INC-220622 · Issue 711374
Libraries updated
Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.3
The following libraries have been updated to the most recent version: - commons-collections - cxf-rt-rs-security-oauth2 - derby - dom4j - google-oauth-client - groovy - jackson-databind - postgres - snakeyaml - spring-core - xmlsec The following library dependencies have been deprecated, excluded, and/or removed: - ant - bsh - commons-compress - gson - io.netty - jackson-mapper-asl - jdom - jdom2 - jdom-legacy - jetty-http - jetty-io - jetty-server - jetty-util - junrar - netty-handler - plexus - plexus-utils - xercesImpl - xstream
INC-221019 · Issue 725147
Modified timestamp query used by ClusterAndDBCleaner
Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.3
The job pyClusterAndDBCleaner was failing with the error "ORA-01861: literal does not match format string". This was traced to the sub-activity pzClearOldQueueProcessorBrokenMessages which was not able to remove broken items with encryption in an upgraded environment due to an incorrect timestamp format passed to the Oracle database. This has been resolved by modifying the query to use a timestamp built using INativeSqlBuilder which will include only the information necessary for the deletion of the item.
INC-224954 · Issue 727043
Enabled turning off general metrics when queue processing metrics are disabled
Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.3
A memory leak related to QPGeneralMetrics was consuming heap and causing performance issues. Investigation showed queue processor metrics were gathered even when disabled. To resolve this, turning off "General Metrics Handler" while turning off the QPGeneralMetrics has been enabled. Queue processors should now skip the process of collecting general metrics while running activities. This will prevent storing unused (and uncleared) metrics in memory and prevent heap exhaustion.
INC-225519 · Issue 724397
Improved handling for thread resolution issues
Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.3
Queue Processor/Dataflow was moving to STOPPED state due to failed records in its execution. Investigation showed there was a minor logic issue in the queue processor activity which allowed the Page-Remove step to be called even before the pages were actually created, and this has been resolved by improving the recovery from a cleared ThreadContainer which might cause thread resolution issues.