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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-183672 · Issue 701868

Corrected vertical scroll bar for iPad Mashup page

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

After update, the vertical scroll bar shown on the Web Mashup page in Apple Safari on iPad continued to increase and showed excessive blank space. This was caused by the iframes,section height being considered as the iframe height, and has been resolved by setting the section height as 'auto' in case of mashups.

INC-186081 · Issue 675207

Report filter popup displays correctly

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

The filter popup was not displayed on the report column for which the filter was intended. This has been resolved by updating the popover js to fix the overlay issue.

INC-187196 · Issue 680749

Resolved Ajax popup alert for optimized iOS table

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

When using an application on iOS with a section that contained at least 3 tables with 'optimize code allow' set to true, refreshing caused the error "AJAX request failed. Reason: communication failure" to be displayed. This has been resolved by adding an update which will skip the alert for the pzBuildFilterIcon activity when triggered from pzpega_ui_template_grid_helpers.

INC-188644 · Issue 708958

Autocomplete cancel closes correctly

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

Clicking on an autocomplete field and navigating to the next tab without selecting any values caused the autocomplete results to be displayed in the next screen until there was a click or an action was performed in that screen. This was due to the autocomplete not closing correctly, and has been resolved by removing the event.cancelBubble setting.

INC-189748 · Issue 701457

Websocket disconnect code logged

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

An update has been added which will log the websocket disconnect code for additional diagnostic information.

INC-190233 · Issue 675486

Production check removed for Get Action Details API

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

After creating an assignment for a case and calling the Get Action Details Applied Assignment API, the name tag for views was not included in the returned JSON. This has been resolved by removing a check for production level.

INC-194415 · Issue 692825

Improvements for dirty popup

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

Multiple issues have been addressed for dirty popups. 1) While working on an assignment, making a change and then clicking on the left navigation (Home, Dashboard) did not show the dirty pop up as expected, and the change was lost. The dirty pop up did appear on the Cancel button and Actions within the case. This has been resolved by improving the context switching for visibility of the dirty pop up. 2) Attempting to work around the previous issue by clicking "Do not display dirty warnings" only worked the first time it was tried. With this change in place, opening the assignment, making a change, then clicking Home, caused the pop up to appear as desired, but opening the assignment again and making a change, then clicking Home again did not prompt the dirty pop up. This was due to the click handler getting hit twice, leading to the already open dirty dialog being closed during the second call to the function 'isFormDirty' in pzpega_ui_doc_actionRouter.js file, and this has been resolved. 3) When attempting to close the case as a draft, clicking the save button caused the system to keep loading for a few minutes without sign of completing the save process and eventually the browser had to be closed. The content was saved, but the system was not able end the loading screen. This was caused by an incorrect harness context which caused the "SubmitInProgress" flag to be true on the incorrect harness context so the modal was not dismissed. To resolve this, on clicking the "Save" button, after the confirmation modal is closed, the pega.u.d.isDirtyDialogOpen will be reset to false.

INC-194564 · Issue 699259

Cancel button shown as expected in modal dialog on Mobile

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

A modal dialog in a mobile app used to show all the phone numbers of a customer did not display a Cancel (close) button after update even though the cancel button was defined on the underlying PhoneNumbers section. This has been resolved by adding a check to assess if the button is visible when calculating modal height.

INC-195683 · Issue 687953

Security update for MashUp

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

Cross site scripting protections have been updated for the LoadMashupPage activity and RedirectTo parameter.

INC-199469 · Issue 707513

PDF margins made available as parameters

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

After update, margins were different in exported PDFs. This was due to upgraded jar files: PD4ML v3 used setPageInsets(new Insets(top, left, bottom, right)) , but the v4 jar uses setPageMargins(new PageMargins(left, top, right, bottom)) . Because the order of values (20, 10, 10, 10) were not changed this produced a different result. To resolve this, PD4ML margins are now available to be set as parameters: Param.pyMarginLeft, default value 20 Param.pyMarginTop, default value 10 Param.pyMarginRight, default value 10 Param.pyMarginBottom, default value 10 When standard activities like HTMLToPDF / pyViewAsPDF / pyAttachAsPDF are used, add a Property-Set step before calling the activity to add the necessary margin parameters. When CreatePDF smart shape is used, set the parameters via the connector of the CreatePDF.

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