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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-202937 · Issue 695942

RealTimeProcessingDelay made configurable

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.3

When using interaction history summaries in Engagement Policy strategies, the check whether a particular action was sent previously was not returning any results for the customers that did have an action "Sent". These records were present in the IH Fact table but the IH Summary tables were missing these records. This has been resolved by making the realTimeProcessingDelay configurable for reading from IH in a real-time flow configurable (done as part of IH pre-aggregation). This may be useful if there can be a difference in time between machines inserting into IH which causes pre-aggregation to miss processing records. The relevant DSS is "interactionHistory/realTimeProcessingDelay", and the default is 5 seconds. This must be set before starting pre-aggregation. This is the difference between the end position and the log time. RuleSet: Pega-DecisionEngine DSS Name: interactionHistory/realTimeProcessingDelay Value: <new delay in seconds>

INC-203994 · Issue 698853

DSS added to handle merges with lower versions of Postgres

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.1

After update, executing the batch campaign with volume constraint resulted in the second data flow DF_Wait failing with error message "ERROR: number of columns (1844) exceeds limit (1664)". This was due to the database set’s change (in 8.5) to use the database layer’s merge statement. Prior to that, the logic used "deletes and inserts". Depending on the version of Postsgres, the generated SQL statement for a merge statement is different. The “INSERT … ON CONFLICT … UPDATE” syntax is generated for Postgres 9.5+ AND when there is a PK constraint defined for the DB table. Otherwise, the complex UPSERT statement (old syntax) is generated, as was the case in this issue. This is a known issue in the Postgres server software where it mis-interprets the number of columns involved. i.e., it mistakenly counts the number of columns twice. As a result, the actual maximum columns allowed is only half of the official limit (1664). The same UPSERT statement does not cause the “exceeds limit” exception if there are 832 or fewer columns in the statement. To resolve this, an option has been provided to select between the “original logic” (deletes and inserts) and the “merge statements” logic by way of the DSS “decision/datasets/db/useMergeStatementForUpdates”. Setting “true” will use the merge statement logic, and setting “false” will use deletes and inserts. When the DSS is not defined, the default is "true" and the system will use merge statements in the form preferred by Postgres 9.5+.

INC-204682 · Issue 695705

HandleResponses updated for use with optimized campaign

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.3

After updating from Pega 8.4, responses were not processed in the pxHandleResponses Data flow if the "pyCampaignOptimization" flag was set to true. This was traced to a missed use case for an optimized campaign, and has been resolved by modifying the condition in HandleResponses.

INC-205010 · Issue 698490

Updated expression string comparison

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.3

An expression defined in the proposition filter and/or When rule was evaluated differently depending on whether it was run from within Decision Strategy or run isolated in Expression Builder or a When rule. This has been resolved by updating the string comparison.

INC-205378 · Issue 698443

Added handling for double quotes on Substrategy shapes

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.3

After update, there were compilation issues on calling substrategies from strategies using datapage.pxResults as another page. This was traced to the handling for a parameterized data page with double quotes on Substrategy shapes, and has been resolved.

INC-192935 · Issue 698695

Inline images retrieved for deferred-load email

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.1

When emails were defer-loaded, inline images with code entered into the non-cache section in pyExtractHtmlFromAttachment were not being displayed. This has been resolved by passing the current page parameter to pyExtractHTMLFromAttachment to convey the pyID.

INC-200148 · Issue 693148

Added JSoup handling for older Microsoft Outlook versions

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.1

Logging indicated that some emails were generating the error "pyextractlatestreplyfromhtml is resulting in java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Object must not be null." This occurred when using an older version of Microsoft Outlook, and has been resolved by adding a check before removing the JSoup doc object.

INC-200237 · Issue 693179

Added API for Pega Call Team websocket reconnect

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.1

When a call came in, the operator was not able to pick it up due to the popup only containing a reconnect section. This has been resolved by adding the disconnectAndReconnect API which will be used by Pega Call Team if the websocket reconnect limit exceeds 5.

INC-203463 · Issue 694163

Added deferred loading for email cases

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.1

When there were a significant number of email interactions on an email case, delays were seen when loading the case in the UI. Investigation traced this to a high number of database calls along with the BLOBs also being open. To improve performance, the new rule pyDeferLoadEmails has been added which toggles the UI and loads emails faster. In addition, the button label has been modified to read "View all emails" in place of "Show all" while defer load is enabled.

INC-180246 · Issue 699700

Support for apostrophe added to keyword tokenization

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.1

A keyword containing an apostrophe was not detected properly in Text extraction model. This has been resolved by updating the annotator used in the tokenization.

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