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Resolved Issues

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Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

INC-147140 · Issue 604369

Email listener update for Microsoft Exchange server

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

After upgrade, TooManyObjectsOpenedException/MapiExceptionSessionLimit errors were seen when starting the email listener. Investigation showed that when the listener was started, two sessions were getting opened and then not closed properly. This was a method originally intended to allow the system to re-use the session to minimize performance overhead, but it is not well-suited for use with Microsoft Exchange server as the Exchange server is unable to cleanup idle sessions. As a result, too many MAPI sessions were opened and led to an authentication exception while opening additional sessions. To resolve this, an update has been made so the system will close the session while the listener sleeps. This stop, restart and graceful shutdown scenario for single threaded email listener scenarios will create a new session every time and close it properly.

INC-147716 · Issue 603238

Warning added to indicate if QP/JS have been disabled via DASS

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

Search was not working, and the error “The Flow Action pre-processing activity pzLPSearchManagerMainActivityWrapper failed: java.lang.NullPointerException” appeared in the search landing page. Investigation showed that the environment was configured with disabled BackgroundProcessing, which prevented the QueueProcessor framework from working. There was no notice in the UI of this condition. This has been resolved by adding a warning that will appear if background processing is disabled.

INC-148944 · Issue 604100

Email Listener auto-reply evaluation updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

Email Listener auto-reply evaluation updatedAfter upgrade, messages were being read but not getting processed for a specific Email listener (RCEmailListerner). The error "Email flagged as an autoreply email and will not be processed" appeared in the logs. Previously, an email was not considered to be an auto-reply only when the 'auto-submitted' header didn't exist or existed with value 'no'. This caused issues with auto-forward or auto-redirect emails where 'auto-submitted:auto-generated' could be in the header. Due to this, email was marked as auto-reply and email listener stopped processing it. To resolve this, the system has been modified to mark the message as auto-reply if it finds 'auto-submitted: auto-replied' in the header, but not 'auto-submitted:auto-generated'.

INC-149375 · Issue 607829

Adjusted email listener behavior for authentication failures

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

After upgrade, email listeners were not staying up during connection outages. This was traced to the handling of authentication failures when trying to reconnect, and has been resolved by changing the disconnected listener state to sleeping and raising an alert for authentication failures.

INC-149466 · Issue 607610

Fixed alias assigned to custom categories to handle Oracle limitations

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

When trying to access CHAT via interaction portal, Oracle SQL was fired with incorrect syntax. This was traced to an Oracle limitation of 30 characters on the length of the table name, table alias name, or column name in database versions prior to 12.2. This is caused an SQL exception if the Pega class name was more than 30 characters. To prevent this, a fixed alias has been assigned to the custom category table.

INC-150271 · Issue 608944

Fallback added for calculating date after upgrade

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

After upgrade, the date value returned from Stored procedure failed to be mapped to "date" type property. Stored Procedure was used to get data from an external Oracle database and then handed to a Data Transform to map the values. When the Data was fetched from the store procedure, the date properties were mapping correctly, but when these values were mapped from the clipboard into the usecase using a Data Transform, the data for date properties was becoming corrupted. This was traced to logic differences between the versions: 8.2 generated resolveToDate while in 8.5 generates resolveToBigDecimal. In this case, resolve to big decimal was being called with aType='D' and aValue=20200918, and the 20200918 number was being interpreted as days since 1 Jan 1970 instead of as a date. This has been resolved by adding a fallback for the date calculation.

SR-D96430 · Issue 561524

Updated visibility condition expression handling for decimal values

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

After upgrade, any visibility condition expression failed to evaluate decimal values that used precision. When 0 (zero) was entered as a value in the input field, a button that was configured to show was visible as expected. When the value was entered as 0.0, the input failed and the button did not show. The problem did not happen "Run visibility condition on client" was enabled. Investigation showed this was an issue with how the When expression was evaluated and calculated within JspWhenEvaluate, and has been resolved.

INC-147873 · Issue 610865

Custom header character encoding for Subject added

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.5

Case correspondence that contained a Subject with accent characters such as "Invitation à être" was being rejected by MailJet on the basis of encoding issues on the "Thread-Topic" when using custom headers. The error "BAD HEADER SECTION, Non-encoded non-ASCII data (and not UTF-8)" was generated. This was traced to the Send Email Smart Shape handling when using custom headers, and has been resolved by encoding the Subject before appending it to the Thread-topic header while adding custom headers.

INC-145802 · Issue 636324

Oracle temporary space explicitly freed after writing LOBs

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

Oracle temporary space used to write the LOB was not freed up after writing records to Log-Service-File when using OJDBC8 or OJDBC10 versions and the table involved had inline BLOB storage such as small blob tables like Log-service-file (2-4kB blobs). This did not occur when using OJDBC7, but investigation with Oracle could not determine why the older version did not have this issue. This issue has been resolved by explicitly freeing the LOB space with a call to free() / freeTemporary() , a utility for LOB objects that was introduced in JDBC 4.

INC-154026 · Issue 631041

Resolved exception from expanding deserialized Data Page

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

When using a data page backed by a report definition where the data page data type was Rule- and the virtual page data type was Rule-Obj-Property, serializing and deserializing the data page and then expanding the deserialized data page generated the exception "the reference .pzInsKey is not valid. Reason: .pzInsKey is mapped to class Rule-Obj-Property, which is not the primary class of the list: Rule-; must specify a group name in mapping". The issue occurred only if "Run on Data Page" on the data page was checked and "Report on descendant class instances" on the report definition was unchecked, and has been resolved by updating the runLoadActivity() of DeclarativePageDirectoryImpl to skip setting pyObjClass for the report definition if it already present, i.e. if already set by the loader activity.

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