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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-A9913 · Issue 220331

Corrected accessibility on harness confirm message

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

On moving out from Perform to Confirm Harness after completing a process, JAWS was not reading the confirm message first as expected. This was due to the confirm message not being updated in any of the live regions which would allow it to be read by Assistive Technology products, and has been resolved by creating a live region and updating the confirm message in the live region.

SR-A6897 · Issue 214923

?Alt+Esc? will not dismiss modal popup window

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

When using the Pega7 Local Action Modal Popup windows with ?Hide the default action section buttons? unchecked, using the ?Alt+Esc? Windows Shortcut keys with Google Chrome to return from another window caused the modal window to be lost. In Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer the window was not lost with ?Alt+Esc? , and using ?CTRL+Alt+Esc? returned correct and consistent results across all browsers. This window drop in Google Chrome was traced to the modal dialog listening to the keyboard?s keyup event: when the Cancel button ?ModalButtonCancel? is configured in a modal dialog, pressing ESC dismisses the modal dialog if ?Hide the default action section buttons? is unchecked. (Pressing ESC on a modal dialog where Cancel button is not present would not dismiss the dialog.) To resolve this, the code has been updated to not dismiss the modal dialog on ?Alt+Esc?.

SR-A7017 · Issue 220272

Pick list icon accessible from keyboard

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

When attempting to open the list of available values by tabbing to the pick list icon and clicking enter, the pop up containing the list was not being shown. This was due to a missing enter key event for this property, and has been corrected.

SR-A10630 · Issue 220897

Fixed icon display in case worker portal

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

An error in the shortcut icon generation of the no-frame case worker portal harness caused the Tomcat icon to be displayed in place of the expected Pega icon after an option was selected from the Create menu. This has been corrected.

SR-A7476 · Issue 221320

Removed deprecated control from MSOFileTransferButtons

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

After an Excel upload triggered by the MSOFileTransferButtons control, an error appeared involving the deprecated window.showModalDialog. This control has been updated to utilize the proper current modal dialog.

SR-A4931 · Issue 214295

Restored focus highlight for post-error Harness Treenavigation

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

A highlighting error occurred in Harness Treenavigation7 when moving between assignments if an item failed validation. This has been corrected.

SR-A7482 · Issue 220320

Reset validation activity for deferred loading with alternate page context

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

If a section was configured to use a defer load activity and the page context was set to something other than the defer load activity class, the defer load activity was not visible when attempting to set the pre-load activity and an error was generated. This was caused by a change to the defer load activity validation that pointed to the using page class instead of the previously used section class. The validation has now been reset to to use the section class instead of using page class in order to support rendering on a different page.

SR-A8491 · Issue 221433

Improved property panel response speed

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

Poor performance was seen with some complex sections in the user application if the amount of data sent to the client for a property panel was > 2MB.This section has been tuned for greater responsiveness.

SR-A9930 · Issue 220782

Corrected modal flow submitted by ActionAutoSubmit

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

ActionAutoSubmit was not working correctly with modal windows, incorrectly submitting the flow action from which the modal was invoked and not submitting the main flow. This has been fixed.

SR-A9886 · Issue 221957

JAWS access added for 'Currently Open' tab menu

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

Screen readers were not speaking the label when focus was given to the tablist menu. This was caused by a missing aria attribute on the anchor tag, and has been corrected.

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