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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-144851 · Issue 604479

Date Time picker works with locale es_US

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

When an Operator had the locale es_US (Spanish) set on the Profile, the Date Picker on the application was throwing validation errors when a date or time was chosen from the out-of-the-box Date Time Control. Investigation showed the date-time format for locale es_US was not supported, and the getDateTimeFormat API has been updated to support this format (11:00 a.m.).

INC-144888 · Issue 603616

Custom rich-text editor plugin support updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

At runtime, two rich-text editors were used in the same harness under two different sections, one regular and one hidden till clicked. A custom plugin was implemented for rich-text editor at the harness level. After upgrade, the custom plugin was not getting displayed in the hidden rich-text editor. Investigation showed that if plugins were added to pega.ctx.customrich-text editorPlugins, then the plugin manager discarded plugins from pega.u.d.customrich-text editorPlugins. To resolve this, the rich-text editor plugin manager has been modified to merge the plugins from pega.ctx.customrich-text editorPlugins and pega.u.d.customrich-text editorPlugins.

INC-145119 · Issue 601710

Client side validation works with Reference page property

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

A reference page property in a 'when' rule was not evaluating properly for checking a Date field when client side validation or Client side template UI was checked on the Harness level. This was traced to pyRequired being boolean: the boolean being compared to a string false value yielded a wrong comparison, leading to the wrong validation type required. To resolve this, the system will use the === comparator to compare boolean false in datetime to remove the required validator.

INC-145225 · Issue 602946

Resolved error in personalized table

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

After creating a section and adding a table, checking the personalization option in the table properties and clicking refresh caused the UI to become unresponsive. This was traced to a missing check in the template that was needed before accessing the busy indicator, and has been resolved.

INC-145263 · Issue 600036

Query logic modified for Anypicker

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

A search for results in the Anypicker control for the first time showed the results, but if the results were deleted and the search run again without focusing out from that field, no results were found for the second search. This has been resolved by using slice than splice in the query to avoid mutating the original array source.

INC-145535 · Issue 600785

Corrected layout group overlapping content

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

When an editable Table with Master Detail Edit has a section that contains a Layout group (Tab) inside the Master Detail Flow Action, if there are more layout group headings than that can be contained in the screen, a left and right arrow are displayed to toggle between headings in the layout group heading bar. However, timing issues sometimes caused the contents of the layout group to overlap on top of the content below the layout group and the screen was freezing with a loading icon. This was traced to console errors, and has been resolved by adding an 'undefined' check to prevent those errors.

INC-146237 · Issue 608744

Corrected popover scroll for AnyPicker

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

Using the AnyPicker control caused display problems. In the initial display of the selection list, the line of choices and the search field overlapped and they were displayed from the second line of choices which forced the user to scroll up to see the first line. After displaying the selection list, clicking outside the selection list without selecting anything to close the list and then displaying the selection again caused the options to be displayed from the 4th line, requiring a scroll up to see lines 1 to 3. This has been resolved to ensure the Scroll on Popover goes to the first element.

INC-146262 · Issue 603689

Handling added for new doc.write with Google Chrome 85

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

Document.write was not working as expected on Google Chrome 85 due to the DOM elements not being updated. This has been resolved by updating the code to do doc.write by checking the if the document body has no child nodes in a time out.

INC-146429 · Issue 602290

Disabled control status made accessible to JAWS

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

When using the Security Event Configuration page (tab) within Pega Dev Studio, the link elements used for 'Select All', 'Clear', 'ON' and 'OFF' were not providing the current State of the element to JAWS. In template rendering of Link control with a 'disable when' condition (server-side evaluation), when the control is disabled it was still accessible and screen readers were not reading the link as disabled. This has been resolved by adding tabindex="-1" and aria-disabled="true" for disabled Link control.

INC-146572 · Issue 603294

iniGadgets updated to support jQuery with Mashup

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

Mashup gadgets were not loaded during browser refresh when the host page had a jQuery in it. This issue occurred while trying to find the gadget divs. There is an 'if' condition to check if $ is available in initGadgets method. In this scenario, this 'if' block was getting executed and mashup gadget divs were returned as empty. As a result. mashup was not getting loaded. This has been resolved by updating the iniGadgets method to check for jQuery instead of $.

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