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Resolved Issues

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Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

SR-B44327 · Issue 302991

Migrated work objects properly resolve references

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

After upgrade, Work objects created in an earlier version were not opening due to a difference in the Reference Property Link metadata used by forward links. This has been handled by ensuring the Reference Property Links are resurrected if not explicitly present.

SR-B44878 · Issue 301248

displayHarness context maintained if established before passing pageName

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

The runDataTransform() was running in the context of what was considered an incorrect page when called from the pre-js function of a Question shape when opening the case from the worklist. This was caused by using pega.offline.runDataTransform and passing the pageName parameter as null in an attempt to use the primary page context, but the system defaults to using the context of pyDisplayHarness instead of pyWorkPage when the pageName parameter is null. In order to support this configuration, the PreJS function of a question shape called from the displayHarness will maintain the context as displayHarness for pega.u.d.PrimaryPageName when passed.

SR-B45093 · Issue 301258

Fixed invalid reference for auto-populate

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

An invalid reference exception was generated while trying to do Property-Ref on two properties inside Auto populate. This was caused by a coding error in a check used to avoid doing a getSourceProperty in case of a reference to a top level page, and has been fixed by modifying the setAsReference API in ClipboardProperty to gracefully handle Autopopulate scenarios.

SR-B45640 · Issue 302810

Resolved ConcurrentModification exception in getclass name

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

Attempting to getclass name while iterating over values of mPageProperties in expandAllToProperties (in the putPropertyOntoClipboard call) was causing a ConcurrentModificationException that resulted in queues being blocked and loss of synch to the server. In order to more cleanly set the pxObjClass for the classless page-properties, pxObjClass has been added to the lookupDictionaryDefinition.

SR-B45640 · Issue 303222

Resolved ConcurrentModification exception in getclass name

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

Attempting to getclass name while iterating over values of mPageProperties in expandAllToProperties (in the putPropertyOntoClipboard call) was causing a ConcurrentModificationException that resulted in queues being blocked and loss of synch to the server. In order to more cleanly set the pxObjClass for the classless page-properties, pxObjClass has been added to the lookupDictionaryDefinition.

SR-B47342 · Issue 303997

Fixed page reference error when copying

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

An error stating reference pyWorkPage.ProductLines were not valid was generated during deferredSave while copying embedded reference type auto populate properties. This was caused by operations that added references from the data page before the current auto populate's reference information was added to duplicator. To resolve this, if the copy target is auto populate the system will skip adding references, and if the target is any other page the references will be copied.

SR-B4768 · Issue 276160

Global DB Trace timestamp uses UTC

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

When running Global DB trace, recorded timestamps were not following the 'set timestamp' setting. Timestamps instead corresponded to the requestor context. DB Tracer logging has been updated to ensure appended timestamps are passed as "UTC".

SR-B47917 · Issue 304886

Improvements in Export to Excel of very large files

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

When exporting a very large (6000+ row) decision table into Excel, the process was very slow and the lack of a progress or busy indicator created the impression that the system was not responding. To resolve the processing issue, the code has been optimized to create lesser style objects. A busy indicator will also be displayed until the file starts download to indicate the operation is in progress.

SR-B47958 · Issue 303935

Resolved page group copy error

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

A WrongModeException occurred while copying a page group due to incorrect clipboard handling for the page mode. This has been fixed.

SR-B51793 · Issue 308487

Extended options for creating Context URI

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

In order to facilitate the use of Amazon Web Services, an enhancement has been added to extend the methods available for forming Context URI. Previously, Pega Platform mandated both X-Forwarded-Host and X-Forwarded-Proto be present when using HTTP extension headers. The new feature adds HOST support when X-Forwarded-Proto is present without X-Forwarded-Host. The URL will consider X-Forwarded-Proto for protocol (http or https) and take the host name from host header. This change works for any reverse proxy or load balancer, as long as they emit X-Forwarded-Proto and preserve the HOST header.

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