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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-B86561 · Issue 342186

Local List Property created by Create SOAP Integration Wizard

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

The Create SOAP Integration wizard was not creating the local list in a property after the WSDL import. This has been fixed.

SR-B86735 · Issue 339582

Connector rule persists after Revalidate and Save

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

A Sub-strategy was not propagating results to the calling Strategy due to a connector rule disappearing after Revalidate and Save. This appears to have been an issue with the ID (pyMOId) of the connectors being overwritten incorrectly in the process of revalidate and save, since in that process the IDs of the connectors are regenerated. To correct this, the ID has been made unique by using the form: type + "from" + fromShapeId + "to" + toShapeId + "_" + timestamp.

SR-B88388 · Issue 340601

Resolved tracer exception on REST

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

An exception was generated when running the tracer on the out-of-the-box Pega API data REST Service stating "The page or property dataPage.pxObjClass is unmodifiable.". This was traced to the method used to change the page class, and the code has been modified to use the alternate clipboard API to resolve this issue.

SR-B90299 · Issue 339920

Logic added to handle empty operator value in FCM stepup

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

As part of FCM step up, trying to 'Retrieve information' from the stub case in the master instance did not return any result. This was traced to the operator parameter value not being mapped and therefore passed as blank to the service activity pxDiscoverCaseTypes, which resulted in the activity being skipped. Logic has now been added to handle cases where the mapped value is not available.

SR-C10816 · Issue 352778

Help updated for Tracing Service rules

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

The help files for tracing services have been updated to reflect that Service Rules cannot be traced in production environment (where the prod level is set to 5) unless the following DSS is set to be 5: Pega-RulesEngine trace/cluster/ServiceRuleWatchMaxProductionLevel

SR-C3565 · Issue 348201

Connector simulations for dotNet evaluated correctly

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

After upgrade, simulation activity added to a dotNet connector rule resulted in the pyConnectorType being saved as SOAP instead of as dotNet. This was due to the code validating pyConnectorType property value with the Connector class endsWith, and has been fixed.

SR-C4285 · Issue 348400

Added handling for Connect-REST response containing "null"

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

Connect-REST was generating a NullPointerException when the response value contained 'null'. This has been fixed.

SR-C6601 · Issue 348759

Added handling for Connect-REST response containing "null"

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

Connect-REST was generating a NullPointerException when the response value contained 'null'. This has been fixed.

SR- · Issue 319981

Field labels localized in pyAccountSettings

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

Localization has been added to the field labels in the pyAccountSettings section rule.

SR- · Issue 324033

Files updated to resolve memory leaks

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

The following files have been updated to address memory leak issues when processing a large number of cases: PZPEGA_UI_DYNAMICCONTAINER_LITE PZPEGA_PROCESS_ENGINE PEGA_TOOLS_EVALDOMSCRIPTS PZPEGA_UI_DOC_LIFECYCLE PZPEGA_CONTROL_DROPDOWN

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