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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-B39427 · Issue 309252

Export to Excel fixed for DT >50 records

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3.1

After upgrade, clicking the Export button on a decision table with more than 50 records was not sending the data to Excel as expected. This was traced to a Null Pointer Exception generated by encountering an unneeded step page, and the erroneous step has been removed.

SR-B53476 · Issue 313103

JBoss installation config documentation corrected

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3.1

Deploying JBoss in single-user configuration and starting Pega was failing with the error "Services with missing/unavailable dependencies". This was caused by an incorrect configuration, and was traced to an error in the documentation for JBoss that reverted the installation instructions to an earlier version. The JBoss documentation has been corrected to reflect that configuring the adminPegaRULES datasource is not optional. If dual user config is not needed, the same configuration as PegaRULES datasource should be used.

SR-B54273 · Issue 310624

Resolved requestor hang and JVM crash

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3.1

Some application nodes were hanging or intermittently going down one by one after operators became stuck in the building session authorization stage. This was traced to an infinite loop situation in AuthorizationContextmanagerImpl combined with excessive firings of the operations in ContextUtils that expand the Rule App clipboard page and remove unwanted properties. This has been resolved with code improvements that include ensuring the 'while' loop will cycle a maximum of 10 times before exiting.

SR-B54273 · Issue 310713

Resolved requestor hang and JVM crash

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3.1

Some application nodes were hanging or intermittently going down one by one after operators became stuck in the building session authorization stage. This was traced to an infinite loop situation in AuthorizationContextmanagerImpl combined with excessive firings of the operations in ContextUtils that expand the Rule App clipboard page and remove unwanted properties. This has been resolved with code improvements that include ensuring the 'while' loop will cycle a maximum of 10 times before exiting.

SR-B49166 · Issue 309799

Removed unneeded timestamp on DADN rule connection test

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3.1

Test connections were failing for a Data-Admin-DB-Name rule when the connection type was "Use Configuration in Preferences". This failure was caused by "tmp" being appended to the DB name for the connection test, causing the DB name to be different in the prconfig file. Because a timestamp is not required, this has been fixed by not appending it to the DADN name.

SR-B66439 · Issue 315454

prpcServiceUtils component updated to contain Linux Ant files

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3.1

The Ant file was missing in the prpcServiceUtils published in the below article : The issue in the gradle script which caused the Ant file to be missed while creating zip file has been fixed.

SR-B51569 · Issue 309185

Fixed support for special character params in Connect-HTTP

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3.1

A Connect-HTTP rule which accepted a special character query parameter was failing after upgrade due to the encoding/decoding changes in Pega added to handle null query parameter values. The code for InvokeHTTPConnector activity has been refined to resolve the issue.

SR-B46433 · Issue 305174

Email Listener waits for startup completion before beginning processing

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3.1

After restart all email listeners were shown as RUNNING in the SMA listener management view but did not download emails. Selecting RestartAll from this view then showed the old listeners still present and listed as STOPPING while new listeners were started. The new listeners processed the emails correctly. This has been fixed by updating the Email listener implementation such that during node start-up, email-listener will skip the e-mail message processing and sleep for a default polling interval (i.e. 90 seconds). After node startup completes, the email listener will start processing the email messages.

SR-B75335 · Issue 325035

Improved DSN message handling for Email Listener

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3.1

Email service was failing with a Gmail DSN message exception indicating Inbound data mapping had failed. To resolve this, logic has been added to Email Listener to ensure it properly processes the Gmail DSNs, In addition, error handling has been improved.

SR-B75335 · Issue 322757

Improved DSN message handling for Email Listener

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3.1

Email service was failing with a Gmail DSN message exception indicating Inbound data mapping had failed. To resolve this, logic has been added to Email Listener to ensure it properly processes the Gmail DSNs, In addition, error handling has been improved.

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