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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-B2595 · Issue 274239

Enabled process cleanup for change stage shape

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

When using the "Approve\Reject" step in case designer on a flow containing logic to jump back to a previous stage on rejection, the system created the new assignment needed for jumping back to the previous stage but did not clean up the existing assignment. This caused two parallel flows at the same time and the old assignment was loaded on the screen. This has been fixed by enabling the CleanUpProcesses parameter in the Change stage shape function of pzPostApprovalActions.

SR-B30438 · Issue 292802

Audit window close button function change

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

If an Audit--View history action was configured on the KYCWorkActionsPerform navigation rule, the link worked as expected from the case manager portal but generated an error if 'audit from other actions' was used and closed before accessing the link. This was due to the close button invoking the doclose function that clears the pyworkpage. To resolve this, the Advanced/history attachments tab close button will instead invoke self.close() .

SR-B31210 · Issue 290303

Draft mode defaults to off for SaveAs in Screen flows

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

After upgrade, the behavior of Save as for Screen flows changed from defaulting from draft mode being off to draft mode being on. This was a missed use case, and has been fixed with a check in the Validate Rule-Obj-Flow activity that will not set defaultOn to true if the operation is SaveAs.

SR-B31665 · Issue 291063

TaskMethodHeader RUF updated to pass the param page

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

The activity method History-Add was not adding pyTaskName in Flow FUA. This was caused by a difference in handling: Status Update via an Assignment uses the UpdateStatus activity by passing a new parameter page with only the target status value to be updated. Status Update via a Utility uses the same UpdateStatus activity by passing a parameter page created using the "CreateNewParamsPage" private method with all the required information. In order to ensure all of the needed information is available, the TaskMethodHeader RUF has now been updated to pass the param page by calling the "CreateNewParamsPage" private method.

SR-B31667 · Issue 291704

Consistent Work IDs between case types created in different implementations

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

Creating an Implementation layer on the Warranty application using the New Application wizard of Pega 7.22 GA was resulting in a different Work ID prefix of some case types like Claim Unit or Appeal than when the same case types were created in the built on application. This was traced to different activities being used to populate the data page, and has been updated to ensure uniform work ID generation.

SR-B31748 · Issue 291859

Stage SLA urgency correctly updates

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

Stage SLA was updating the wrong urgency property due to the urgency value being added twice. The ExecuteSLA activity has been modified to make sure that urgency value for stage and step are updated correctly.

SR-B31818 · Issue 292373

Security update for URL string queries

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

To ensure sensitive information is not exposed in transit between the client and server via URL query string parameters, pyCaseManager Menu and pzGetUserProfile activity have been updated to avoid passing the user ID as a parameter.

SR-B31818 · Issue 292752

Security update for URL string queries

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

To ensure sensitive information is not exposed in transit between the client and server via URL query string parameters, pyCaseManager Menu and pzGetUserProfile activity have been updated to avoid passing the user ID as a parameter.

SR-B31876 · Issue 290136

Correspondence logic corrected for party ID

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

When using the Send Email smart shape to send correspondence to work party, party Roles containing the string "Owner" (such as "AAOwner") caused the correspondence to be sent to the email address of the "Owner" party instead of the "AAOwner" party. This was caused by a logic error in the party list iteration that used 'contains' instead of 'equals', and has been fixed.

SR-B33088 · Issue 293375

pyGetAttachmentContent modified to access class for new properties

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

The out-of-the-box properties IsDataPageRefreshed and PxAttachName were generating errors indicating the page contains undefined properties. The issue was with the activity pyGetAttachmentContent. As the properties pxAttachName and pyURL etc. are present in their respective classes and the data page class is Data- the errors were not visible. To correct this, pyGetAttachmentContent has been modified to use Page-Change-Class in the activity to change to the correct class so that properties can be accessed. pzRemoveAttachments and pzRefreshAttachmentList have also been updated to use pyIsDataPageRefreshed (new property created).

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