokens

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When defining an input column in a Decision Table rule to evaluate the result of an expression, the Expression Builder suggested that the token '' could be used to plug in the value from the current row of the column into an expression. This was an incorrect recommendation, and would not return the correct values. The correct token to use is . This error was due to the JavaGenerateAPIVersion property missing in the rule data after Rule-form was upgraded to Harness. This property is used to determine the substitute keyword ( or ) based on the version, and is present to support or upgrade decision table for work flow rules prior to 05-02-01. It does not impact the functionality of the feature, but has been changed to give the correct suggestion for .

SR-120103 · Issue 183482

Headers auto-expanded when printing from portal

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When working on the classic portal (WorkUser), clicking the print icon was not automatically expanding the headers if they had been collapsed. This was an unintended behavior change, and the harness has been updated to restore the expected behavior.

SR-120103 · Issue 177698

Headers auto-expanded when printing from portal

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When working on the classic portal (WorkUser), clicking the print icon was not automatically expanding the headers if they had been collapsed. This was an unintended behavior change, and the harness has been updated to restore the expected behavior.

SR-120195 · Issue 180041

Smoothed adding rows to a repeat grid after canceling previous action

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When adding an item to the Repeat Grid, a small modal is opened to allow value entry to associate with that row. However, canceling the modal and then clicking on the button to add a row failed to open the modal a second time and it was not possible to add another row to the Repeat Grid. This was caused by the previous canceled modal call remaining active resulting in the new event being skipped. To correct this, the modal dialog incall property will be reset so it may be properly opened as expected following a previous cancelation.

SR-120218 · Issue 180532

Corrected dismissal of discard/cancel modal popup

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

The out-of-the-box discard and cancel modal pop up was not closing up on single click. This was caused by a redundant action from the pyNewCaseHeaderInner section that has now been removed.

SR-120224 · Issue 178688

Potential vulnerability closed in XML stream generation

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

A potential security issue was found with the XML stream generation and runtime, and has been corrected.

SR-120276 · Issue 179709

Corrected handling for DecimalPrecision Property Qualifiers in Advanced tab

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When DecimalPrecision Property Qualifiers were added to Advanced tabs, the Min/Max character limitation was not working for numeric input (Decimal) in pxTextInput or pxNumber. This was caused by an error in the initialization, and has been corrected.

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