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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-B92216 · Issue 346332

Unable to resolve source property error level now set to WARN

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

The log message 'Cannot resolve source property for..' indicates that the system is unable to resolve the source property and needs attention to investigate the reason why. Previously, this had the log level as ERROR. The log level has now been changed to WARN.

SR-B92456 · Issue 342339

Dynamic setting added for setting ElasticSearch backup path

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

ElasticSearch has a built-in 'snapshot and restore' mechanism which allows for the backup of ElasticSearch. In order write backups to a shared filesystem, it is necessary to first to set the ElasticSearch setting "path.repo" to the path (or parent path). In order to facilitate this, a new dynamic system setting has been added for setting "path.repo" during initialization of elastic search node.

SR-B93011 · Issue 346343

Harness layout fixed for Work Area "Upgrade Now" using pyCWWorkList

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

When upgrading the Work Area using the "Upgrade now" button, it was seen that a tab which called the Harness pyCWWorkList did not create a Harness Layout as expected but instead created a Section Include @baseclass.pxLocalAction, a deprecated function with an empty actionName. To resolve this. the pzDetermineOptimizedUpgrade activity has been updated so it will not optimize when a section include is configured with parameters.

SR-B93355 · Issue 341828

README clarifications for zOS upgrade

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

The JCL scripts for upgrading on DB2/zOS gave different names for the same parameter in different properties files, and documentation on how to use them was unclear. The JCL and README have been updated to improve comprehension: PEGADIR and PEGA_HOME should point to the same zFS directory. The value set for PEGADIR is used in JCL substitution, while the value set for PEGA_HOME is used as a Unix Shell script variable. The values for these variables should point to the same zFS directory that contains the expanded Pega Distribution, either the full distribution or a directory containing the scripts directory from the Pega Distribution.

SR-B93994 · Issue 345171

Day function corrected for pre-1970 dates

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

The function day (datetime) was behaving differently for dates before and after 1970/01/01. To resolve this, the Date diff calculation logic has been modified.

SR-B94042 · Issue 340442

Grammar fixed in label localization

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

On the standard approval screen, there is the text "Please approve or reject this xxx", where 'xxx' is the type of the case to be approved. The localized label for this text is registered as "Please approve or reject this {1} within two days", with the assumption that "{1}" is the parameter location at which the case type name is to be inserted. Because pyTemptext was not set correctly, the case type name was inserted at the end of the phrase regardless of where the parameter was specified, making the text grammatically incorrect. This has been corrected.

SR-B96125 · Issue 342542

Updated logic for multi-select control list updates

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

Multi-select control list items were not getting updated even after removing the associated page list from the clipboard. This has been corrected by updating the logic for the processClipboardPage method in to update pagesize property in context data. In addition, client side changes in pzpega_ui_templateengine js will delete the results if pagesize is 0.

SR-B96788 · Issue 343898

Handling added for null TenantName in BIX extract

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

In a multitenant environment where attribute pzTenantName was added to every class in the XML file, the attribute was missing in the XSD file and caused a validation failure. This was due to a missed use case for the TenantName being null, and has been corrected.

SR-B97434 · Issue 343276

FirstName and LastName updated on change of workparty

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

After adding the default operator as a Work Party to a case, the pyFirstName and pyLastName properties were correctly populated. However, when the work parties were updated to have an operator other than the default as required, the pyFirstName and pyLastName properties were not updated and still contained the values from the previous workparty, i.e. the default operator First Name and Last Name. This was traced to a missed use case where pyFirstName and LastName were not getting set on change of Operator ID, and has been fixed.

SR-B97750 · Issue 349456

Enhancement to propagate remote addresses with load balancing

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

Enhancements have been made to ensure the remoteHost and remoteAddr fields present in the original Servlet request are consistently populated even when the server is behind a load balancer.

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