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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-193727 · Issue 679111

Entity mapping order updated for email bot

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

Issues were seen with the entity mapping functionality in Email bot, especially when mapping email headers like subject, from (email) etc. to case properties. This was an issue with the order in which the entities were mapped ,and has been resolved with an update that will map entities which are configured in the channel first and then mapping the rest.

INC-195354 · Issue 682183

Handling updated for UpgradeBeforeOpening

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

After update, an email case paused for 1 minute with a wait shape and then resumed by a ServiceLevelEvents agent seemed to lose the context (class) of the case and went into the broken processes queue with the error "Unable to open an instance using the given inputs: pxObjClass = "Work-Channel-Triage"". This was traced to an incorrect class applied by the activity OpenAndLockWork which assumed that "Work-Channel-Triage" was the preferred class and passed in the case ID as a parameter. To resolve this, pzUpgradeBeforeOpening has been updated such that it will migrate a case only if it has "WORK-CHANNEL-TRIAGE" in the work object inskey.

INC-196389 · Issue 690786

ConfigurationReconciliationTask updated for greater compatibility

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

After updating from Pega 8.3 to Pega 8.6, models which previously had learning and performance AUC greater than 0.7 reported an AUC of 0.5. This was traced to the update handling in ConfigurationReconciliationTask. AdmRuleBrowser does not perform ruleset resolution, so all rules were returned, for example the rule for model A in both the 08-01 and 08-03 ruleset. The system then iterated over all of the adaptive model rules returned by AdmRuleBrowser in order to assess whether a configuration update was necessary. The condition to update the model rule was met when either the config key did not exist (indicating a newly added configuration) or the model rule was "old" (version <2). For models generated in Pega 8.3 or earlier the version number for all rules must be 1, and the update to Pega 8.6 therefore caused the ConfigurationReconciliationTask to be applied to all adaptive model rules. To resolve this, the configuration update check in ConfigurationReconciliationTask has been removed.

INC-196623 · Issue 686131

Chatbot outbound message formatting corrected

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

Chatbot outbound responses were displaying appended br tags for next line in the messages. This was due to a formatting error in the menu (message type) title, and has been corrected.

INC-197116 · Issue 684955

Handling updated for migrated cases

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

When performing a contact search in an interaction case that was migrated from an earlier version, clicking the Add Task button generated an exception when executing pzSendFeedbackToNLP(step 9) > pzFindTopicModel. This was traced to an unnecessarily call to pzMigrateInteractionCases each time a migrated case was opened, and has been resolved by updating the system to use JumpToLaterStep in Step1 of pzCheckAndMigrateInteractionCases to avoid calling MigrateCase again.

INC-201334 · Issue 690735

ADMinputsource field population updated to handle transactional decisions

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

The CaptureResponse flow was failing while writing to AdaptiveAnalytics with the error "IllegalArgumentException - argument does not represent JSON object". This occurred while running an outbound campaign where a few decisions were treated as transactional and did not have Model executions. Attempting to set a response for these decisions resulted in a JSON parse exception being thrown due to pxADMInputs not being populated (no models executed). This occurred only when using transactional actions in CDH, and was caused by the system only including predictive models during the make decision flow due to common inputs not being stored. While there was a workaround of overriding the property pzADMInputSource to use modelReferences instead of admInputContainer, this has been resolved by correcting how the pzADMinputsource field is populated. When there is no modelInput, the system will not populate that field so the page is ignored.

INC-201335 · Issue 690733

ConfigurationReconciliationTask updated for greater compatibility

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

After updating from Pega 8.3 to Pega 8.6, models which previously had learning and performance AUC greater than 0.7 reported an AUC of 0.5. This was traced to the update handling in ConfigurationReconciliationTask. AdmRuleBrowser does not perform ruleset resolution, so all rules were returned, for example the rule for model A in both the 08-01 and 08-03 ruleset. The system then iterated over all of the adaptive model rules returned by AdmRuleBrowser in order to assess whether a configuration update was necessary. The condition to update the model rule was met when either the config key did not exist (indicating a newly added configuration) or the model rule was "old" (version <2). For models generated in Pega 8.3 or earlier the version number for all rules must be 1, and the update to Pega 8.6 therefore caused the ConfigurationReconciliationTask to be applied to all adaptive model rules. To resolve this, the configuration update check in ConfigurationReconciliationTask has been removed.

INC-159836 · Issue 638267

Upgraded Apache UIMA Ruta libraries to resolve memory leak

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

A memory leak issue that resulted in a reboot being needed every few days was traced to the class org.apache.uima.ruta.rule.RuleMatch. This has been resolved by upgrading the Apache UIMA Ruta libraries to v2.8.1.

INC-164243 · Issue 658270

DateTime validation works correctly after importing invalid data

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

After creating DecisionData (Dev studio) and adding a DateTime property to the form, importing records with invalid DateTime values failed with a validation error on the screen and the message "Error while converting format for data type DateTime property name Test_date_format with value scvf" was logged. Attempting to proceed by correcting the DateTime property and uploading worked, but any subsequent imports in the same session silently allowed invalid inputs to be passed without any validation errors and then showed blank date fields. This has been corrected.

INC-165704 · Issue 639506

VBD data flow timeout increased and made configurable

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

Intermittent VBD timeouts were seen when writing records to MSK even though no errors were reported on the MSK side. Analysis showed that while batch data flows retry when a timeout occurs, real time data flows do not retry and the configuration to wait up to 10 seconds for an acknowledgement may not be sufficient depending on the system conditions. This has been resolved by increasing the default timeout to 20 seconds and adding a configurable timeout "vbd/streamPublishTimeoutMillis" to allow a customized setting.

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