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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-194330 · Issue 708711

Added special character handling for DecisionTable column-label

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

The label of a decision-table column was being appended to the original decision-table return-value. The column label and comparator were handled differently for columns containing special characters (+, -, *,...), causing the data after the special character to be trimmed and appended to the row output value. This has been resolved by adding handling for special characters so the output and the label are rendered properly.

INC-200802 · Issue 714845

Line break handling added for setting required question asterisk

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

If a survey question was formed in multiple sentences, the asterisk marking it as required was not displayed in screen. The asterisk displayed as expected if the question was one sentence. This has been resolved by updating the setMandatoryIconforQP script handle linebreaks and set the required symbol as expected.

INC-205666 · Issue 702936

Database table correctly prevents deletion if there are descendant classes

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

When deleting a concrete class with descendant classes via an activity (Rule-.Delete), the Rule-Obj-Class.ValidateDeleteInternal activity was throwing an error message indicating the class could not be deleted due to descendant classes. However, the corresponding database table rule was deleted anyway. Investigation showed this was caused by ValidateDeleteInternal not reaching the Obj-Save-Cancel step. This can be fixed by modifying step 11, the post when conditions, to jump to END and set the END label at the Obj-Save-Cancel step instead Exit-Activity, but this issues has been resolved by updating all failure states to run end step. In addition, security has been updated to disallow "Allow invocation from browser".

INC-209426 · Issue 706804

GetFunctionsForLibrary retrieves 10,000 rows

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

Some functions were missing from the expression builder browser and search results when pyShowInternalLibrary was set to true for including internal functions in the results. To resolve this, the default value for "Maximum number of rows to retrieve" in pzGetFunctionsForLibrary has been increased to 10,000.

INC-213625 · Issue 712296

Corrected null values being set to 0 in GenerateExcel

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

The pxGenerateExcelFile activity was loading $0.00 in place of a null value for decimal columns. This has been resolved by updating the logic for to skip double properties default value for non-existent clipboard props and extend the same fix to the integer class. Safety checks have been added before setting cell type to check if property exists, and handling has been added for a specific exception instead of generic exception for both decimal and integer use cases.

INC-213918 · Issue 714452

Discard button works consistently

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

After check out, the discard button was not working consistently for decision tables or MapValue. Investigation showed this occurred when an exported file was being downloaded in the same window, as the thread would be busy with the file and not able to perform the discard action on the window. To resolve this, the configuration for the download on the same window has been removed, exportToDecisionTable has been modified to handle an iframe, and a runScript action has been added to register the exportToExcel activity and download in iframe.

INC-216935 · Issue 714047

Corrected decision table scroll bar display in resized section

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

Resizing a decision table window was causing the horizontal scroll bar to move out of the section while scrolling. This has been resolved by updating the HTML and adding the needed CSS.

INC-217991 · Issue 714331

Display of 'check all' check box made configurable

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

A new overridable 'when' rule pyShowSelectAllCBInSurvey has been added to allow customizing a survey to hide the 'Select all' checkbox in the ComplexQuestionCheckboxTemplate section.

SR-A103203 · Issue 276928

SQL alias function getLastDayofYear repaired

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

After upgrade, the SQL alias function getLastDayofYear generated an error. This was due to missing format conversion for the date value parameter, and has been corrected.

SR-A86522 · Issue 272062

Event Late triggers expanded

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

If "Limit passed deadline events" was not set to any value and the enqueue item was still in defer-save and not committed to DB, 'Event Late' was not triggered. Code has been added to properly check and trigger the late notice based on this scenario.

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