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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-126255 · Issue 580910

Resolved "maximum limit for pending changes" error

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.9

When attempting to create a work object in a custom way using doCreateNewCase from the Smart investigate layer by using the RMButtonWithoughtWorkCaseNGP section, a popup showed the error “You have reached maximum limit for pending changes. Please commit/cancel one or more changes to continue.” The error did not occur when creating the case using the out-of-the-box Create New Work action. This was traced to the custom configuration creating work object threads that were not destroyed after the work item is closed. To resolve this, handling has been updated for passing dynamiccontainerID and contentID parameters for OpenWorkByURL case. Note that the pzUpdateActionInfo activity must be called in any custom activity before the actual activity is invoked.

INC-126432 · Issue 564625

Support added for resuming scenario test recording

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.9

When running an automation recording, a refresh of the harness was hiding the recording panel. When it was reopened, the panel was not responsive but the recording process was still running. This was traced to a scenario where the portal harness had a second harness running on it (such as a normal case worker would have) and the "Render As Single Page" was not checked: clicking a button with an action like "create new work" caused the whole harness (top) to be refreshed, resulting in the panel issues. To resolve this an enhancement has been added which will maintain the Scenario test recording when browser refresh happens, and recording can be restarted by clicking the toolbar option.

INC-127201 · Issue 562822

Thread Cleanup error resolved

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.9

After upgrade, intermittent exception errors were being generated by the FreeClipboard activity when switching between applications. This was traced to specific use-case issues with Thread Cleanup, and has been resolved.

INC-128559 · Issue 564708

Check added to only show active popover

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.9

After selecting the autocomplete value and going to calendar field to select the date value, scrolling on the calendar field caused the calendar popup to reappear but it was not possible to select a date value.This was traced to the DOM using _popOversContainer ID for both the fields, autocomplete and date calendar. Removing the autocomplete caused the behavior to work as expected. To resolve this, the isActive() check in popover.js has been modified to reposition and show a popup only when it is active.

INC-129388 · Issue 571374

Check for mobile added to Pega Client for Windows time control

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.9

When attempting to enter time using the out of the box time control in Pega Windows Client application, the control became stuck and continued to show on the UI even when screens were progressed. If the control was marked as a required field, this was a blocker. This was due to the 'validation_validateFromUIEvent' overlay invoking the 'pega.util.Event.getEvent()' function: this function was trying to get the events by traversing all the way to the event initialization, but the process was timing out on mobile/touchable devices and returning the parent event as undefined. Because 'pega.util.Event.getEvent()' was undefined, the validation_validateFromUIEvent caused js errors. To resolve this, a check for mobile has been added to the validation.

INC-129603 · Issue 568214

Calendar Mode accessibility enhanced

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.9

Accessibility has been added for datetime control's calendar mode by adding alternative text and an aria-label for the image icon with a value from fieldvalue "Choose from calendar".

INC-129848 · Issue 580460

Refresh handling added for cancel 'add item' while offline

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.9

When using iPad and iPhone offline, filling in one required field, hitting submit (click action: 'Add item') without filling in a second required field, and then hitting cancel resulted in a blank record being added. Clicking the cancel button first without clicking submit before did not add the item. This was traced to the underlying repeating dynamic layer being refreshed during the submit and adding the record, and has been resolved by adding a refresh for the cancel button process as well.

INC-130011 · Issue 571833

Resolved stale reference error when swapping stages with drag and drop

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.9

If user swapped stages (2nd stage to 1st stage) using drag and drop and then added a participant or role in the stage, a Pega blue screen appeared. This was traced to using a grid with reorder and an inner grid in the cell. On drag and drop, the grid reference object was stale and not in sync with the latest table. To resolve this, code has been added to reinitialize the inner grid on drag and drop.

INC-130090 · Issue 573264

Added handling for sourced radio-buttons group rendered in an inner iframe

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.9

When using a radio button sourced with a pxTextinput using a Local List 'Yes' and 'No', the Assertion conditions were populated with incorrect data while a test scenario was being recorded, causing the test case run to fail. This was traced to the radio buttons being inside an iframe (dynamicContainer): when the scenario test was run, the radio-buttons group was rendered in an inner iframe that caused the document to refer to the outer document on the webpage instead the inner document. This has been resolved by adding handling to get the OwnerDocument of the DOMElement in domUtils's getDOMElementValue() and call getElementsByName on itso the references are correct.

INC-130677 · Issue 570040

When rule accepted in column header

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.9

A grid was not rendering if it contained a 'when' rule on a column header. This was a missed use case and has been resolved.

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