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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-120556 · Issue 180535

Dirty prompts functioning with JAWS

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When a dirty work object is closed, you are warned with a dirty prompt. When this dirty prompt is sourced via the modal/section pyDirtyCheckConfirm, JAWS did not gain focus to read this prompt and a manual click on this was required to read any elements. This was an issue where JAWS wasn't reading the dialog because there was no role attribute attached. This has been corrected.

SR-120564 · Issue 179056

"Configurable Error Section" option now supported by JAWS

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

It was reported that a custom error section on top of the harness created using the "Configurable Error Section" option was not being read by JAWS . This was due to the custom work flow section not being supported in the out-of-the-box PRPC Accessibility Mode, and the necessary support has been added.

SR-120566 · Issue 181231

Bulk Actions filtering error resolved

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

In Bulk Actions, if a filter was renamed from "Assigned to Operator" to something else, ex "Application ID", the filter was not being applied. If the "Assigned to Operator" filter was deleted and a new one added, the filter was applied correctly. This was found to be an issue with the filters "Assigned to Operator" and "Assigned to Workbasket" setting the flag pyUsage = operator on the filter condition, causing a custom SQL to be generated. This has been corrected.

SR-120585 · Issue 182421

Work object history corrected for failed flow action submissions

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

If a a flow action is submitted which encounters errors and generates Page-Messages, correcting the errors and re-submitting the flow action created duplicate entries in the work object history that included entries for the failed flowaction submission. This was caused by improper rollback of the addhistory when the commit of the WO is rolled back, and has been corrected.

SR-120586 · Issue 179198

Assignment dependencies with child cases now properly resolve

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

Using a dependency on an assignment based on a child case can case an error. This was due to the obj class being wrongly populated, and has been resolved.

SR-120586 · Issue 178686

Assignment dependencies with child cases now properly resolve

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

Using a dependency on an assignment based on a child case can case an error. This was due to the obj class being wrongly populated, and has been resolved.

SR-120592 · Issue 183002

Corrected circumstanced list views called from within a section

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

A circumstanced List view based on a property was not being properly called from within a section. Instead of passing the primary page which has the circumstance property details for the ruleset work flow, a new page was always created. Since the new page did not have the circumstance property details, the circumstanced list view was skipped. To correct this, the Rule-Obj-ListView.DisplayView rule has been modified to always pass the primary page instead of creating a new one.

SR-120596 · Issue 183801

Resolved mapping issue for SOAP-connect with multirefs

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

After upgrade, mapping the soap-connect response to page in activity was not working as expected. This was an issue with a Parse-XML rule, and has been corrected with added support for multirefs and SOAP arrays with multirefs.

SR-120603 · Issue 178264

RTE tooltips localization expanded

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

The localization for RTE tooltips has been expanded to include the spin/roll button (to select font size).

SR-120615 · Issue 183300

SQL rules searches now display full details

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

Expanding the connect SQL rules in a search result did not display "ruleset version," "updated by" or "availability" details. This was caused by a mismatch in the RuleName formatting for the Search Results and Transform activities, and has been corrected.

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