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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D10171 · Issue 482471

Updated UtilsEmailListener to handle additional special characters in the email ID

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

When the Email Listener tried to map the properties from the email body and message header to the Pega Default out-of-the-box properties or user provided text properties, the mapping worked for simple alphanumeric email IDs, but mapped only the trailing part of the address if the Email ID contained an apostrophe or single quotes. For example, "toast.'[email protected]" was mapped as "[email protected]". This was due to a missed special character in the regex pattern, and has been updated to correctly handle special characters in the email address as specified in RFC 5322.

SR-D16221 · Issue 485533

Email replies fixed for cases addressed to CC or BCC address

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

Using Customer Service, if a Customer included 3 email accounts in single email (one email in To, one in CC, and one in BCC) and all three accounts had the listener configured and running, the system created 3 cases accordingly (I-1, I-2 and I-3). However, when the CSR picked up the case and replied back on each Interaction case, the customer could receive emails only from the first case (the I-1 case which was created based on To address) and replies from the other cases created from the CC and BCC email addresses were not received. Investigation showed that the function populating the “From” email address for replies was only considering email addresses in the “To” recipient list of the original email and not the email addresses which were in the “CC” or “BCC” list. This has been corrected.

SR-D17577 · Issue 486863

Enhancement added to allow skipping Text Analysis on incoming email

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

When an inbound email channel was configured for automatic routing only, PEGA0039 alerts were generated even if the Text Analysis feature was not being used. To resolve this, an enhancement has been added by way of the 'when' rule pySkipTextAnalysis which can be overriden and set to true. When this condition evaluates to true, text analysis will be skipped for Email IVA. By default the when rule evaluates to false. This rule must be saved in application ruleset and should return true if analysis is to be skipped. In addition, the timing of the Obj-Save has been moved so if the text analysis is skipped, the system will not prepare the unneeded interaction input.

SR-C95857 · Issue 483548

JSON parsing added for identifier data type

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

After upgrade, Service-REST was no longer mapping data as expected when the property was of type "identifier". Handling has now been added for mapping where property type is identifier and the incoming type is any valid value for identifier.

SR-D12297 · Issue 483685

Added support for anonymous objects in a nested JSON Data Transfer

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

Calling a inner Data Transfer from an outer Data Transfer (both of type JSON) was generating an exception. This exposed an edge case in JSON mapping related to a condition where an object's field value was an array that included anonymous objects. The code maintains its "place" in the JSON structure partly by means of a "jsonContext" structure that names every object (but not any array or anonymous object) it is inside of, which is key to the serializer's ability to flatten nested clipboard structures in the JSON or conversely expand flat clipboard structures into nested JSON structures. In addition, there is a "structureStack" that shows how deep the function is in terms of OBJECT and ARRAY elements. The code uses the indices into these two structures to determine whether to pop out of one or the other, and in this scenario, when a field's value was an array containing an anonymous object, closing the array was causing the outermost object to be closed, thus leading to the exception when the system tried to continue to serialize. To resolve this, when closing an array, the system will check whether the parent of the array had the same name as the last position in the jsonContext, and if so, pop the jsonContext.

SR-D25278 · Issue 499448

Enhanced logging for Clipboard JSON Deserializer

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

An enhancement has been made to introduce a number of logger events to the Clipboard JSON Deserializer in order to have sufficient data to diagnose any issues encountered.

SR-D24497 · Issue 496468

Removed duplicated Cross-site scripting filtering

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

Some specific special characters ( "(" , ")", "%" , "&" ) in Delegated View of Data Type rules are not displayed properly in Edit view. Investigation showed the parameter value was subject to multiple passes of cross-site filtering, and the unneeded Cross-site scripting filters have been removed.

SR-D12337 · Issue 482881

Removed duplicated Cross-site scripting filtering

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

Some specific special characters ( "(" , ")", "%" , "&" ) in Delegated View of Data Type rules are not displayed properly in Edit view. Investigation showed the parameter value was subject to multiple passes of cross-site filtering, and the unneeded Cross-site scripting filters have been removed.

SR-D5126 · Issue 487187

Corrected active state selector for IOS devices

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

When scrolling RDL, gray artifacts were observed which did not always disappear from the UI. This was traced to the background color being applied wrongly due to an incorrect selector for active state in the layout that resulted in the gray region being visible. To resolve this, the selector has been updated to target only non-IOS devices for active state.

SR-D24318 · Issue 494059

Dom API updated to resolve Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 not loading async data with refresh when

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

The browser was continuously showing "loading" if Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 was used for a section which was sourced from a data page and configured to load the data asynchronously from a external service while calling an activity and using a 'refresh when' rule to refresh the section if a property changed. Investigation showed that the initial data load was successful and the section with the data was visible, but if the property changed and the section loaded once again due to the 'refresh when' condition, the browser was unable to render the defer loaded section case because the dom returned had the wrong value. To resolve this, the API used to check for the dom element has been updated.

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