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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-120324 · Issue 179256

Corrected DateTime controls in GroupBy

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

Specifying any of the DateTime-* controls (e.g., DateTime-Short) in the Format field of the Group By property in a summary view was not working with the out-of-the-box settings; the DateTime property would be displayed in DateTime (GMT) format. This was found to be a field name hard coded to a value with a data type of text, causing the selected control to be ineffective, and has been changed.

SR-120329 · Issue 178133

Assembler compatibility issue resolved

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

After upgrade, web services that modify the Header were failing due to a compatibility issue with the default assembler. While there was a workaround of giving the value of 'true' to the dynamic system settings 'Owning ruleset: Pega-IntegrationEngine' and 'Setting purpose: switchtooldassembler', this has been resolved.

SR-120381 · Issue 179868

TopLevelClass updated to accept a hyphen in the name

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

Previously, the new application wizard Top-Level class did not support the use of a dash between two ruleset classes. An enhancement has been added to allow this format.

SR-120454 · Issue 188836

Fixed error handling for MDB listener

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

JMS MDB listener was failing and throwing 'NoClassDefFound' errors in the PegaRULES log file. The issue was found to be the error reporting in one of the integration methods, and has been fixed by modifying the ServiceAPI.generateErrorMessage such that if LogHelper cannot be used, an error is reported in the system error file and the listener continues.

SR-120455 · Issue 184325

Toolbar enhanced for large decision tables

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

An enhancement has been added to decision table columns to change the toolbar to floating if there are many columns to display.

SR-120468 · Issue 184320

Appearance order retained for multiple swimlanes

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

After putting multiple swimlanes in a flow, the order of their appearance was returning to the original state after saving it. This was caused by the rendering being performed in the order the server store/sent the swimlane data. To ensure proper behavior, the swimlanes are now reordered based on the swimlane layout (horizontal, vertical) and their coordinates before being rendered.

SR-120468 · Issue 185827

Appearance order retained for multiple swimlanes

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

After putting multiple swimlanes in a flow, the order of their appearance was returning to the original state after saving it. This was caused by the rendering being performed in the order the server store/sent the swimlane data. To ensure proper behavior, the swimlanes are now reordered based on the swimlane layout (horizontal, vertical) and their coordinates before being rendered.

SR-120477 · Issue 180530

Smoothed navigation for multiple screen trees

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

In a tree navigation screen flow with multiple screens, the screens have client side validations which were not working when navigating from the tree navigation control link but did work when the "Next" or "Back" buttons were clicked. This was found to be a problem in the work flow UI doc submit method where validation was skipped if the Activity was "GoToPreviousTask". To resolve this, a check was added (previousEntryPoint) if submit is called from back button of screen flow.

SR-120518 · Issue 180099

Corrected error handing on"Post Action on Click Away"

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When an assignment in a screen flow was configured to use the "Post Action on Click Away" setting, it was not possible to go back if there were validation messages on the screen. Without the "Post Action on Click Away" setting, the click back worked and the validation message was cleared by the jumpToTask activity. This work flow issue has been fixed by clearing the page error messages before calling performflowaction.

SR-120525 · Issue 186509

Added handling for special characters in PDF Eforms

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

PRPC uses a third-party library 'iText' to read and write PDF 'Eform' documents. It was found in some cases that if the input document contains fields ("Acrofields") that contain special characters (in particular the '#' hash/pound symbol) and/or accented characters, then the iText library would throw an error. To eliminate this, a check of the Field Name has been added to ensure it has a value before doing anything with it. If it is empty, that will be logged. As a workaround, it was found that by editing the input PDF file (using an appropriate third-party editor/generator) and ensuring that no field names ("Acrofields") contained special characters or accented characters, the iText library (and then subsequently the PRPC activity "GenerateEform") was able to process the input file and correctly produce the 'filled-in' output PDF 'EForm'.

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