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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-150407 · Issue 605840

Validation error messages correctly cleared in nested markup

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

A UI Freeze issue was seen whenever mandatory input was missed and the form was submitted. Continuing was possible after browser refresh, but a new Next>> button appeared. This was an unintended side effect of work done to correctly clear validation messages when areas had captions, and has been resolved by modifying that work so it performs as expected on nested markup.

INC-150472 · Issue 607392

Sorting works after selecting a view on GRID

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

After configuring an optimized table with personalized view, saving a view and toggling to the new view, the sorting on the grid did not work anymore. Returning to the default view did not fix the problem, but sorting was reenabled after a browser refresh. This was traced to duplicate removeinstance calls of the grid which deleted the click event listeners for sort, and has been resolved.

INC-150189 · Issue 608911

Handling added for new doc.write with Google Chrome 85

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

Document.write was not working as expected on Google Chrome 85 due to the DOM elements not being updated. This has been resolved by updating the code to do doc.write by checking the if the document body has no child nodes in a time out.

INC-188469 · Issue 714844

Updated retainLock for DoClose activity

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

After sending an external email notification from a case, attempting to use the "close" button resulted in an access denied error. This was traced to a missed use case for recent security improvements which resulted in not setting the required parameter retainLock for the DoClose activity, and has been resolved.

INC-208394 · Issue 713554

Error handling updated for Data-Work-Attach-File

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

If a file is uploaded which has the same name as an existing case attachment or if any issue happens during file attachment, the attachment will fail and an error message is displayed with an option to cancel the operation. However, even if the upload was not successful the related Data-WorkAttach-File instance was created and persisted in the Workattach table. Investigation showed this was caused by the process for persisting the Data-WorkAttach-File record occurring prior to the process that returns the errors, and this has been resolved.

INC-209404 · Issue 710406

MultiFilePath supports file upload with leading special character

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

Updates have been made to the pzMultiFilePath control in order to support uploading a file with a special character such as "%" at the beginning of the name.

INC-210787 · Issue 710393

Multiple child case assignments open correctly in Ajax container

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

After configuring two cases with a parent-child relationship, the child case was configured with a parallel process with two assignments. When trying to open the child case assignments in an Ajax container, only the first assignment would open. Investigation showed this was caused by the "reloadAlways" parameter not being sent to openAssignment due to a custom control being used. To resolve this, the reloadAlways has been added as an argument to the OpenAssignment function call in pyAssignmentsLabel.

INC-213654 · Issue 726002

Logic added to skip FLAudit class during compliance check

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

An application compliance error was seen related to classes starting with FLAudit, which are created as part of field level audit history for the classgroup validation. This has been resolved by adding an extra condition to the Rule-Obj-Class-.Validate activity to check if inheritance is from "FLAudit-" class, and if so to skip them as their purpose is similar to History- classes which are ignored for the class group validation.

INC-215354 · Issue 712665

Data- flow actions working in Bulk Process

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

When trying to render a flow action whose 'applies to' class was inherited from Data-, an error was generated indicating that the flow action could not be found. This was traced to non Work- flow actions not being correctly populated, and was an inadvertent side effect of work done to set class for inheritance if Work- is not present. This has been resolved by updating the pzPreBulkProcessModal activity to set the TempWorkPage class to Work- only if .pyActionName is pyTransferAssignment.

INC-215499 · Issue 714489

Assignment routing updated for swimlanes

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

Routing options were not working for workbasket routing when using swimlanes. Investigation showed that when an assignment was added inside the swimlane, the assignment type value was defaulting to Worklist on submit of the assignment property panel. Manually changing it to workqueue did not make the routing section visible. This has been resolved by adding a 'visible when' condition to the "Route To" field to check if the assignment is not in the swimlane. The same check has been added to a 'disable when' condition for the 'Assignment type' drop down.

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