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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D79909 · Issue 542243

DDS added for automated dataflow run cleanup

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

During a recent upgrade it was seen that there were in excess of 20k dataflow runs, some 2 years old, which slowed down the migration significantly. In order to resolve this, an automated process has been added. This clean-up procedure deletes all the single case, batch, and real time runs older than 30 days which are in the final state - Completed, Completed with Failures, or Failed, and batch and real time runs which are in the Stopped state. The DDS Pega-DecisionEngine.dataflow/run/maxDaysToKeepRuns.should be used configure the retention period. Note that the retention period is calculated since the last processed message and not the creation time of the run.

SR-D82895 · Issue 543605

Restart issue on dataflow service nodes resolved

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

A high percentage of rolling restarts were failing for nodes hosting dataflow services due to prolonged restart times. To resolve this, the system has been updated so Cloud services will not try to recover the node state in case of a restart, since nodeIDs are always new and not reused.

SR-D87188 · Issue 551349

Mentioned user in Pulse correctly converted to hyperlink

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

In the Interaction portal, mentioning a user in Pulse using @ was not converting the name to the user name with hyperlink for Email Interactions. @ mentions were working as as expected in Phone Interactions. This problem was introduced as part of using OWASP to sanitize HTML user input in Rich Text support, and was due to OWASP converting @ to an HTML entity. To resolve this, the @ will be excepted from HTML conversion.

SR-D92688 · Issue 551339

Optional feature to improve pxETReport performance

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

Poor performance was seen when using pxETReport. This was caused by the system loading the recent cases widget by looking up all the ET cases within last 30 days, opening each ET case to check if it is from the same pyFrom email address, and then if yes, opening its related service case. On a complex system, this was potentially a slow process. To improve performance, the "Related cases" feature can now be disabled through an overridable 'when' rule.

SR-D63638 · Issue 544015

Performance improvements for opening cases with embedded images

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

Opening cases containing email interactions was taking an excessive amount of time. This was traced to the use of embedded images, icons, etc, in the message body and signature, and was caused by the pyGetAttachmentsbyCID activity running multiple times due to discussion threads that were duplicated over and over. In some cases, more than 360 calls to the database were seen. This has been resolved by shifting some case opening processes to executing when the listener thread gets the mail, and storing the results in a .pynote property, and a URL will be used to get images instead of embedding them directly to the HTML. If preferred, this can be reverted to the previous behavior by changing the when rule (pyUseCachedHtmlForDisplay) to false.

SR-D81707 · Issue 544671

Webchat bot interaction box cleared on submit

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

After upgrade, when using Google Chrome responses to webchat bot questions were not getting cleared from the chat input window after the enter/send button was clicked. This has been resolved by changing the order of refresh section and set value and disabling submit on refresh when refreshing pzSubmitArea.

SR-D86837 · Issue 547992

Webchat interaction timeout updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

Interaction timeout was not working as expected in Webchat channels. This was traced to the system looking for total interaction timeout instead of user inactive timeout, along with the Web chat interaction case clipboard page being stale. To resolve this, timestamp propagation has been updated for pxProcess in Work-Channel-Interaction.pxAcquireInteraction.

SR-D89428 · Issue 550391

Data Flow StartTime uses locale timezone

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

The start time of the dataflow was displayed in GMT instead of the operator locale timezone. This has been corrected.

SR-D77157 · Issue 544471

DataSet preview will use date instead of datetime

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

While using a DataSet preview functionality, the date appeared as reduced by one day. This has been resolved by parsing date as 'date' instead of 'datetime' to avoid issues with timezone interactions.

SR-D87709 · Issue 552397

Default context check added for saving adaptive model with locked rulesets

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

When updating an adaptive model rule in Prediction Studio, the error message "No unlocked Rulesets/Versions found that are valid for this record. Unlock at least one Ruleset/Version that can contain records of this type." appeared when clicking Save. This occurred when a branch was used in the default context of the Prediction Studio settings. Although there was a workaround to use Dev Studio to Save As the adaptive model rule to the required branch, this has been resolved by adding a check for default context and then saving the model there if it is mentioned.

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