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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-108009 · Issue 154664

Execution plan reuse on SQL Server 2008 R2

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

Due to the way a SQL server treats execution plans, each decimal bind value with a different scale is treated as a different type. To optimize the execution, the scale value for the execution plans will now be set the same as the table definition for obj- methods.

SR-110773 · Issue 160105

WorkPage now properly deleted after rule checkin

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

There was an issue with rule check-in where it created the WorkPage with the obj-class Work-ProjectManagement-CheckIn, but it did not delete WorkPage when the check-in was complete. To address this, protective code has been added that checks the class of WorkPage for the existence of expected properties in order to properly handle the related clipboard pages.

SR-111606 · Issue 163137

Improved consistency with multiple class inheritance rules

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

A gap in the handing of multiple class inheritance was causing an issue with the consistency in picking the correct rule from a cache. If the entry was placed in a class where the applies-to class of the rule could not see it, that entry was missed from invalidation later on during the save. This could be temporarily remedied by clearing the cache, but the rule handling has been updated to consistently choose the correct rule from the cache under multiple inheritance.

SR-111945 · Issue 157966

Closing Lucene search popup in Firefox corrected

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

When using Firefox, it was not possible to close the popup box generated by a Lucene search unless a work object was selected first. This was caused by an error the the method used to access the document id, and has been corrected.

SR-112357 · Issue 163326

Dynamic Select while editing Data Table instances

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

When using DynamicSelect in a few properties under DataTable instances, editing or adding new rows in the DataTable failed to show a list of values from ReportDefinition and generated the error "Select element SwitchboardCategory is missing DSCaption". This was traced to HTMLPropertyParams not being properly passed on to DynamicSelect control, and has been fixed.

SR-112684 · Issue 166387

Updated Datetime extraction with BIX to ensure consistent time zone output

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

When extracting Datetime values from BIX, the time zone returned in that datetime value was inconsistent. This was caused by variations in the save points of the extractions that resolved property types, and the function has been modified to use a consistent save point.

SR-113726 · Issue 162821

Problems exporting Requirements/Specifications to Excel using JBOSS 6.1

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

When using the JBOSS 6.1 EAP Application server, exporting Requirements/Specifications to Excel using the 'Export to Excel' action generated the message "Error in parsing Excel file". This was caused by a change in the JBOSS class loading mechanism that resulted in a class cast exception due to multiple class loaders loading the same class from different sources. The handling of .jar files has been tuned to ensure proper class loading.

SR-113830 · Issue 164768

Smoothed handling of rulesets with duplicate names

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

When doing a "Save As" of a rule, the ruleform converts the entry in the description field to uppercase. If there is already a previous version of the rule with a name in lowercase, it was possible for the rule to exist with both a lowercase and uppercase name. While Rule Resolution worked, this case difference could cause a scenario where not all versions of the rule were visible when doing a rule search, viewing rule history, or looking up previous versions of the rule. The rule retrieval logic previously used RuleName; to ensure proper rules are being picked up, this has been changed to use the rule ID.

SR-114184 · Issue 162116

Withdrawn non-empty classes caused JVM restart issues

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

After withdrawing non-empty classes, attempting to restart the JVM system resulted in a null pointer exception due to the system trying to map the withdrawn classes. The system has now been updated to prevent the deletion of a class if it is not empty.

SR-114543 · Issue 163265

Withdrawn non-empty classes caused JVM restart issues

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

After withdrawing non-empty classes, attempting to restart the JVM system resulted in a null pointer exception due to the system trying to map the withdrawn classes. The system has now been updated to prevent the deletion of a class if it is not empty.

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