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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-122732 · Issue 182663

Cleaned up error logging for Oracle split schema multi-tenant upgrade

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When upgrading a multi-tenant environment with an Oracle split schema database, the log file was filling with warning messages on all tenant IDs during Rules upgrade. While errors are expected if there are tenants in the database that are no longer valid, the failure to resolve the tenant ID was being reported twice. In order to smooth the upgrade process, the log messages in this environment have been changed from warnForced to info, and each error will only be logged once.

SR-122738 · Issue 184536

Resolved extraneous error from Case Viewer imports

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

Attempting to import specifications from Excel in Case Viewer to update specifications that were checked in was showing the error 'Update Fail'. The updated specification was successfully imported, but the new change is checked out to the user. This was an error generated by the final step of the Import Specification wizard and has been resolved.

SR-122757 · Issue 185151

Chinese filename issue with Microsoft Internet Explorer resolved

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When using the Chinese version of the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser and the out-of-the-box attachment gadget to attach files, dragging and dropping a file with Chinese characters in the file name caused the name to become corrupted. This issue was due to the encoding method, and has been resolved by removed the encoding for the filename.

SR-122761 · Issue 188488

Tuned logic for propagating shape flow actions

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When a work flow has moved from an assignment shape to an assignment service shape, the other actions menu was showing the flow action from the previous assignment. Work-.Connect activity invoked populateFlowActions function to populate the assignment local action. By the time this was invoked, the pxFlow() was not updated with the correct assignment details and the old assignments actions were being populated. This has been fixed by tuning the logic of invoking populateFlowActions.

SR-122809 · Issue 182677

Application Wizard updated to use long-form function name

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When using the Application Wizard in some environments, clicking 'Preview' or 'Create' on the Data Objects screen caused a refresh and no summary of the created rules was generated. This issue was traced to an error in the library/function rule resolution where the short-form reference to a function was finding more than one suitable rule resolution candidate if there was more than one version of a ruleset function with the same formal parameters and the function was called using the short form of the function name. In this particular scenario the PageListContains function was causing a problem as this function exists in both the PegaSurvey framework and the Pega-AppDefinition ruleset. There was a workaround of doing a private checkout of the CopyFrameworkClassGroup activity and changing the short function rule reference to the long function rule reference (specifying ruleset and library, but the Wizard has been updated to use long-form function name to prevent this issue.

SR-122820 · Issue 177433

Passivation thread logic improved

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

It was noticed that the passivation daemon was triggering thread dumps several times a day, affecting performance and disk space. This was caused by threads in the process of being passivated inaccurately being reported as long-running. This has been corrected by changing the long-running thread detection to recognize threads in the process of passivation, and to bypass them unless there is a long-running passivation problem.

SR-122820 · Issue 182133

Passivation thread logic improved

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

It was noticed that the passivation daemon was triggering thread dumps several times a day, affecting performance and disk space. This was caused by threads in the process of being passivated inaccurately being reported as long-running. This has been corrected by changing the long-running thread detection to recognize threads in the process of passivation, and to bypass them unless there is a long-running passivation problem.

SR-122839 · Issue 185954

Audit entries properly suppressed

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

Audit entries were being added to the history even after suppressing the same in the DT "FilterHistory" of the respective interaction class. When the "RemoveAssignmentByTicket" function called the activity "AddWorkHistory", the parameter workPage was not being sent. Because the system skipped the call to the decision tree, it was returned as 'true' each time. To resolve this, the system now passes "WorkObjectPageName" to ensure proper evaluation.

SR-122881 · Issue 184898

Print preview for work objects in a fixed portal no longer truncated

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

Printing a work object opened in a fixed portal was resulting in part of the work object being truncated in the print preview. This issue was traced to a change in the name space of "interceptPrint" method, and has been corrected.

SR-122902 · Issue 182835

Shutdown issue with Tomcat resolved

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

During shutdown, errors were reported on the App Server window. Shutdown did not complete and the App Server Window remained open. This was due to the "Shutdown" button/feature not properly terminating Tomcat. There was a workaround to manually close the Tomcat window, but the DNodeServiceListener has been modified to release all of the threads properly.

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