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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-B74916 · Issue 332336

Empty value handling added to json.parse

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

The json.parse in jsonscript was missing handling for empty values, causing RefreshSection on keyDown to not work as expected if no value was given. This has been fixed.

SR-B76413 · Issue 329596

Queuing handling added to complex summary grids

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

In a grid repeat layout that contained several sections where values could be entered into multiple fields of each row and "on change" events were configured to re-evaluate the sum for every modification, tabbing quickly between the fields caused the UI to intermittently display incorrect summary values. This was traced to the multiple calls of on-change being fired so quickly in succession that some of the actions were ignored or not performed. To resolve this, code has been added to the isEventQueueable function in ui_events.js to handle such a scenario.

SR-B76552 · Issue 330151

Expand/Collapse issue fixed

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

After upgrade, clicking an expand/collapse icon that was configured to expand all the layouts in the section did not affect some of the layouts. In addition, when sections were expanded the icon did not change to a collapse icon. This was traced to a failure in handling the class properly, and has been corrected.

SR-B76668 · Issue 350935

Long pages print correctly in Microsoft Internet Explorer

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

When using a print harness, long pages (width wise) were cut off when using Microsoft Internet Explorer. This was caused by Print preview getting scrolled, and has been resolved by adding a check in doc_lifecycle to return from the handling.

SR-B76839 · Issue 329462

Work object URL error fixed in PegaExpress

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

In PegaExpress, opening an assigned work object with Unicode naming and clicking the icon for other device type or device shape to change resolution generated an error indicating a corrupted URL. This was due to the encoded URL being passed through SafeURL and thus being double-encoded, and has been fixed.

SR-B77123 · Issue 327930

SmartInfo alignment fixed for multiple placements

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

If SmartInfo was configured in two places in a section, the first appeared as expected but the second was misaligned. To correct this, the code has been updated to place the SmartInfo inside the body or harness as expected.

SR-B77123 · Issue 337074

SmartInfo alignment fixed for multiple placements

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

If SmartInfo was configured in two places in a section, the first appeared as expected but the second was misaligned. To correct this, the code has been updated to place the SmartInfo inside the body or harness as expected. In addition, an error with being able to dismiss the SmartInfo window has been resolved.

SR-B77586 · Issue 333030

Updated logic for multi-select control list updates

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

Multi-select control list items were not getting updated even after removing the associated page list from the clipboard. This has been corrected by updating the logic for the processClipboardPage method in to update pagesize property in context data. In addition, client side changes in pzpega_ui_templateengine js will delete the results if pagesize is 0.

SR-B77586 · Issue 330736

Updated logic for multi-select control list updates

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

Multi-select control list items were not getting updated even after removing the associated page list from the clipboard. This has been corrected by updating the logic for the processClipboardPage method in to update pagesize property in context data. In addition, client side changes in pzpega_ui_templateengine js will delete the results if pagesize is 0.

SR-B77596 · Issue 328068

Check added for true/false value in repeat grid before default set

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

When a repeat grid of data elements contained only two TrueFalse fields, setting the default value of the first property to True and the second one to False resulted in not being able to edit the columns as expected. This was caused by the default value being set without checking whether the property already had a value, and has been fixed by adding a check in GenerateCellDefaultValues.

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