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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D89428 · Issue 550393

Data Flow StartTime uses locale timezone

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

The start time of the dataflow was displayed in GMT instead of the operator locale timezone. This has been corrected.

SR-D89643 · Issue 548293

Old Tumbling Time data in event strategies given TTL for cleanup

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

Old Tumbling Time data keys in event strategies were not being cleaned up, causing Cassandra timeouts after the dataflow run had been running for several months. The longer the dataflow was running using standard compaction, the more the data was potentially spread out across SSTables and the slower it became. This has been resolved by adding a 'time to live' value for tumbling time windows, and event strategies has been switched to use leveled compaction by default.

SR-D54120 · Issue 542260

Improved handling for attachments not using UTF-8 encoding

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

When an email was received that used a charset encoding other than UTF-8, special characters in the HTML body were not displayed and instead the replacement character was shown. To resolve this, the system will read the encoding from the email rather than use the meta tag, and will add the attachment's HTML encoding information in Data-WorkAttach-File so that the same can be used to process and display the original HTML properly.

SR-D54120 · Issue 541353

Improved handling for attachments not using UTF-8 encoding

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

When an email was received that used a charset encoding other than UTF-8, special characters in the HTML body were not displayed and instead the replacement character was shown. To resolve this, the system will read the encoding from the email rather than use the meta tag, and will add the attachment's HTML encoding information in Data-WorkAttach-File so that the same can be used to process and display the original HTML properly.

SR-D63638 · Issue 544018

Performance improvements for opening cases with embedded images

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

Opening cases containing email interactions was taking an excessive amount of time. This was traced to the use of embedded images, icons, etc, in the message body and signature, and was caused by the pyGetAttachmentsbyCID activity running multiple times due to discussion threads that were duplicated over and over. In some cases, more than 360 calls to the database were seen. This has been resolved by shifting some case opening processes to executing when the listener thread gets the mail, and storing the results in a .pynote property, and a URL will be used to get images instead of embedding them directly to the HTML. If preferred, this can be reverted to the previous behavior by changing the when rule (pyUseCachedHtmlForDisplay) to false.

SR-D75636 · Issue 549349

Improved handling for attachments not using UTF-8 encoding

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

When an email was received that used a charset encoding other than UTF-8, special characters in the HTML body were not displayed and instead the replacement character was shown. To resolve this, the system will read the encoding from the email rather than use the meta tag, and will add the attachment's HTML encoding information in Data-WorkAttach-File so that the same can be used to process and display the original HTML properly.

INC-127591 · Issue 564818

isAuthenticated checks trimmed for Performance Improvement

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.7

In order to improve performance, a duplicate check of pxIsRepositoryAuthenticated has been removed from the Function Rule.

INC-127859 · Issue 564619

Email image retrieval switched to Lazy Load

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.7

In email, multiple images being loaded at once resulted in a performance impact. To resolve this, the fetching of inline images has been modified to use Lazy Load optimization which will retrieve file content from S3 storage on a need basis.

INC-127891 · Issue 564726

Added check for redirects when getting images from S3

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.7

When retrieving images from S3 storage, a 303 redirect status response code was shown. Investigation showed that using a public URL caused the redirects, and this has been resolved by adding an AG hash while fetching images via an activity.

SR-D87412 · Issue 563227

Support added for multi-language email parsing

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.7

Parsing an email body for different languages was causing performance issues. To resolve this, an enhancement has been added to support email IVA in seven languages, to use this, override the Work-Channel-Triage.pyParseReplyMail activity and add the required languages in the given parameter.

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