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Resolved Issues

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Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

SR-D33052 · Issue 502062

Blank space removed in email reply

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3

An issue with blank space being added between the CSR icon and the email content for the first customer mail has been resolved by setting the window width to 100%.

SR-D25711 · Issue 502135

Updated dependent role validation during rule deletion

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3

After checking out and attempting to private-edit the "PegaRULES:WorkMgr4" AR, the rule was still shown as checked out after the edit was discarded. This was a missed use case, as Private checkouts are generally not enabled for most of the customer rulesets. To resolve this, roles in private checkout and branch rulesets will be excluded from going through dependent role validation during rule deletion.

SR-D31066 · Issue 502253

Improved performance for "Show-HTML" in a grid with numerous controls

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3

‘Show-HTML’ was taking an excessive amount of time to render a UI for grid with a large number of controls. This was traced to the handling for generating and clearing markup creating an exponential growth situation, and has been resolved by modifying the system to remove redundant copies of a string in the markup string buffer.

SR-D33096 · Issue 502741

pzGetURLHashes returns proper content-type

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3

When using an environment set with X-Content-Type-Options:nosniff, the response from pzGetURLHashes was returned with text/html response type and the mashup would not load due to browser exception "MIME Type ('text/html')is not excutable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled." In order to support CORB mitigation in the browser, the javascript content type will be set in the response header for pzGetURLHashes call.

SR-C40145 · Issue 402928

Restarting the SVM training analysis checks for existing model request to continue

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.1

When creating a predictive model there was an issue with completing the SVM training analysis either due to error or browser crash. In previous versions of Designer Studio the session would stay alive and continue to execute, however more recent versions of the decision analysis's portal expected the user to keep the session active in order for the model to complete even though for long-running model training it is not viable to keep a session open for many hours. This was caused by the model generation process being kicked off again when the wizard was relaunched, and has been resolved by adding a check to the relaunch that will look for an existing model generation request and continue with the same request if one is found.

SR-C42849 · Issue 402885

Validation corrected to honor Read-Only designations

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.1

Validation was happening on Read-Only fields due to pyReadonlyValidation not being honored in all editable cases. This has been corrected.

SR-C46537 · Issue 402866

Code added to format location header for redirect response in IE

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.1

When using Internet Explorer, authentication was working but the portal did not load. This was traced to IE mandating the presence of a location header in the response: an HTTP 303 "See Other Response" was being returned along with the initial portal HTML payload, but recent modifications to SAML 2.0 to use the PRAuth Servlet were missing this specific redirect case. To resolve this, generic code has been inserted that adds the location header in all redirect cases.

SR-C46793 · Issue 402870

Fixed single logout for Mashup applications and updated logging for pzAuthServiceSelector

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.1

When the GOC (Global Operations Console) application was added as a mashup application to MSP (My Support Portal), logging off from MSP showed the GOC session in a disconnected state despite them using the same SSO application service. The issue was traced to homeurl not being stored properly in mashup use cases, and has been resolved by getting the property homeurl from pxRequestor page instead of pxThread page. In addition, the pzAuthServiceSelector activity was including an 'infoForced' log message. Although the redirect URI does not contain any confidential information, the 'state' parameter should not be visible in logs. This has been handled by changing oLog.infoForced to oLog.debug().

SR-C48056 · Issue 402881

RRChartDiv tries resize three times before exiting to prevent high CPU usage

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.1

Very high CPU usage was reported when two or more tabs were open, even when there was not actual work being performed in the app. This was traced to a chart in Team Dashboard that was displayed with "No data to display"; because the toolbar height was always 0, the resize callback was going into an infinite loop. This has been fixed by modifying the logic in pzRRChartDiv to only try the resize three times to get the height of toolbar or slider before exiting.

SR-C49844 · Issue 402924

Added check for external Cassandra cluster to avoid unnecessary DDS pulse error logging

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.1

After upgrade, DDS pulse errors were filling up the jvm.out logs. This was caused by a check in system_auth keyspace that was redundant for sites running their own Cassandra cluster (external). To fix this, DDS pulse operation will check If the Cassandra cluster is external; if it is, it will not check system_auth keyspace and will Omit DDS pulse operation actions except update logging.

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